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What the hell is this thing?


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The C-Stick was added later (after they kept changing it to/from buttons). It isn't even attached to the main circuit board.
I never read it reported like that, as far as I know... it was always supposed to be there.


I've read the D-pad wasn't though, and saw pictures of the prototype lacking it.



Here's a really early IGN mock-up (before SW2000), from what they knew at the time:



It already had the C-stick at the same place.

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Guest Stefkov
Looks like someone liked the design.




I have one of these... parents know shit about consoles. :hmm: But atleast they tried :)


I too have one of these.

Thos proto pads look awful....

Whats with that lump of a start button?

I remember the first ever cube mag i bought had a competition to win a cube.

It was a spot the wrong thing which was anywhere in the mag....

It was a kidney shaped b button on the front cover. I was sad.

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Where is the "Start/pause" button in those two first that pedrocasilva posted?

I mean what were they thinking? A start button is in the controllers of NES,SNES & N64! (And later on game-cube too. )


Is there a start button in Wiimote by the way?


Its were the D-pad now goes.


Also the start and select buttons in the Wiimote were replaced by the + and -

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