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I've sort of been raised as a Catholic (I think?), even though my family isn't very religious. It's just the way things went around here. You get baptised, you have your First Communion with school, you go to the church on Sunday because everyone in the family goes...

I've always been to a Catholic school, not because of that, but just because they just happened to be good schools. I've been raised (mostly in school, not at home) with the tales of Jesus and God. It's just that it never meant much to me. And at the age of ten, when my grandmother died, I started to realize I didn't believe in God.


For me, every religion is right. Not because they know that their god is the right one, but just because it gives a lot of people something to live for, something to help them in their lives. And who am I to tell them that they might be wrong? There might be some kind of god or power, there might be nothing at all. In all honesty, I don't care much about it myself. Like some people said, I'm not going to devote my life to some superbeing that I know nothing of and which might not even exist. But I won't stop other people from doing so. However, I seriously do not like people who try to push their beliefs on others or try to condemn the people who do not share the same beliefs (or have none). Extremism in any religion is just bad and quite despicable. And yes, I do agree that religion has been the cause of quite some conflicts and wars (not all of course), which just gives me even more reason not to believe. I am perfectly happy without having to pray and without having to confess my sins to someone. And yes, I still have moral values and the like. Those have nothing to do with religion, but with being a human being.


I just like to believe sometimes that God (and any other deity for that matter) is a creation by men to give them some sort of reason to live and die. People need some sort of constant in their life. Something that gives their life more value. It's just sad sometimes this leads to conflicts.


I understand what you are saying about needing something in life but why does that have to be God and religion?


What about a partner? what about friends? what about life itself? That gives me reason to live, i dont need religion as a constant or to help me with my life.

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These Muslims need to stop begging me to become one

These Christians need to stop making everything a sin


Your probably just taking the piss as always, but I have to say I feel the same.

If you want me to join what I currently view as a crazy-arse bunch of people who believe in some rather stupid sounding mumbo-jumbo, then the wrong way to go about is by telling me I'm evil/totaly wrong/some kind of moron:nono:.


I'm not the one who is shallow with a closed mind.

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I understand what you are saying about needing something in life but why does that have to be God and religion?


What about a partner? what about friends? what about life itself? That gives me reason to live, i dont need religion as a constant or to help me with my life.


You and I don't, but there are people who need more than just what life and this world gives us. They need a reason to why we are here. Something that gives a purpose to life. And for a lot of people, that is religion.


I've also noticed that it's something a lot of people hang onto when they're having a hard time, when life is not being nice to them. It helps them to get through by praying and by believing that there's someone watching out over them. And of course the afterlife, like heaven.

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The belief in God is nothing bad. In my opinion most religions teach someone to be a model person and whilst the possibility of God, Heaven and Hell is often called into question it cannot be argued this "good person" aspect of religion is good.


What is not good is when crackpots of other religions decide to use their beliefs as a basis to blow everyday people like me up. This is why religion, in a sense, is not so good. Religion has been the cause of so much suffering in the world because of simple beliefs, when someone who considers themself an aethiest would look at matters and wonder why? Death and suffering for something that is possibly just a big lie.


There's also the matter of all this suffering in the world that calls any God into question once again. It just isn't logical.. but it's nice to delude yourself with hope sometimes.


Hope is good, and religion gives hope in exchange for deluding yourself. Seems a fair exchange.

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Ah ok I can't stay away from this thread lol.


The matter of science which Platty brought up. Science and religion shouldn't conflict or wipe each other out ever. It is only the ultras on both sides that will insist on this conflict. Science is how Religion is why, very different fields that have been unescarrly brought into conflict by people on both sides as Athriller said look at the Arabian empire for the matching up of these two and in Europe ironically the Catholic Church (every scientists nightmare) had a lot to do with helping early printing press.


To suggest Religion is for the Dark ages is an odd thing to me and a modernist statement that belongs in the 20th century. In an age were consumerism, suicides etc are up I think looking at the meaning of life is needed and 3rd Children well your deluding thing doesn't even work as it denies belief.


On the all religions are the same thing. That isn't true clearly they have similarities some more than others but either Islam or Chritianity is right they can't both be.

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Your probably just taking the piss as always, but I have to say I feel the same.

If you want me to join what I currently view as a crazy-arse bunch of people who believe in some rather stupid sounding mumbo-jumbo, then the wrong way to go about is by telling me I'm evil/totaly wrong/some kind of moron:nono:.


I'm not the one who is shallow with a closed mind.


