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Person is fired from Joystiq


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Hello Destructoid faithful, Robert Summa here.


As you may or may not know (depending on your Internet game journalism knowledge) I was fired today for what happened yesterday at Joystiq. Apparently, there are already rumors and heresay about what exactly happened, so let me just set the record straight on the events … from the inside of Joystiq’s crude belly.


First of all, I mean no ill will toward Joystiq and the guys that run it. They are trying to do their thing, and I respect that. But, overall, I feel that they are headed in a direction that was counter to what I felt was the real reason I visited it and other gaming blogs in the first place. I went to game blogs to not only get info quickly without resorting to sites like IGN, but also to have a little fun with the whole thing. Afterall, isn’t that what video games are supposed to be, fun?


I feel Joystiq takes themselves WAY too seriously and that’s evident in their over reaction to the fan over reaction to my post. Was I wrong in teasing to later events? Maybe, but that’s all subjective isn’t it? And let me tell you, my purpose was not to create undue hype or bring traffic to the site. All I wanted to do was let the readers know they could come to Joystiq for the news and not some other site. Where’s the wrong in that?


Anyway, Joystiq knew the news (I told them) and they knew I was posting a note to let readers know to come back later. If they, at any point, thought I was sensationalizing things or was not in line with their “mission,” then they had an entire day to edit or take down the note. But, of course, they left it up. Why?


So, in order to save face (from what, I have no idea), they decided to run a lame apology which not only looked pathetic, but also put me in a very bad light. I felt running that apology was in poor taste and not professional as it was made to try and ruin my credibility.


Either way, I am very happy to be free from Joystiq’s shackles. From day one, they were very critical of nearly everything I did. I was treated like a child and made to feel like I was basically worth nothing to them — when in fact their traffic increased during my time there and they received a ton of original content and exclusives from me. Now, Destructoid faithful, you’ll be the ones who get that content, as I have now signed on board to contribute to this site. And happily, I might add. I want to have fun with blogging, I want to be free, and most importantly I want you, the reader, to have fun with me.


Let me end by saying this, so that we’re clear here: I in no way meant to hype anything. There was no ulterior motive to bring increased traffic. The entire affair was blown way out of proportion. Joystiq fired me because of fan reaction and their fear of losing whatever credibility they think they have. Also, we were both headed in different directions. They wanted content that was long, boring, and obscure. I want to write about fun stuff like rumors, culture, and everything that is humorous out there.


So, I hope you all will accept me with open arms and understand that we’re just here to have a good time.


Are we sorry for him being fired from that blogsite?

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I went to game blogs to not only get info quickly without resorting to sites like IGN, but also to have a little fun with the whole thing. Afterall, isn’t that what video games are supposed to be, fun?


Games fun yes, Hype about hardware not fun.:nono:


So, in order to save face (from what, I have no idea), they decided to run a lame apology which not only looked pathetic, but also put me in a very bad light. I felt running that apology was in poor taste and not professional as it was made to try and ruin my credibility.


If so then he should have apologized as well.:nono:


I want to write about fun stuff like rumors, culture, and everything that is humorous out there.


Rumors are fun when they are noted as Rumors so fans can speculate, But not when they are little pieces of a rumor like "I have a story(rumor) but I can only give alittle bit of detail" that get us to believe that its more than a rumor.:nono:


So, I hope you all will accept me with open arms and understand that we’re just here to have a good time.


No I won't, in fact I don't even know who the hell this guy is or was.:nono:

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I don't feel sorry for him. I was one of the guys sitting up all night. If it wasnt for this apology,I'll proabably never visited the Joystiq site again...


And why did the boss of Joystiq nothing against that? Right because he got massive traffic and somebody else would have to take the blame.

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From this site.


Are we sorry for him being fired from that blogsite?

I'm certainly not sorry for him.


If this was released by some site like spong none of us would stay awake, so yes, joystiq has some credibility. He clearly wanted the attention since the piece of news came out like 4 hours prior and he kept going, I call that "loosing my time" for the sake of some journalist geek, he had his 5 minutes of fame, now he is no more, fair enough.


He can bitch and complain all he wants now, and put others to blame, but I doubt he'll bring users to the other (unheard of) website with his name alone.

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I don't feel sorry for him, but I do agree that Joystiq's apology was a bit pathetic. On the other hand I really didn't care about the hype in the first place, I'm a patient man, the Wii can come out tomorrow or a year from tomorrow, I don't care :heh:

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I don't see what the big deal is. We all knew it'd be nothing major that Nintendo would be willing divulge outside the conferences that are coming up next week.


I think most people are pissed because they got all hyped in the pants and were left with a throbbing, unsatisfied manstick, just like with so many previous E3s.

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Er...what the hell are you on about? People who are immature cannot either control there use of swearing, they say "fuck this, fuck that, fuck you, fucking great", or they fail to accept a word as a word, and go "oh..it's an evil, rude, immiture word".

It's a word. Big deal. I you hate some words, don't use any. Grow up.

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Er...what the hell are you on about? People who are immature cannot either control there use of swearing, they say "fuck this, fuck that, fuck you, fucking great", or they fail to accept a word as a word, and go "oh..it's an evil, rude, immiture word".

It's a word. Big deal. I you hate some words, don't use any. Grow up.


Your mom needs to grow up.



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Er...what the hell are you on about? People who are immature cannot either control there use of swearing, they say "fuck this, fuck that, fuck you, fucking great", or they fail to accept a word as a word, and go "oh..it's an evil, rude, immiture word".

It's a word. Big deal. I you hate some words, don't use any. Grow up.


i would have to agree with this.Censoring a word draws more attension to it!

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i would have to agree with this.Censoring a word draws more attension to it!



but in the case of the majority of most profanities **** carries just as much meaning.


I've found in life profanities are very useful. the more someone uses them the more I know they have nothing interesting, intelligent or meaningful to say.

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