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It's not that there is booze. I'm fine with booze. I'm just rather taken aback by the minds that seem desperate to fill every facet of life with it. I have nightmares that I'm going to walk into college on my first day and have my body crushed by the wall of booze flowing out of the elevator in a slightly bizarre homage to Stanley Kubrik by the film students. I want to live!


I love you.

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shorty and emo: yay. im going to sheffield hallam too, im studying criminology and sociology. glad some fellow n-europe'ers will be there even though i have no idea what either of you look like. what accommodation are you guys staying in? im in the moorhead house buliding.

have either of you ever been to sheffield for long before? i come from a town which is a thrity minute trip down the motorway, its a pretty good city, always something to be doing or seeing. hope you enjoy it. :)

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What bio units are you thinking about?


well i only have one free space that is optional as i'm doing it with jap which is 40 points, then 70 compulsory points so i need one more unit to make it up to 120 and i chose genes, evolution and development.


thats all the compulsory units for straight biology btw-but i love genetics anywho :D

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boohoo i wannaa go back to uni. was at canterbury christchurch a few years back but got sick and had to pull out. thinking bout doing some courses now though and going to queens to do midwifery if i can ever afford it. my stupid ass mrotgage stealks all my money. goint to tech to do anatomy and physiology starting next week (tuesday nights after work) not quite as exctiing as doing uni though.

i never ahd a freshers week when i went to canterbury cause we started our term in march and there was NOTHING ON!!!! IT SUCKED. WOE IS ME. I WANT TO BE A STUDENT!

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Just a general hope you have a nice time to everyone starting uni you really will love it if its your first year have fun, don't worry about study and finances too much although dont go mental! And yeh just chill out dont take anything to sierously and your have a blast dont forget to post on the boards telling us all about it though! Going back as a 3rd year I want to hear about your fresher week fun!

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Movin back to uni 2morrow, cant wait! Word of warning to all starting, watch what you eat and your weight, i put on 2 stone last year and its taken all summer to get it back off again and get into shape =/


see with me i need to put on the weight! im too thin :(

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Well, off to Sheffield on Saturday.


I think I should start packing..


Ok here's what you do:


On Monday night, go to a place called The Leadmill near the train station. before you go text MILL SHAG (in caps) to 85010. this shall get you inside for the measley cost of £1. that's right. £1. Once you are inside, drinks are 60p. that's right. 60p:)


oh, and ignore the two main rooms. the biggest plays chav dance, the other plays haircut indie. there's a bar room to the right of the entrance that opens up at about 11:30 that plays amazing electronica and dance kinda stuff.


Head my words young apprentice and thank me there by buying me a beer :yay:

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before you go text MILL SHAG (in caps) to 85010. this shall get you inside for the measley cost of £1. that's right. £1. Once you are inside, drinks are 60p. that's right. 60p:)


You mean 1 FREE Drink, £2.50 entry & Skip The Queue?


edit: ah, slightly different on monday.


edit2: doesn't sound my sort of place.

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shag night at the leadmill is awesome. also look out for the bands that play there cos its probably one of the best places in sheffield for live music, apart from possibly the grapes, plug and the octagon.


I only like the little bar room, but just being in there is making it my current favourite night out. This week was sureal though. at one point I was pretty much dancing on my own to Toxic in a drunken state.


ahh, good times.


edit: and yes, the music there is great. I have tickets for We Are Scientists on the 212st October. Hot Chip are playing The Octagon on the same night which is a shame as I'd love to see them.

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I'll be starting at University of Hertfordshire on the 23rd doing 3d games art. I've got in contact with someone who is on the digital animation course from http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk. So we've been chatting on msn and stuff and we'll be living next door in halls rooms aswell.


I've not concerned about not knowing anyone really, and because of being a few years older than most freshers, I'll most likely be less nervous than alot of other people who are around that 18/19 age..............but that may change when I get there.


Here's the poster from the freshers fortnight at Hertfordshire. Looks like there's plenty going on. I'll def be seeing Hundred Reasons, and hopefully Live Dirty Sanchez if I get tickets.



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shorty and emo: yay. im going to sheffield hallam too, im studying criminology and sociology. glad some fellow n-europe'ers will be there even though i have no idea what either of you look like. what accommodation are you guys staying in? im in the moorhead house buliding.

have either of you ever been to sheffield for long before? i come from a town which is a thrity minute trip down the motorway, its a pretty good city, always something to be doing or seeing. hope you enjoy it. :)


awesome! Seriously. I'm sure we can arrange to meet up at some point. We're going to be at Domino House from this weekend. I've only been once and that was to check the uni out last year.


When do you move in? Would you like to meet up for a gaming sesh on the 'cube at mine at all? I've yet to play shorty either, and between us we have the usual tirade of partay games like monkey balls, smash bros, timesplitters2, f-zero... I have a nicely sized telly for this sort of thing!

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awesome! Seriously. I'm sure we can arrange to meet up at some point. We're going to be at Domino House from this weekend. I've only been once and that was to check the uni out last year.


When do you move in? Would you like to meet up for a gaming sesh on the 'cube at mine at all? I've yet to play shorty either, and between us we have the usual tirade of partay games like monkey balls, smash bros, timesplitters2, f-zero... I have a nicely sized telly for this sort of thing!

I think I have RSI in my right wrist. Or at least, that will be my explanation if I don't crush you at every cube game we have.

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all packed up for the move tomorrow :D


bringing my 360 and DS and my GameCube with 4 controllers (2 wavebirds) and all the games i have.


should be fun anywho just moving in and trying to make everything fit inside my room lol


Hey good luck man, tell us all how it went.


Man you will be popular I remember the uber mario kart and Res4 sessions from my 1st year the memories! :weep:

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