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Endless Ocean


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  • 2 weeks later...
I just hope all these dates are true
I'm pretty confident that they are (and have added them to the release list thread) we'll probably know for sure in a few days.


But yeah, they seem to follow the usual bad scheduling process so I reckon they're for real. Don't get me wrong, I'm delighted we're getting so many great games this year (especially Galaxy) but the way they've been spaced out is awful. Paper Mario and Tingle on the same day, one week between Phantom Hourglass and Metroid, and one week between Endless Ocean, Galaxy and Umbrella Chronicles! Not to mention the rest of the third party stuff that'll no doubt be occupying those same dates. :shakehead


I'd have been much happier if there was 3 or at the very least 2 weeks between them, would've meant much less drought time overall and made it a lot easier on the wallet too.


Anyway, as for Endless Ocean, I just hope they've sorted out the bugs that plagued the Japanese version, and that the MP3 option is left intact. After watching some more videos of the game I get the feeling I'll definitely need to use that option. :heh:

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Anyway, as for Endless Ocean, I just hope they've sorted out the bugs that plagued the Japanese version, and that the MP3 option is left intact. After watching some more videos of the game I get the feeling I'll definitely need to use that option. :heh:


There was a recall in Japan for those with the bugged version. So it's fixed already.

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  • 3 weeks later...

CVG Import Review: (8.8)


Swim lazily over coral reefs, admiring the fish and listening to the soothing/annoying sounds of Hayley Westenra, the Kiwi Charlotte Church. If that's your idea of a good time, then welcome to your New Best Game Ever. If not, have a word with yourself and come back with an attitude readjustment, because you need to forget any preconceptions you may have had. Forever Blue is console psychotherapy, and it's totally brilliant.


It's also a proper game, believe it or not, with missions and objectives. That there's a complete lack of challenge in any of it only adds to its supremely relaxing nature, but you do get a feeling of accomplishment after acing another task or finding a particularly pretty sort of fish.

You play a diver with a massive boat and a chunk of ocean to explore. We picked a female because we didn't really want to get a close-up view of neoprene-clad manbits in the event of a camera malfunction, but the choice is entirely yours. Give her a name (ours is called Nemo) and a hairdo, then jump off the boat and witness an underwater scene that will take your breath away.

In the early parts of the game, the aim is simply to explore the reef and learn about the fish. There are around 200 species to discover, with loads of different ones in each area. When you see one that looks new, you tickle it with the Wii remote and it's added to your log book back on the boat.


The undersea landscapes are stunning. Sites of special interest are dotted around the ocean, and the camera takes a dreamy tour through their towering coral spires and into dizzyingly deep trenches whenever you chance upon one during a dive.


It's controlled entirely with the remote. There's a blue dot which the diver swims towards when you hold B, or the minus button makes her swim automatically, saving finger muscle. Other functions like the map, fish food, coloured pens for defacing the sea and a camera for recording what you've seen, are easily accessible. Gaming skill is not an issue.


Moving the boat from place to place, diving in the limited range allowed and uncovering the map, is addictive in itself, but there are tasks to be performed. The boat is hooked up with email, through which other characters get in touch and arrange meetings. You'll get to go on torch-lit night dives, search for treasure and explore sunken ruins.


There's never a feeling of danger, even when a huge shark appears and the reef drops away into a black abyss. It gave us a bizarre feeling of vertigo, like hitting turbulence in a plane but without the sense of impending death. It's completely unlike any other game, with the possible exception of soaring on the hang-glider in Pilotwings 64.


Although the objectives aren't strictly necessary other than to provide a break from the otherwise aimlessly relaxing exploration, they seem the only way to earn the right to visit certain parts of the game. You can't dive in the deepest trenches or go out at night until you've satisfied certain conditions.

