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Miyamoto spills some more beans....


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I'm pretty sure that Wiimakes will be released under new brand and Nintendo controls what games will get budget releases. In addition that it allows Nintendo to control quality, it also benefits 3rd parties, because Nintendo prints, distributes, and market games (3rd parties save lots of money as a result of this).


never thought of it that way. you're very right of course... hmm... ok my opinion of wiimakes is changing now... ;):D

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Yeah that's all good, but often publishers own the rights to games and few of them are going to be willing to let Ninty get their share of the money. That is unless they can get a cut of it too at the same time but still.


Does anybody else see this topic mainly as something to worry about rather than something which is bad? I personally am "the more the merrier" but I also know how silly and over excited Nintendo can get about the wrong things (GBA connectivity?)

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These "wiimakes" will probably be done like the Player's Choice selection. A series of GCN games ported to the Wii for a budget price and with extra Wii controls. Think of these as like Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition (Where the budget "Greatest Hits" release added many extras), except instead of extras in the game, you have additional Wiimote controls.


This is a way for Ninty to keep the GCN games on the shelves for people (Who missed out on the GCN) to have another chance to play these games without resorting to second hand games. It's particularily good for non gamers who have just jumped into gaming as they are very unlikely to go hunting on ebay for all the GCN games they missed out on but may want to try out the GCN games they've never played if they see them on the shelves for a budget price (Probably the same price as the PLayer's Choice selection)


Add in the Wiimote controls for non gamers who don't like traditional controllers and those who want a new way of playing all the GCN games they love and you're onto a winner. Graphics will probably not be touched but widescreen support is a possiblity I reckon.


Personally I think it's a great idea! Market them as classic GCN games under Player's Choice and sell them for the same price as the Player's Choice games and it's a keeper. Metroid Prime 1 and 2 are pretty much confirmed already since the very first Wii game that was shown off to the press behind doors was actually a version of Metroid Prime 2 with Wiimote controls. If they put Luigi's Mansion and RE4 under this new brand I would splooge myself!

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I can see both positives and negatives sides to this idea. Nintendo are very cunning at milking their games and hardware and squeezing more money out of us. Nintendo really need to start thinking about what they are doing and do it right first time instead of updating everything partway through it's life cycle. Gameboy to Gameboy colour (there was a long time between both however)

Gameboy Advance to Gameboy Advance SP

Nintendo DS to Nintendo DS Lite.

N64 to N64 with expansion pack

Now updates of already existing games with motion controls.

I for one am sick and tired of forking out twice for essentially the same product when they should have got it right the first time. I am also getting angrier with the whole Zelda TP debarcle. The GC version should have been released already in my opinion.


I love you Ninty but sometimes you make me sooooo mad!!


Does anyone else feel the same?

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I can see both positives and negatives sides to this idea. Nintendo are very cunning at milking their games and hardware and squeezing more money out of us. Nintendo really need to start thinking about what they are doing and do it right first time instead of updating everything partway through it's life cycle. Gameboy to Gameboy colour (there was a long time between both however)

Gameboy Advance to Gameboy Advance SP

Nintendo DS to Nintendo DS Lite.

N64 to N64 with expansion pack

Now updates of already existing games with motion controls.

I for one am sick and tired of forking out twice for essentially the same product when they should have got it right the first time. I am also getting angrier with the whole Zelda TP debarcle. The GC version should have been released already in my opinion.


I love you Ninty but sometimes you make me sooooo mad!!


Does anyone else feel the same?


nope, coz they never force you to spend your money.


and they can hardly have "done it right first time" with the GCN games since there was no Wii back then, but i get ur point but it's a little unfair to blame them for u spending so much money. as technologies improve it's obvious companies will release newer versions of their products, not just in videogames hardware!! it's up to you whether you want to be them or not.


as for these games, this idea is more for casual gamers and newbies... after all let's face it the ps2 and xbox games will still have shelf space (well, the xbox not for much longer i'd say) whereas the cube does not, so having a backwards compatible machine would be pointless if these games weren't available.

