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European Wii Preorders


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I'm 8th on the list at my GameStation. If I'm not there at the midnight launch, and they're doing this first come, first served thing, might that mean that I might not get one if I go in on Friday evening?


Surely that negates the idea of pre-orders? If you pre-ordered first, you should be first in the queue to get the Wii. So if a store gets 20 Wiis on day one, the first 20 should get their Wiis, then everyone else. It's not exactly rocket science is it?

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I don't fully understand GS either but as far as i'm aware people going to the midnight launch at GameStation can only enter the shop if they have a pre-orderd Wii(Maybe the first xxx amount of people pre-ordered).Then i'd be guessing that on the 8th people will get the Wii in order of their pre-order number.


My local GS said people can only enter if they have a pre-order incase anyone wondered.

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Excitement for next week is rising dramatically now :bouncy:

I've got my preorders coming from all over the place, but i'm very pleased with what i'm doing;

Wii itself - Gameplay, guaranteed launch day

Twilight Princess - Play.com, £27.99 thanks to an offer I made good use of a few weeks ago.

Wii Play - HMV.co.uk, £27.99 thanks to a '£5 off orders over £30' discount code


I very much doubt they'll all come on the same day, but i don't mind as long as I get the Wii on the friday like Gameplay promise!

If it gets confirmed that you get some points free with the Classic Controller i'll order one right away...

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i got a bit of a prob:


My bro went into town today to preorder a Wii from game (getting as a joint present for xmas) and GAME said they are not taking any more preorders even for the second batch wtf.

Gamestation, whsmith and hmv arnt either gah!!

gunna pop into town on weekend and try and get sorted hopefully can get preordered somewhere..didnt try woolworths and argos etc.


Shouldve preordered while back but at the time i didnt know if wanted wii or wait until my birthday..me and bro decided to get for xmas and now stuck trying to get one preordered


anyone know a site where i can preorder or a store?

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i got a bit of a prob:


My bro went into town today to preorder a Wii from game (getting as a joint present for xmas) and GAME said they are not taking any more preorders even for the second batch wtf.

Gamestation, whsmith and hmv arnt either gah!!

gunna pop into town on weekend and try and get sorted hopefully can get preordered somewhere..didnt try woolworths and argos etc.


Shouldve preordered while back but at the time i didnt know if wanted wii or wait until my birthday..me and bro decided to get for xmas and now stuck trying to get one preordered


anyone know a site where i can preorder or a store?







What i found interesting on the argos site was:




You would think that it was too late to have it on release

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Game's bundle deals will be known on Monday.


And speaking of next Friday. Work 7-2 (hopefully showing off the Wii) and then going round a friends on the night for wine-fueled Wii.


Hey Ashley, I hear you. Working next Friday too (though this may be changed to working the midnight launch, either way is good for me) so will be making lots of people happy by selling them their Wii!


Do you GAME folks have any idea when you'll be getting the machines delivered? Can't wait to take one home early and enjoy Zelda before launch.

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I've just done it, last night... Traded in my old Cube (with 7 games) at GAME. :weep:


But I got £50.70 off my Wii!!! Bargain... Now I've only got £110 to pay... WOW!!!


P.s. My GAME bloke didn't think they'd know their bundles until maybe even Wednesday next week!!! :o

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I'll be getting my Wii in my local toy store's second supply one week after launch...


I'm considering myself pretty lucky considering the extremely low supply that's been rumoured. Hope you guys don't start spoiling Zelda though :sad:

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Ashley will stores know if they are doing midnight launchs yet?


Its up to each store (well 95%) when they'll be opening.


P.s. My GAME bloke didn't think they'd know their bundles until maybe even Wednesday next week!!! :o


Well I got the info from our Regional Manager....so maybe your person is more reliable


Hey Ashley, I hear you. Working next Friday too (though this may be changed to working the midnight launch, either way is good for me) so will be making lots of people happy by selling them their Wii!


Do you GAME folks have any idea when you'll be getting the machines delivered? Can't wait to take one home early and enjoy Zelda before launch.


I think 360s came in the Tuesday perhaps. Im probably going to be at work every day except Tues and Thursday for uni. Still, might wait for the Friday anyway as I'll be busy during the week.

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Just a question didn't know where to ask it.


Are Far Cry and Splinter Cell confirmed launch games for us? We're just trying to figure out what games to get at launch. My other housemate is getting CoD3 and one more - if Far Cry is out he'll get that, of its not he'll get Monkey Ball and I'll get Rayman (a game I was going to get for xmas!)

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