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Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts


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Supposadely the IGN preview video pretty much confirms that this game will use a remote-waggle device...


The person talking about the game mentions 'twisting the controller' which..quite frankly, why would you do that with a normal 360 controller?


Sorry if i'm behind with this info, ain't been reading this thread...

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They also mention "shaking" a container in a recent walkthrough of the main hub. The context is "and if I just...shake this here container"...


That could mean anything though...


Mind you, making vehicles etc would suit IR functionality. Shame if it happened, I don't think it's a good avenue for MS to take. Especially if such a high-profile game requires such a peripheral.

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Supposadely the IGN preview video pretty much confirms that this game will use a remote-waggle device...


The person talking about the game mentions 'twisting the controller' which..quite frankly, why would you do that with a normal 360 controller?


Sorry if i'm behind with this info, ain't been reading this thread...


Yeah, its around the 4 min mark.


It looks like the wiimote ripoff is indeed coming im just hoping that you dont need it to play this game. I have never been a fan of the whole wiimote motion sensor/waggle thing ( probably why I dont play on my wii much ) and to see Microsoft heading that way makes me very sad :(


*hugs 360 controller*

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I don't think it's a good idea on Microsofts part...unless it's amazingly different to the Wii remote..which i doubt..


It's way to obviously borrowed now, isn't it? We need something original Microsoft.

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Guest Jordan

MS did bring alot of new features to the 360, mostly in the online space and having the guide button on the controller.


Is there really any need for this whole "me too" thing going on in the industry? Its so fucking pointless.

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I know Im in the minority but....



...this game is going from bad to worse.


Is there really any need for this whole "me too" thing going on in the industry? Its so fucking pointless.


All consoles need Achievements. I feel that is one thing that should now become industy standard, so in that respect Ninty are behind, but thats the only me too thing I approve of...all consoles need their own unique aspects.

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Though we got to play through the entire E3 demo early, we've been promised that's not all that Rare and MS have in store for Banjo for this upcoming expo. Stay tuned to IGN for the latest.


That combined with the "twist the controller around and shake the box free" from the video says to me that it uses the motion controller.


I'm being less and less convinced by this the more I see of it. Hopefully that will reverse at some point.


I'm so annoyed that I'm gonna be away over E3, the MS conference will be priceless :(

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"Lobb tells us that you will "level up" Banjo as you move through the game, but you'll only power up his basic move set and stats rather than gain new skills and moves. Those are the vehicle's domain."


Right so it's now a vehicle platforming game... If they were so bothered about getting from one end of the map to the other vehicles aren't the ONLY way to do it. Teleport? Shapeshifting Banjo into a plane? Actually USING Kazooie considering he's a friggen bird!?. That sounds like a really crap excuse they came up with just because of the feedback they've been getting. I'm not sold on this yet, especially seeing as it looks as if they're ripping off the motion controller. I like many other people bought the 360 because it DIDN'T have all these motion sensing games. I do wonder if it's the remote by itself or if it is a complete rip off and it's attached to an analogue stick.

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"Lobb tells us that you will "level up" Banjo as you move through the game, but you'll only power up his basic move set and stats rather than gain new skills and moves. Those are the vehicle's domain."


Right so it's now a vehicle platforming game... If they were so bothered about getting from one end of the map to the other vehicles aren't the ONLY way to do it. Teleport? Shapeshifting Banjo into a plane? Actually USING Kazooie considering he's a friggen bird!?. That sounds like a really crap excuse they came up with just because of the feedback they've been getting. I'm not sold on this yet, especially seeing as it looks as if they're ripping off the motion controller. I like many other people bought the 360 because it DIDN'T have all these motion sensing games. I do wonder if it's the remote by itself or if it is a complete rip off and it's attached to an analogue stick.


Kind of agree on this. Tooie had warp pads, whats wrong with using them? Put shortcuts in the maps (like the zipwire from Witchyworld), increase the speed of the Talon Trot even. Design the levels better. If level size really is the reason they made it vehicle centric, that's completely ridiculous.


Removing all of Kazooie's moves still stings for me. Why remove the stuff like the double jump, the Talon Trot? Theres really no reason I can see. Fair enough remove maybe the split pads, perhaps invulnerability feathers. But the TT?


Seems to me as if Kazooie is pretty pointless now. Banjo could easily carry the wand himself.

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Developers Commentary - Gameplay:




- I thought there wasn't a hub world this time?


- Spiral mountain etc... sure looks pretty!

Just makes me long to be back in the classic Banjo platforming world!


- 3:25mins through that video; that is some horrible water on lens effects!


- Kazooie's primary fuction is to carry a wrench! woop de doo!....

Seems to me as if Kazooie is pretty pointless now. Banjo could easily carry the wand himself.


Banjo World Gameplay - Plays homage to Banjo Kazooie/Tooie




- Plays homage.... badly!


- 'Underwater world to big to navigate without a vehicle'... have Banjo transform into a submarine then, and have Kazooie act as a propeller! F*ck the vehicles!



I'm not sure how this is gonna sell...

They've thrown BK into it in an attempt to make it sell more, but in doing so they've pissed off the majority of the fans who would be interested in BK!


It lacks SO MUCH Banjo Kazooie that this is nothing more than the game that it is... building vehicles and using them throughout levels, and it is only gonna sell to as many people who are interested in doing that.

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OK, so Klobb starts of saying it's a platformer and I see no platforming... right. Just because you jumped on a pole at the beggining you didn't fool anyone. To be honest, it looks good, but, and this is not just about "being Banjo", it's the kind of game I wanna play lightheatedly and to have fun. There's too much stuff. Too much designing and searching, mini maps, building and whatnot and the big town (cops? wtf?) totally contradicting the otherwise awesome design, it's just not what I want or expect from this type of games.

Sound and music seem top notch though, like it a lot. The graphics and design are great, the lighting still has some problems, but can be fixed and don't really care.

I do love what seems to be satire and whatnot to other games, even theirs, the N64, the chain chomp, the Mario and a pile of garbage, which is made of grabbed by the ghoulies, the previous banjo level references seems awesome.

Still, it's very original and that's something I value a lot, despite Rare not being in its good ol' form, it'll probably be a good game and most of all it feels that if you get past all the building and whatnot, the opportunity for immense fun is there.

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