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Actually it was a bit premature of me to say that they are forcing me to buy twice for the same product when in fact I don't even own a DS and only bought a Game boy Advance SP (second hand no less). But I feel sorry for the real hard core gamer who has forked out twice for these products when I feel that if they thought of the improvements first then people wouldn't feel like they have been short changed. I guess I'm just a tight-arse

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Actually it was a bit premature of me to say that they are forcing me to buy twice for the same product when in fact I don't even own a DS and only bought a Game boy Advance SP (second hand no less). But I feel sorry for the real hard core gamer who has forked out twice for these products when I feel that if they thought of the improvements first then people wouldn't feel like they have been short changed. I guess I'm just a tight-arse


this is just a way of keeping the backwards compatibility thing running. yes they're not 100% GCN games either but it means a player's choice range can exist, at the moment GCN games are rarer than hen's teeth in the shops.


and don't feel sorry, if people wana buy the newer version of a piece of hardware it is up to them. i bought a GBA, an SP and a micro. i bought a DS then traded in my micro against a DS lite, and i'm not complaining in the slightest. i doubt anyone was feeling sorry for themselves when they bought an SP or a DS Lite for example, because they had chosen to do so. and if they had thought of the improvements first and they were possible, further ones woulda appeared by now anyway.


same goes for PC's, televisions, DVD players, microwaves, radios, anything electrical, even cars!

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I know that electronics get beefed up all the time. DVD players etc. get new models every year by their respective manufactureres but in the case of gaming and particularly Nintendo I have noticed a trend of re-releases of sorts. A console should last 5 years without the need for upgraded models. The PS2 went slimline which I guess was a upgrade of sorts. Have any other console manufacturers done the same sort of thing. I'm probably just ranting now without making my point clear enough. Someone set me straight on this as it's doing my head in. Ta.

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after all let's face it the ps2 and xbox games will still have shelf space (well, the xbox not for much longer i'd say) whereas the cube does not, so having a backwards compatible machine would be pointless if these games weren't available.


Very good point ;)

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Yeah that's all good, but often publishers own the rights to games and few of them are going to be willing to let Ninty get their share of the money. That is unless they can get a cut of it too at the same time but still.


That's how the budget titles work. Sony / Microsoft / Nintendo buy distribution rights for the game and sells it as a budget game. And believe me, 3rd party companies are paid well* to have their games in budget range.


* Especially when you consider that game turns into budget title very late durings its lifetime. Most of the players that wanted title have already bought it, so game company doesn't really have anything to "lose".

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Nindori: 10 years of Famicom and Super Famicom. 10 years of N64 and GC. And now another ten years is starting with Wii?

Miyamoto: Yes, we're starting from here.


I love the way they have made a subtle attempt to ask if there will be another console after the Wii. Not sure about Miyamoto's answer though.

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Guest Stefkov

f-zero remake? i never got it for the cube. i suppose it is only a tenner, so i oculd get it, but with wii controls you can feel like your actually bashing them off the course.

or just another f-zero game.

i wouldnt be surprised if they did all these mario sports game, golf, tennis, sure theyve done wiisports, but these would be good with these controls.

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i wouldnt be surprised if they did all these mario sports game, golf, tennis, sure theyve done wiisports, but these would be good with these controls.





Makeing a Wii-make will probably just take a couple of months compared to makeing a new game which takes more than a year.

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Guest Stefkov


Makeing a Wii-make will probably just take a couple of months compared to makeing a new game which takes more than a year.

Exactly, then with it being a Wii title they could even have wiiconnect24 connected to it, so they could release updates for it, only minor ones, like an added character which people had requested in a poll.

or new courses for mario tennis or golf. etc. so much they could do with current titles like these which other peope may not have played.

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Surely this undermines everything Nintendo have claimed about games being completely different and Revolutionary on the Wii?

I mean, rereleasing old games with minor changes, what the fuck are they thinking?


i'm inclined to agree. yes we need a rerelease of cube games for a player's choice sorta collection, after all what's the point in having the capability if new gamers can't get a hold of these titles? i've been swinging back and forth in this argument, and i'm inclined to think now that yes, it DOES go against everything nintendo are doing with Wii. If they are talking one or two games a la Super Mario 64 DS then that is OK, but other than that no, this is a bad bad bad idea!! concentrate on new games miyamoto!


all the games mentioned here that people want should be getting full-on Wii sequels at some point, not cheap rehashes!!


sure, release a lot of the cube games again as part of some "play cube on your Wii" player's choice range, and make them actually available in the shops, but just make either the classic or gamecube controllers the options available. retooling these games for Wii makes it look like a cheap cash-in. and a lot of them simply won't work!! one example is sunshine. eh? if that could easily be redone, then why make galaxy so different around the controller? sunshine wouldn't work, simple as that!

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