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Virtual Console - All you need to know


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Yeah I know what you mean, so far I've been lucky with finding the places. Someone tells you though that the Coliseum city is over there on the right and then Windia is after it. If you want to know the name of where you are the game tells you on the pause screen up in the top left corner.


I just lost to your woman Katt in two swift turns, she slammed me twice and that was enough. I'm at lvl 9, maybe I should spend an hour or two strengthening?! Plus I gave that other chump all my money which means all I have is like 200 coins I had put in the bank earlier. This is quite a difficult opening, I hope it levels out again once I get the party bolstered with one or two more members.



EDIT: Well, I went back to it and beat both Katt and then Augus. I'm not sure how much of an achievement it feels like though, because after loosing multiple times to both, the victory feels like I just got lucky more than anything else. Then after leaving Rand off at the hideout I headed to Windia, which seems like a mistake as I can't get in yet. I've no idea where to head back to actually, and I've barely any Herbs to get me anywhere. I may have to resort to using a Smoke and seeing how far I can make it...!

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You need to go back to the HideOut and afterwards back to HomeTown (yeah I also needed a time to figure that out - I mean who would have thought that the magic school is in HomeTown? I thought it to be in Windia) and after that you can enter the magic school there and then you can go to a mountain west before the colloseum town...


And regarding your money... If you had saved previously there is a trick in storing the whole money in the bank before he takes the money (including the 1000 gold or you take the 1000 gold afterwards)...


And yeah herbs are important somehow :)


Btw.: Yeah, Windia was easy to find and also the Tugwoods (or how the were called) weren't that hard to find but the rest...


Windia is somehow strange too then... I mean: You get thrown out as the castle really fast... The problem is: On the wrong side... Does anybdoy know what exactly I need to do to get back to the side I want to (there is no other direct connection than through Windia - Only maybe something if I have an additional item or whatsoever)

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Yeah ghostie, the Herbs are vital in this. Good job they're cheap, but I find I'm using them after near every battle and sometimes during (depending on the amount of baddies I'm up against). I went through alot getting myself into the vicinity of Windia... and now as I'm mistaken, it's gonna be difficult to make it back. But I shall, and if I can get to Coursair, then I can restock on items and it'll be a simple stroll back to HomeTown!


Thanks for the tips on where to go next, I'll head back to HomeTown later and see what I can uncover... :heh:

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General advice. You need to grind little bit in the beginning of the game, but after while it balances out and whole game gets easier. BTW, should I post warnings about certain extremely cheap bosses that can really spoil the game if you aren't well prepared? If anyone needs tips, just PM me or post your question here.

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I got up to Capitan the last time I played. Everything was going great with having four party members atlast, until for some reason in Capitan I saw the well and thought instantly, hmm I'll jump down there. Well, as it turned out the well was accessible so my gaming instincts are still in me, however I ran into that (not so teeny) Terrapin and it wiped me out. I dug me heels in as best I could against the brute, but he still got me in the end. I reckon I'll level up before I go in next time - and maybe have a look around Capitan before jumping straight in there!


H-o-T, I'd reccommend Breath of Fire II to you even if you havent played the first. Reviews say that the second is the better game, and you don't really need to be familiar with the first at all as BoF2 is set around 500 years after it. If you have the time and the points you should make it your own!

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H-o-T, I'd reccommend Breath of Fire II to you even if you havent played the first. Reviews say that the second is the better game, and you don't really need to be familiar with the first at all as BoF2 is set around 500 years after it. If you have the time and the points you should make it your own!


I have the points just dont have the time :) Pokemon is sucking all my gaming time away.


So is there a reason for not getting BOF 1 on the VC or will it come eventually?

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Actually, I agree that I would have expected to get BoF1 before BoF2 and they're bound to put the first one on some time. I've found that BoF2 has been giving me a nice diversion from playing Pokemon Diamond, but its weird playing an older game like this - one thing I seem to miss is the way in Diamond you have the Running Shoes. BoF2 feels so slow in comparison!!

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So is there a reason for not getting BOF 1 on the VC or will it come eventually?


BoF I was never released in Europe, and if we are going to see it, its going to take some time. I'm not even sure that is Capcom able to release it here, because it was originally published by Square-Enix in the west. But this isn't great loss as game is pretty painful to play these days because localization is very, very bad. In many parts english dialog is downright un-readable, and many places plot dialog is completely gone.


BoF2 feels so slow in comparison!!


GBA version actually added option for running, and more experience / gold from the enemies. :)

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Yeah, it did get release on GBA, but I was talking about original SNES-version. GBA-version is pretty much identical to SNES-version, and Capcom didn't even take any time to fix most blatant typos in english script.


We're getting Golden Axe 3, so it could happen.

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Great Thanks. :D I'll pobably buy it. Only have 900 Wii points (still) and feel like buying something but can't decide what?


Is Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting better than World warrior? because i might purchase that.


I'm also tempted to get link to the past but i have it on GBA. It would be easier playing it on my Wii though.

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Is Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting better than World warrior? because i might purchase that.


Yup. Street Fighter II got three different releases for SNES:


- World Warriors (the original game)

- Turbo (New colour scheme, you could play with 4 boss characters, adjustable speed)

- Super Turbo (4 additional characters, improved music / samples)

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Quite possibly the most gorgeous RPG heroine of all time. :heart:


Is that Nina (well at least from the image name and the picture itself I would guess so) from Breath of Fire 2?

Btw. I have a question regarding this: In the game everone is refering to Ninas BLACK wings but if you ask my the aren't black but violett... So the question is: Is that a translation bug or something else?

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Btw. I have a question regarding this: In the game everone is refering to Ninas BLACK wings but if you ask my the aren't black but violett... So the question is: Is that a translation bug or something else?


I guess that it is palette problem. It would have been really difficult to make good looking black wings for Nina's sprite, so artist decided to use violet instead.

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