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Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts


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Guest Jordan

His wand has his own head on it? :D


I can't remember, its been nearly a decade since i've played that game.

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Man, I'm so hyped. This game is definitely the one I'm looking forward to most.


I love the character design. The new gameplay videos looks sweet as; feels like Rareware.


I don't understand why people are focusing so much on it being a game that supposedly has Banjo stuck in it. In the video the lead designer basically says something everyone knows: that you start out with concepts and then add in the content.


You think that every game you've ever loved in a series started out with that specific series in mind? Jeez.

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Man, I'm so hyped. This game is definitely the one I'm looking forward to most.


I love the character design. The new gameplay videos looks sweet as; feels like Rareware.


I don't understand why people are focusing so much on it being a game that supposedly has Banjo stuck in it. In the video the lead designer basically says something everyone knows: that you start out with concepts and then add in the content.


You think that every game you've ever loved in a series started out with that specific series in mind? Jeez.


No, I don't. I'm just disappointed that we were told they were making "Banjo 3" and we get this spin-off game.


Each challenge in Banjo requires you to use a vehicle of some sort.


Quite possibly the most depressing thing I've read in a while.



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First, this game looks fantastic! I really love the style of everything!


As for the vehicle thing, if Rare manage to successfully integrate vehicles in to a platform game then it could be something really special. That coconut collecting bit is very platformery, so i keep my hopes up!

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Well, when I first saw the pics ages ago, I think my reaction was "holy sh*t". After seeing the vids of the gameplay, I stick to that comment but in a whole different vain. Looks like it will be fun, but a game that i can thankfully miss. I say thankfully, because I want to be tempted to get a 360 as little as possible. At first this looked like a reason to own one, but not any more.

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This was one of the big reasons why I wanted a 360. Other than that the only other games I wanted was Naruto and DMC 4. Now I have no more games I want for the 360.


Surely anyone who enjoys DMC must also enjoy Ninja Gaiden?

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This thread is literally jammed with amateur dramatics!


Give the game a bloody chance! It's not like the lords of everything (aka Nintendo) have never made a game with one of their franchises that makes you go "wtf?" to start with. Yes, it looks like a dramatic change, but it could turn out to be a very good game.


So far this thread is mostly speculative bullshit based on very, very little info...

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This thread is literally jammed with amateur dramatics!


Give the game a bloody chance! It's not like the lords of everything (aka Nintendo) have never made a game with one of their franchises that makes you go "wtf?" to start with. Yes, it looks like a dramatic change, but it could turn out to be a very good game.


So far this thread is mostly speculative bullshit based on very, very little info...


But Nintendo have a habit of coming through...

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