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Endless Ocean


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Agree Redshell, the swim was a little humorous and the whale encounter was fun yet I do agree that there should be some kind of objective. Even if it's something like finding puzzle pieces scattered around and joining them together as a team or maybe fishing with a little net lol.


Just something! It's wierd, you cant really play hide and seek because there is a map, you can't really draw something (I put "yo" and when I turned around it said "oy" backwards lol..Apologies :p) for others to follow neither.


I don't really see the point of it tbh.?! It's just another "feature". Still ... whadda game!

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Just finished the main story. I'll call it that because it concluded with credits. Thankfully, Catherine informed me that there's still some things I might have missed at certain areas, and I know I haven't completed the journal yet.


Good game. Could have been better, but at the same time it's a lot better than I was expecting. :)

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I didn't rush it, at least it didn't feel like I was rushing it - until the storyline kicks in proper, then I picked up the pace a little. :heh:


I'm not sure how long it took me, does the game clock you? If so I'll check.


A guesstimate would be, 10 to 12 hours?


EDIT: my diving time is 14:09:55, longer than I thought then!

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That's a fair play then. My main worry was that it would be too short. I just don't want to rush this at all. I'm purposely not rushing it at all. I feel this is anotehr "excite truck"...Receives sturdy if not spectacular review scores yet sells via word of mouth.

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Made a videoblog with a bit about Endless ocean:



Nice part about Endless Ocean, really like it, just wished it could have been longer. I'm still a bit on the fence about buying this game or not, but your video there kinda tilted the balance a bit towards getting it. :)

I would have to get an SD card, though, since I don't have one. I like Hayley's music but that Super Mario 64 tune is a lot more suited for long plays.

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Yeah, I got it from ASDA for that amount. Got staff discount on top. But it was a "thanks" present so I wasn't too bothered.


Have to say I'm suprised by the pricing of this game in various retailers. The N-Gamer review also states that "for £30" you get what you pay for.




Mind you, I'd pay £30 as it's too good :p

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I had a blast on this last night, I just play this for half an hour before I go to bed as its the ultimate chill out game. I went diving into the Blue Hall for the first time last night and it was awesome. I had that Prayer song playing ( which I love ) and the cutscene kicked in at just the right moment. The music was playing and the camera panned out as the sun rays were beaming into the holes in the Blue Hall, truely a magical feeling.


Just a quick question, how do you get a better grade or showing people around when diving? This guy wanted to see a fish and I took him to it straight away yet I only got a C, any help?


Lastly to those who have PMed me regarding my FC I very rarely use my Wii online and honestly this isnt the game that will make me change my mind. Sure its nice that it has online play but I think its a game that is best suited for a single player experience so no FC for you lot :heh:

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Just a quick question, how do you get a better grade or showing people around when diving? This guy wanted to see a fish and I took him to it straight away yet I only got a C, any help?
You just need to spend a bit more time on the tour, once you get the message that the client is absolutely thrilled then you're pretty much guaranteed an A ranking.


Just something! It's wierd, you cant really play hide and seek because there is a map, you can't really draw something (I put "yo" and when I turned around it said "oy" backwards lol..Apologies :p) for others to follow neither.
Yeah I saw it the right way though. :grin:

The pen tool runs out a bit too quick really.


Anyway, I "completed" this last night, very similar playtime to c0Zm1c too.

Still got around half of the ocean left to explore though, and lots of creatures to find.


Considering it's a budget title I think the playtime to hit the credits is more than adequate really. Plus it's the kind of game I'll definitely want to play again in the future just to chill out, it's like a digital stress ball. :heh:

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Decided to go and get this on a whim from Asda thinking it would be cheaper £27.71, they have to be having a laugh....even checked at the till...



Same thing happened to me on Friday.


Arrived at ASDA expecting it to be £20 or under and was shocked to discover the price tag of £27.97. I noticed that Wii Big brain was the correct price at £19.97. I took Endless ocean to the till to double check the price and the cashier confirmed it was indeed £27.97-When I explained it was a touch generation title she called a higher member of staff over. I again explained how Touch Generation games should only carry a price point of £20 or under. Her reply..............


"We have to go by the price on the till"


I said thank you for checking, left the store, walked 5mins to Woolworths and picked it up for the correct price of £20.


ASDA you suck...........sometimes.........

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Two things:


1, what folder do you need to put your music on the memory card?

2, how the fuck do you actually save?


EDIT: Nevermind, worked both out.

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