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Has the pope's speech really been taken out of context?


He quotes from a Christian commentary of a Christian king and would not even quote the reply given by the 'Persian' scholar.


Are these his true feelings towards Islam?


Is he a coward that uses the speech of a man dead some 700 years to voice his own thinking? Then retreats to the excuse of 'difference of philosophy'?


in the apology was he and the catholic church not implying that he still believes Muslims force people to convert on pain of violence?


Would he just as happily quote the Catholic Church's anti-semitic, specifically anti-Jewish views?


Is his opposition to Turkey joining Europe due to his anger at the liberation of Constantinople by the hands of the mighty Uthmani Khilafah at the time?


Does he not see, that Islam is the fastest growing Deen all over the world even without the Khilafah, even in Europe. Does he fear the Khilafah's return for it might liberate the whole world from ignorance such as his?


these are the questions people need to ask themselves...


oh and burning of flags etc is wrong and not needed. peaceful protests are totally justified though!!

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FFS! You don't need to protest for every single time someone says something you dislike!


Is it not true that Islam as been used as a means of violence in the these last years?


Is not true that there's only protests when some outside entity says something against Islam, but never when someone screws up in the name of Islam?


Why don't muslims stand up against terrorists when they kill thousand of people and don't respect other peoples culture?


These are the questions YOU people need to ask yourselves...

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Is his opposition to Turkey joining Europe due to his anger at the liberation of Constantinople by the hands of the mighty Uthmani Khilafah at the time?


Liberation? How the hell was it a liberation? Constantinople, and the rest of the Byzantine empire had been Christian for hundreds years (when did it finally fall, anyone?), and the Roman religion before that.

It was a conquest by the fairly small Ottoman empire. If they hadn't taken Byzantine/Constantinople/Istanbul, then the main power base of Islam would have been the Almohads, who got pushed out of Spain by the Holy Roman empire, and fell into total decline.


Calling that a liberation would be even less correct than calling Christians taking over Istanbul now a liberation.


By the way, we don't really care about your "OMG my religion is so fucking good!" rantings.

I made this thread for proper discussion, not properganda/"I'm better than you lot!" talk.

Fierce_Link has hit presenting Islam in a rational way right on the head. He doesn't try to push he religion as being massively supperior to all others, he just says why he likes his.

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FFS! You don't need to protest for every single time someone says something you dislike!


Is it not true that Islam as been used as a means of violence in the these last years?


Is not true that there's only protests when some outside entity says something against Islam, but never when someone screws up in the name of Islam?


Why don't muslims stand up against terrorists when they kill thousand of people and don't respect other peoples culture?


These are the questions YOU people need to ask yourselves...


Muslims have condemed terrorists time and time again! there is a very small minority that might praise these terrible acts but it is very small..


why is that the Islamic leaders are told to 'take responsibility for their communities and teach their young to abhor violence but we do not see the same for Christian or Jewish leaders? why are they not asked take responsibility for Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo and the massacre of innocent life in Afghanistan and Iraq and the slaughter of innocent life in Lebanon? how about the killing of innocent live in Gaza for example.

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You see it's there that our views differ, why don't see religion leaders, we see countrys. It's not Catholic Bush attacking, is the president of the United States. We do not percieve this aliance of faiths.


Saddly a war of interests is more logic than a war of faiths.

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Let's all go to JESUS CAMP!


http://www.jesuscampthemovie.com/ - Official site with trailer



Speaking in tongues, weeping for salvation, praying for an end to abortion and worshipping a picture of President Bush — these are some of the activities at Pastor Becky Fischer's Bible camp in North Dakota, "Kids on Fire," subject of the provocative new documentary, "Jesus Camp."


"I want to see them as radically laying down their lives for the gospel as they are in Palestine, Pakistan and all those different places," Fisher said. "Because, excuse me, we have the truth."


"A lot of people die for God," one camper said, "and they're not afraid."


"We're kinda being trained to be warriors," said another, "only in a funner way."


This one time, at Jesus Camp :laughing:

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Alright I thought I might interject here, and give my two cents. I'm an atheist, and a strong one at that. I have some strong views on religion, what it is and what it does, but i'm not going to say them here, because I don't want to offend any of you, I quite like you all afterall.


However I will say one thing. Although it is many a thing, one thing religion is, is human instinct. Mankind naturally feels a need to believe in something bigger than itself, protect it, worship it, unify under it, so that it can feel a sense of place and importance. However this can manifest itself in bad ways, that's obvious. The big two, religion and patriotism are the main culprits.


What do I do? I'm here, on these boards talking about games. Sure it's not the most exciting of hobbies, but it occupies my time.


So what has this got to do with the East. Well unless you can get them all to take up Ping-Pong, nothing. The East is tricky. Personally I think the Pope was wrong to use those comments, but at the same time the reaction could have been a little calmer. But this tension is going to go on for a while yet.


I don't really know what the point of this post was. I guess i'm just trying to say that if we all spent our time playing Halo instead of worshiping some immortal being then the only problem we'd have is a few winging n00bs. (The games are obviously just an example, i'm not actually proposing this as a feasable option).

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Can I just ask what may be considered a dumb question, if it is I apoligise for my ignorance,

but why does Al-Qeada and the Bin Laden bunch dislike the Jews? I understand the animosity towards the Americans but I noticed him berating the Jews in one of his videos which was shown in one of the 9-11 anniversary programmes.

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I realised something today:

The whole purpose of "christians going to build houses in the Dominican Republic/Bleize/where ever and doing bible readings" is for one simple purpose-extending the arm of christianity.


It's actually pretty fucking evil.


They go to poor, desperate people, and say "we'll help you if you join are group and believe what we tell you to believe."

And the people are too desperate to refuse.


It's so, so evil.

If you want to convert people do it fairly. Do it on people who can argue, and don't need anything off you.

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I disagree with the above I have seen and even been part of Christians events etc which do reach out work such as helping people, the motive is not to brain wash the needy, it's to help them. I have never heard of any such Christian outreach, which only helps those who listen or do bible studies. So, on you basis all Christians should stop doing charity work?


If there is some that (and there probably is) that only helps people on a basis that they have to become Christians or do bible studies, then I would agree it's wrong. The should make known they are Christians, but they should help the needy first, and not care what the needy people believe.


I do think it's a good way to convert (helping them), as people will see the unconditional love that is given to them and wonder why it is people are so kind, but a Christian should not show love and kindness to just convert people, they should show love unselfishly always (which is easier said than done).

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