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Valve praises Wii


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CVG: What's your take on next-gen platforms? You've always been primarily a PC games company.


Gabe Newell: The PC is going to continue to be our primary focus. It gives us a lot of advantages as a development platform, and it also forces us to confront a bunch of issues, like for us it's very important to work well on older hardware and also take full advantage of new hardware. So the DX7 generation is much slower than the next-gen hardware, but DX10 is actually going to be more advanced than either the Xbox 360 or PS3.


For us, the Xbox 360 and the PS3 are challenges for designing a system so that it is as simple as possible for publishing simultaneously on all three platforms. The Wii is more of a challenge because of its input - that's something that we're going to have to work harder to understand. It's easier to think of the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 as things that live within the flexibility you already have to think of on the PC side. And the Wii is the thing that is both furthest outside and most exciting, because of the controller. I have to say that we don't understand how to take advantage of that yet. We think there's a lot of potential there, and our respect for Nintendo goes up a notch, as they're the ones who are doing the things that are disruptive and exciting.

Valve will be an awesome developer to have on-board!!
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Do you fanboys see different words on this page? To me it just says they might consider making a Wii exclusive game (i.e. designed for Wii from ther ground up) but at the moment they're concentrating on the PC, Direct X 10 research and may port some stuff to PS3 and 360 if they can be arsed


You missed his point entirely.

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Major Bumpage!!




The maker of Half-Life has once again revealed interest in supporting Wii, this time during a talk at the Game Developers' Conference in San Francisco. Doug Lombardi confirmed that whilst his company's zombie battling game 'Left 4 Dead' would remain as an exclusive for PC and Xbox 360, Nintend's Wii was certainly an intriguing prospect for the team's next project...


"EA wanted to do Orange Box on PS3 and they handled it. Left 4 Dead isn’t coming out on PS3 because we’ve not had that call. If the phone rang we would have the conversation, certainly, but it hasn’t happened.


"If Valve were to develop in-house for another format, it would be the Wii. It’s growing, there’s already a huge user-base, and it’s fun. Source [Valve’s main development engine] is really scaleable. We can do that."


Could 2008 indeed be the year that we see Valve create something for Wii, or is 2009 a more likely prospect given the general production times?

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Indeed, they are FPS genius'....but I'd like to see them try something else. Just for, y'know...a change.


I know what you mean. Its nice when what appears to be a one trick pony brings out something really great from under their hat. Like Criterion with Black. Although I doubt they'll ever do another one.

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Reading that carefully it doesn't really say much. All im getting is:


We already develop for PC, 360 and PS3. If we were to develop for another format it would be the Wii because it would be fairly easy to port the Source engine over.


I'd love to see them do something for the Wii though, Valve are truly amazing!

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