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dude i will be honest with ya, majority of the software development jobs are being outsourced to other more cheap labour countries like china/India thus finding a job with any software houses in the UK will be difficult, in this day and age to make your money in the computing industry you have go in to project management, this is especially true in the west like uk/usa, have u ever wondered why many universitys are promoting their comp sci courses with business minors? it is because they know in about 5 yrs time all software development roles WILL be outsourced, if do not believe me then ask your uni to compare the Comp sci applications from 2005 to 2006 there is a major decline and lastly many games studios take the best of the best software programmers – these are people from Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial, and Warwick they will have more precedence in that industry but if you can get a 1st from hull they u may be a shoe in, but hey this just my opinion research it and you will see what i mean - btw i am doing computing for business (which just comp sci + business admin with a new fancy name ) @ aston


Write so your saying to be a games programmer you have to have a compsci degree from Oxford or whatever. I think as long as I come out with a 2.1/ maybe even at a push a 2.2 will be fine.


Hull university was given XNA studio from microsoft

They have a suite full 360 development kits. (one of only a few unis)

They have a suite full of gamecube development kits (one of only a few unis in the UK)

They have just recently acuired Full psp and DS development kits (which they will add to the course next year, not only that but they are one of only a few unis actually to be given these).


So I am sorry for all that think this is bullshit this is what I asked Dr. John Purdy who teaches it.


P.S. BTW They showed us that information today and 95% get jobs programming - in games,financial,military aswell as medical and earn between £22500 to £26000 when graduating, futhermore hull is one of the best universities with one of the best employment ratios for for compsci.


Yeah. You're full of shit.


Good luck!


How may I ask am I 'full of shit'

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Not if your staying in Talyor Court flats, just got in from the undergrad Welcome Party for the CompSci department, they had Donkey Konga set up played a bit of WiFi Mario Karts with my programming lecturer, afterwards a few of us headed for the Gray Mare pub oposite the campus - was a right old laugh

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Uni is finally starting to get interesting, now that the introductory crap is over. Except the reading, thats not so fun. And the fact because one lecturer made me lade for another I have to be in a group with someone I've taken an instant disliking to in another module all semester. Will try and sort that out.

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I think you made some non-friends in the 360 thread.


very true-and in some of the Wii threads, and in the Zelda one too and in the, well you get my drift.




loving uni right now, i was walking home from tesco today thinking -wow i got to where i wanted to be and im all growed up and independant! :D



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You see I'm at uni and I don't see it like most of you guys do I try and do what I need to put a means to an end. Hull uni very nice place, surrounding area ok to progressively a dustpot. It was the same but in completely the opposit way with Manchester Met, center of town was immense slowly getting worse til you at the dustpot of MMU. But yeah anywho got a maths test tommorrow if you get under 20% they said they would reevaluate the situation (is it all talk or could they chuck you out?)


P.S did I say we have to programme the game snake for our first bit of coursework, once I have done it I will probably put it on the internet for you guys to download

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You see I'm at uni and I don't see it like most of you guys do I try and do what I need to put a means to an end. Hull uni very nice place, surrounding area ok to progressively a dustpot. It was the same but in completely the opposit way with Manchester Met, center of town was immense slowly getting worse til you at the dustpot of MMU. But yeah anywho got a maths test tommorrow if you get under 20% they said they would reevaluate the situation (is it all talk or could they chuck you out?)


P.S did I say we have to programme the game snake for our first bit of coursework, once I have done it I will probably put it on the internet for you guys to download


hey, MMU is a shitter relation of the uni of manchester-which itself is a gorgeous huge and totally (scarily) modern Uni. and the city is loverly-i should know as im living in the city centre like 2 mins walk from Manchester Picadilly.


and i dont think many uni students can be so naive as to just come to uni without knowing of a job that needs them to have a degree.


mooooo-another sunny manchester morning (i'm not lying, its been stupidly sunny for 2 weeks!)

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Heeeeeeey yoooooooooooou, Guuuuuuuuys!


It's been a pretty awesome week so far. I arrived at my place on Sunday and i've been pretty busy all week. Been out to pubs, clubs and seeing my friends. Its been excellent.


The house is looking better every day. I've made it my job to go from room to room and making each one look fabulous. Yesterday, i tidied up the kitchen and i've gone all bad-ass-mother on arranging all the plates and shit. I'm determined to make this place really nice. Expect pictures soon, you pornstars!


I've had some problems enroling. But, its looking like its going to be ok now.


And thats...How for Now!

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My first week in Carlisle has pretty pleasant, all told. Nice little Uni, wonderfully eccentric tutors, great set of shops and pubs in the town, a brilliant little alternative cinema (that’s showing the original Robin Hood movies tomorrow – huzzah!) and a nice quiet flat.


Still need to find where Morrisons is though. There’s one around here somewhere judging by all the students with plastic bags, but I can’t find it anywhere. It’s like one of those invisibility puzzles you need a special item for in Zelda. I had best get over to the haunted well in the castle before I run out of milk. Where’s my mirror shield?

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You're full of shit because


A) History graduates are among the most employable, and extra qualifications aren't required


B) There's something like seven graduates for every job in the UK games industry


source for that info - as I think platty already said its about transverable skills, so if you go for Bsc Games Technology then you'll find it tough to get a job in the the Games Industry. When I was thinking about my degree, I contacted these guys




They helped me to advise me on which university degree would stand me amongst the best possible chance of getting a job. They said that there clients looked favourably with Hull graduates because during there time have developed and know the hardware of the actual development kits.


The thing is with History degrees is that most law firms like that and a law degree, so I have been told by a close friend who wishes to be a lawyer. He may be wrong.


So what do you mean by extra qualifications, you mean if they want to be a lawyer lets say, and have a history degree. Do you think they can practise law straight away, I don't think so.


BTW that doesn't make me full of shit

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The thing is with History degrees is that most law firms like that and a law degree, so I have been told by a close friend who wishes to be a lawyer. He may be wrong.


So what do you mean by extra qualifications, you mean if they want to be a lawyer lets say, and have a history degree. Do you think they can practise law straight away, I don't think so.

Even if you have a law degree you can't practice law straight away, you need to do the one year LPC/BVC after you graduate. I think if you look at some graduate job ads, you will find that a vast majority, apart from the highly specialised ones, will say 'any degree discipline'.

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You're full of shit because


A) History graduates are among the most employable, and extra qualifications aren't required


B) There's something like seven graduates for every job in the UK games industry


History gradutes! Cashback.


Uni for me is going crap and good. On the crap side finaces which I can't be bothered to speak about I may have put Moria off uni explanining my porblems (or just put him off being an idiot like me). I have met a half philipino half swedish girl in my halls though. So well yep that makes up for it :awesome:

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Who said anything about Law?


P.S. Mum, Dad, come back! I don't know how to open the orange juice!


Well you said history gradutates could get a job without getting extra qualifications.


Plus these days anyway more jobs require a greater amount of expertise and with that the amount of jobs history graduates is getting less and less.

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