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Sonic And The Secret Rings


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Unlike other Sonic games, Secret Rings features an "on-rails" system whereby players will not have to hold forward to proceed; the game does it for you, making Sonic run in a semi-linear path.


Sonic's movement will also be controlled by tilting the controller left or right, much like a steering wheel.


*sigh* i think im going to see a lot of disappointed people here

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*sigh* i think im going to see a lot of disappointed people here


Why? We've known its going to be on rails for a long time now.


Were the classic Sonic games free-roaming? No. They were sorta on rails too..if you think about it.


Basically, think classic 2D Sonic, in a 3D perspective. Sonic is about speed. Giving him too much freedom to move slows all that down. It needs to be a pacey game, and I think that is exactly what we're getting.

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i believe it will get good reviews and i believe it will be the best 3d sonic games ever.i love the graphics.the Va and voice is appaling.and thats a con already.Of course if you can change to jap voice acting then that will be solved....but seriously music is a issue


Let's put it this way.


A 3D Sonic. And the main thing you're worried about is the music. Seriously, this is not a problem. Camera issues, broken gameplay, a stupid amount of characters have plagued 3D sonics for a long time. They are real problems.

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Why? We've known its going to be on rails for a long time now.


Were the classic Sonic games free-roaming? No. They were sorta on rails too..if you think about it.


Basically, think classic 2D Sonic, in a 3D perspective. Sonic is about speed. Giving him too much freedom to move slows all that down. It needs to be a pacey game, and I think that is exactly what we're getting.


2d sonic is about on rails as the super mario bros.Both had different routes you could take.for sonic you can go high or low


Let's put it this way.


A 3D Sonic. And the main thing you're worried about is the music. Seriously, this is not a problem. Camera issues, broken gameplay, a stupid amount of characters have plagued 3D sonics for a long time. They are real problems.


well im not attacking this game in particular for the music just 3d sonic games in general.i knwo its not a major problem.camera coulnt possibly be a problem in this so thats good.Just the gamesply im worried

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2d sonic is about on rails as the super mario bros.Both had different routes you could take.for sonic you can go high or low


There's multiple routes in this as well, and apparantly there's enough variation in the gameplay to not make it totally about dodging left to right until you get to the end.


As you can expect, I'm really looking forward to this.

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There's multiple routes in this as well, and apparantly there's enough variation in the gameplay to not make it totally about dodging left to right until you get to the end.


As you can expect, I'm really looking forward to this.


Your not the only one.This just sounds amazing and I can't.

Music is not a huge issue for me,i'd be happy if there's only a few good songs.


The song played when Super Sonic in games is always good so I hope the same applies here.

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I'm going to hold judgement until i've played the game, but seriously theres been an awful lot of harsh game-reviews lately.


It's your personal taste, for example; i don't think Sonic on the 360/PS3 deserved 4.3-4.6 from IGN, sure it's got alot of problems but it's still pretty fun.


This looks pretty good to me...lets hope it is!

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but the camera is vastly improved!


To be perfectly truthful I never had even the slightest problem with the camera in Sonic 06. The only real problem I have with those games in terms of control is when they can't be relied on, for instance in the dreadful halfpipes that plague levels like the forest one. That and when the level seems deliberately designed to have you slightly just brush against a wall and have Sonic stop entirely. Nobody in their right mind tries to control the camera with the right stick, you simply would "feel" where things are in relation to Sonic and simply adjust the camera when it's absolutely needed. The bottom line here is that while the camera was twitchy because it tried to sometimes force certain movements in the Adventure games, in Sonic 06 I thought it was fine.


I think the fun of this game will come from tearing though the levels at high speed once you've learned them. After playing through each one, say 10 times or something and you know exactly what obstacles are where, when to jump, when to speed boost etc... it will be awesome fun.

Couple this with the missions getting more and more challenging and you'll get to a point where you'll really feel like you've mastered the game!


Indeed I feel that this is most likely true, as it's been the consistent truth throughout all Sonic games including SA1, 2 and 06. Heroes and Shadow interupted this with key hunts and rubbish like that. But here I sort of feel like.. Sonic is keeping his pace, going where HE wants to go, leaving you to only change paths whenever HE decides that you can. I was sort of hoping that you can change what to attack with the d-pad, or maybe even have some Sonic Rush bonus stage type stuff where you need to point at certain things or draw certain shapes to have him do a trick and gain rings/speed/whatever. It seems to me that the input is minimal to help those along that couldn't deal with the speed and the camera before instead of just fixing the levels where they needed to be fixed, and have the controls make sense where they needed to but didn't.


Of course, all of this is backlash waste as a result of the way they messed up 06 (which I truly felt had a really solid foundation!) and it's just my biggest fears in regards to this speaking. I saw on Dante's list that this is done by the UGA guys that handled Sonic Riders, which I thought was excellent, so I'll keep faith.


*crosses every finger-like thing I've got*


I'll buy it and like it regardless. :}

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I realy hope this turns out to be the best home console sonic ever, but if it turns out to be yet another half assed Sonic game... it may be the last one i buy. I felt robbed when i brought Shadow the Hedgehog and dont even mention Sonic Riders!

ONM is out friday and i think they will have a review of it in there... so if they have i will post up the score and such.

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No thats why on onm forums you can't talk about review score or anything from them are anyother magazine.


sounds like a shite forum if you can't even compare other review scores....what do they do just delete every post that reviews to another magazine.


Thats a forum policy, not the law.


yeah exactly what it is-think some people have difficultly telling the difference!

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