There's a plot involving your boating companion, a girl who stands around in a lifejacket looking depressed. Maybe she just doesn't like fish. Maybe she can't swim. Maybe her dad was swallowed by a giant whale, which she's spent her life searching for. Whatever the reason, there's a lot of teaching tricks to dolphins.


But then that's enough for us, after hours of sailing, swimming and admiring. Hayley Westenra was quickly silenced in favour of MP3s on the SD card, but the game keeps calling us back and we think this'll stay in the Wii for a long time.


So that you don't have to remember where all the different fish habitats are, there's an aquarium that you can stock up with anything you've found so far. Unfortunately the Japanese retail version we reviewed has a bug that kills the game stone dead if you add certain types of fish. Cramming a whale in there is fine but try getting a ray in the tank and the Wii will crash every time. (the bug was fixed and Nintendo issued a recall, so it won't be present in the localized versions)


That's certain to be fixed for the UK release, which should be out this year. Anyway, the prospect of teaming up with a Wi-Fi dive buddy and watching penguins shooting through the water, leaving trails of bubbles exactly like we've only ever seen in wildlife documentaries, well, that's sufficient incentive to keep us away from the buggy aquarium.


So, Forever Blue. Buy it. Your therapist will thank us for it some day.

Source: http://computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=171854



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Damn, I was coming to post a link to that review, you anticipated by about 5 minutes...


So instead I'll post this picture, that I hadn't seen before, don't know about you guys.




Just check out that water!! Is this not photorealism on the Wii??

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When I glanced down at the while reading the post above, seeing only as far down as the one sticking out of the water, I seriously thought it was a photo at first. Closer inspection obviously showed it definately isnt, but damn. For that second.


All it needs is more shades of blue to smooth out the water colouring.

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Damn, I was coming to post a link to that review, you anticipated by about 5 minutes...


So instead I'll post this picture, that I hadn't seen before, don't know about you guys.




Just check out that water!! Is this not photorealism on the Wii??


I thought it was a photo at first! It looks amazing.

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Just check out that water!! Is this not photorealism on the Wii??
Doesn't have the correct ratio to be a screenshot nor does it fall in line with the rest of the presentation in open areas; unless it's one of those areas where they go first person and build up a lot more detail than normal (they seem to do that in this game), but that still doesn't explain the resolution to me (and why they're using some neat effects they could using through the game too).
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This game will be one of the sleeper hits of the year, mark my words!

It's a game i've always wanted! Going scuba-diving and meeting Whales, tropical fish etc...and you can take photographs right?


I echo that.

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that you can take photographs. All other aspects of it make it sound like the type of game I've been asking for too.

I'm definately making back-to-back purchases this November with this on the 9th and SMG on the 16th

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This is looking gorgeous. Having recently re-watched Finding Nemo I just hanker for some underwater exploration. It would be nice to just bask in the swell of the waves on the surface whilst listening to some Enya (Insert relaxing music here) on the SD card.


Infact... Remember when Excitetruck came out and we were all talking about what tracks to listen to whilst playing it? This could be a great way to find out a new band whilst swimming along the EAC (dude!) with a buddy. I'm hedging bets now on laid back tracks like Groove Armada: At the Beach etc...


I remember them talking about the colouring pen situation but I thought it was for drawing on rocks, boats and whales backsides etc?...What does the following screenshot hint at? I'm perplexed as to the reason behind drawing "on" the screen...

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I remember them talking about the colouring pen situation but I thought it was for drawing on rocks, boats and whales backsides etc?...What does the following screenshot hint at? I'm perplexed as to the reason behind drawing "on" the screen...


The markers are for drawing things in the sea (so it's floating next to the diver, not on the screen)

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Ah, I see.



So we become subjected to the following picture...


But Nintendo won't allow wifi "free scrawling"! incase we all swear at each other and draw large phallic objects onscreen. We will probably get a universal choice of "thumbs up/thumbs down/ok sign".


Either way, this could be a fun little tool :D I'm thinking treasure hunts :p

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