Actually no, my dad is muslim, and because of this all his friends pester me all the time whenever i see them

"why arent you muslim? you should follow your fathers faith, bla bla bla"

Nothing about Islam, or any religion for that matter appeals to me so piss off.

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I was christined an Anglican but my family don't follow religion.


TBH I don't actually know what I believe in. I base most of my thoughts and actions on science but I don't always believe it.


As a lot of people have said religion is good when it gives people hope and a guideline to life. But it is bad when it goes too far. I wo9n't say anymore as other people have already said it.

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Generally, if it can futher their influence, a religion likes something.

The exeption is that some homophobic christians don't like the computer because it was made by a gay guy...


EDIT:got the pic:



True sometimes other times not. The confession churches in Nazi Germany did the inverse and sacrificed influence for morality.


And well yep insane people exist all over the place lol. In Soviet Russia piolts were commisioned to fly peasants up to the sky to show them god didn't exist and basically beat the crap out of them if they pointed out how stupid this was.

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It also pains me to see people saying religion is the root off all problems blah blah. I'm pretty much agnostic, but the ignorance of such a statement is bewildering. Religion has done many a good and lead to much progress in science and society. Just look at the arab empire between the 9th - 12th centuries.


More or less what I was going to say.


Though personally, I think religion is just a scapegoat for all these so called religious wars, and that this fighting is all for a greater reason (not saying it's obvious to anyone, though). Basically, there would be war between east and west even without religion, in my opinion.


Anyway, on a semi-related note, this is hilarious...



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religion is the source of all evil. simple as.

If God didnt want wars he wouldnt have created himself, thus not creating the universe thus not creating us. simple without wars we wouldnt be here.

I find some parts of religion funny, but i dont know which. Maybe the parts that RE teachers say they saw Jesus in a tree throwing apples at them...i dont know....


So religion.. go find a new home.


Ps sorry to all religious people.

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Well, I guess I'm pretty agnostic about the whole religion thing. I've had a bit of a Catholic upbringing from my family, but my dad has always told me to believe what I want not what other people say to believe.


I basically reckon religion is a fine base for society, it sets out the basic moral guidelines upon which society can build in an easy to understand format of stories. It can encourage empathy and humanity between people and helps people grasp philosophical questions surrounding life. However the main flaw with religion that I can see is that it is very easy for people to become sentimentally attached to these stories they have been brought up with (a bit like a childhood film or book, which you love and dislike anyone criticising). This can lead to it being easily exploited by the corrupt to gain power and influence, who can turn this sentimentality into fanaticism. So basically I think that like most things religion is all fine dandy until someone takes it too far and take it all literally, which I hate. The one thing guaranteed to make me angry to the point where my head threatens to explode it's creationists, I hate the idea so damn much.

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as you can guess from my name, i am a muslim.


I reverted 4 years ago and i love my religion. I looked at christianity but it just confused me. with Islam everything made sense. The whole trinity issue is something i couldnt understand while looking at christianity too be honest.


lots of people say religion is the cause of war but i don't think that is true. if we look at the last major wars over the last 100 years we see that all these leaders were secular.


I dunno about the other religions but Islam accepts that sometimes you need war to achieve peace. obviously islam has laws on how wars should be fought and innocent lives should not be targeted etc.

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To all those saying religion is the source of all evil. Do you think the governments of Soviet Russia or China did no evil acts. Further more are you saying you yourselfs have done nothing bad or evil at all or anyone in the past who has not acted through religious motives.


I mean im sorry to keep putting this point forward. But to label religion as the source of all evil is very lazy and really without thought. I mean Myra Hindley her acts anything to do with religion? And that is one example of millions from humans to states to organistations. Life is a lot more complex people lets not make to many genrelisations.

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Religion isn't that bad IMO. if people feel better by believing in it then I'm all for it...i DO however thinks it's terrible when people take it too far and blame it on a misinterpretation of a belief (9/11 is a good example).


If you believe in someone that doesn't 100% exist, then go on ahead, but don't go trying to force other people upon it.


I myself am a Sikh. I wouldn't say i'm entirely religious, but if we go to the temple for an exam or something, i guess it's kinda good for me, because it makes me feel as if i've got someone on my side (for a change hehe).


Anyway, religion is alright, just don't go killing people and keep it to yourself :D

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Why not?


It also pains me to see people saying religion is the root off all problems blah blah. I'm pretty much agnostic, but the ignorance of such a statement is bewildering. Religion has done many a good and lead to much progress in science and society. Just look at the arab empire between the 9th - 12th centuries.


What the about the fucking dark ages, where scientific research was considered heresy and anathema? Don't talk complete bull, if it wasn't for religion, and those willing to stagnate and punish human progress, then we would be milennia ahead of where we are.


We don't need god to justify our existance! You see these religious people even today, saying it is a sin to do anything about things like global warming, saying that god will protect them, and that "this is not our homeland anyway" it infuriates me, how do these religious realots not see through their lies and bigotry? The jews of israel say that it is land granted to them by god, and so they proceed to kill the palestinians, and destroy their ways of life. If I went to someone and told them that their house was my property because it said so in some book, they'd probably tell me that I had 3 seconds to get the fuck out of my sight with their nuts intact. :p


Evil. And it can be averted by the most simple of logic, but noone will see it,


Actually no, my dad is muslim, and because of this all his friends pester me all the time whenever i see them

"why arent you muslim? you should follow your fathers faith, bla bla bla"

Nothing about Islam, or any religion for that matter appeals to me so piss off.


Tell them to fuck right off! "Uncloud their mind" :p.

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What the about the fucking dark ages, where scientific research was considered heresy and anathema? Don't talk complete bull, if it wasn't for religion, and those willing to stagnate and punish human progress, then we would be milennia ahead of where we are.



Actually scientific progress was celebrated throughout the ancient Muslim world in astrology, mathematics and medicine, to name just a few. Further more they were far ahead of their time in documenting this research and educating others. This information was only lost as Islamic society started to fracture under economic strain and conflict in later years. Only in the last two centurys have we relearned most of what was known over 800 years ago. Many other highly advanced cultures with strict and complex belief systems also flourished around this time, such as the Mayan and Incan indians in South America, renowned for their prowess in argiculture and architecture.


Scientific progression was only ever frowned upon in predominatly Roman-Catholic Europe, where teachings about science and medicine originated from the strictly doctrine Monastry schools, pretty much the only available education available to anyone in Europe at the time.


You see these religious people even today, saying it is a sin to do anything about things like global warming

I think I must have missed that part of the Bible. :heh:

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I think I must have missed that part of the Bible. :heh:


It has nothing to do with the bible, rather, how people interpret the bible, and manipulate it for their own self righteous values.


As for Islam, yes, I agree, I think it's the one abhramic faith thats reasonably plausable in my eyes, but perhaps thats because I used to be a muslim until a while ago.

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What the about the fucking dark ages, where scientific research was considered heresy and anathema? Don't talk complete bull, if it wasn't for religion, and those willing to stagnate and punish human progress, then we would be milennia ahead of where we are.


Actually remembering back to my history days (when I had to study the history of medicine) I lot of medical advances were because of religion, this includes direct acts such as the building of hospitals etc, as well as indirect such as travel routes set up were by medical knowledge could spread easily.


And which religion says it’s a sin to believe in global warming… actually it’s not hard to guess that it’s some cult in the US as they seem to be the only country who don’t recognise it.


Also you seem to be very anti Jew, weather or not you believe the land is Israel's or not, it was in fact "Great" Britain who screwed up the whole region and pretty much back stabbed the Jews (they were meant to have all the land up to and including Jordan, the task was given to Britain by the top nations before WW1, though we went back on our word and basically caused most of the trouble that’s there now.

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Actually remembering back to my history days (when I had to study the history of medicine) I lot of medical advances were because of religion, this includes direct acts such as the building of hospitals etc, as well as indirect such as travel routes set up were by medical knowledge could spread easily.


And which religion says it’s a sin to believe in global warming… actually it’s not hard to guess that it’s some cult in the US as they seem to be the only country who don’t recognise it.


Also you seem to be very anti Jew, weather or not you believe the land is Israel's or not, it was in fact "Great" Britain who screwed up the whole region and pretty much back stabbed the Jews (they were meant to have all the land up to and including Jordan, the task was given to Britain by the top nations before WW1, though we went back on our word and basically caused most of the trouble that’s there now.



Um, I'm sure that wasn't the case, autopsies were forbidden etc, it was a long time before even the vital organ and circulation systems were properly identified and explained. Either way, anything good that has come out of religion is a meagre defence at best, at least in my eyes.


At the risk of sounding like an idiot; read HDM, that ought to explain it.


And you seem to have misunderstood me, I'm not anti jew at all, but I find the idea that you can go and steal other peoples living space and ransack all their property because it says so in a 6000 year old text which is most likely, completely fabricated, entirely preposterous.

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