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Sonic And The Secret Rings

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You've waited this long...you can wait an extra day


I can,but the waot would be extremely hellish since I know it's out but I can't get it.This happened when I ordered Sonic Rush and Shadow.


I was majorly pissed off waiting for it and it arrived on the Saturday(ordered from Amazon) when it got sent on a couple of days before hand.


The wait was just terrible,and i'm looking forward to this game even more than Rush so the wait would be even worse...

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Some Official Wallpapers.



The last few are amazing. The last one is now on my desktop.





I've been thinking, people have said that even when you die a lot, you still want to play. I think it's something to do with the Wii Remote.



It hit me first with Excite Truck - you hit trees a lot, but I myself didn't mind. Why? Well...most times I knew I was going to hit it before I did (you know, the second of "oh fuck" before it happens), the remote helps with this because you feel in direct control - and because you feel like you are in direct control, you'll blame mistakes on yourself, and not the game.

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Well, 1 hour to go before I go get my copy of the game! Tick Tock, Tick Tock......


Im waiting for my postman as we speak... lazy git is most likely still in bed tho.

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I gotta wait till i see my dad, hopefully not too long...be about 1:00pm i reckon.

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I've been thinking, people have said that even when you die a lot, you still want to play. I think it's something to do with the Wii Remote.



It hit me first with Excite Truck - you hit trees a lot, but I myself didn't mind. Why? Well...most times I knew I was going to hit it before I did (you know, the second of "oh fuck" before it happens), the remote helps with this because you feel in direct control - and because you feel like you are in direct control, you'll blame mistakes on yourself, and not the game.


Exactly, when I used to play games sometimes it really did feel like the game was going wrong and causing me to lose/die/whatever. Can't really think of an example but I'm sure most people have felt the same at some point. With the Wii, at least with this game, I feel in complete control and when I mess up it usually just makes me laugh rather than getting me annoyed.


ps. great avatar and sig, Cube *jealous*

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Just picked up my copy but I have to go to the gym and then hit the sunbeds and then go to work. May give it a quick go before work just to see how it handles.

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Just picked up my copy but I have to go to the gym and then hit the sunbeds and then go to work. May give it a quick go before work just to see how it handles.


You stud. Gym, sunbeds! :hehe:;)

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Just picked this up and played the first couple of levels. Is pretty fun so far and the music isn't half as bad as I'd have thought...


Got it from ASDA seeing as the last few games I bought were cheaper than everywhere else (Excite Truck, Koro, FF12 etc). Thankfully I think it's been the case again as I only paid £34.96!! Back through town I noticed everywhere else was charging £39.99 so I'm pretty happy ;)

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God i could kill my postman... its half 11 and he still hasnt come!

Im thinking of throwing a bucket of cold water at him every time he turns up after 9.

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Got the game - controls are very simple, why have people been making a fuss? They are easy, responsive, quick-to-learn. And going backwards is a simple as just turning the Remote upsidedown - with the fuss reviewers were making I expected that you had to stop, keep holding the stop button, turn it slightly back, and suffer Sonig walking backwards very slowly. But, no, you just twist it round so it's upside down, and watch Sonic run backwards.


The skill feature is great - As of yet I havent had to make any big desicions with them - I also love that you just unlock the skills, then select the ones you want for the rings (and you can have 4 pre-set rings), rather than earning points and purchasing them.


The missions themselves are entertaining, some are challenging, and some just require good memory of the run-through.


Sonic making turns and stuff himself is disorientating at first, but I got used to it quite quickly. The voice acting isn't bad for a change, the story is quite crazy too, but not exactly terrible. Music isn't anywhere near as bad as reviwers have been making out.


Also, it looks like theres a hell of a lot of stuff to unlock.


One last thing: The box's spine really stands out - it looks greatm expecially when put next to all the other ones. Same with the disc itself.


I love this game.

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Im begining to think that my postman isnt even gonna come :sad:

Royal Mail you make me sick

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Why bother ordering online? I keep hearing how people are disappointed on this site because the delivery is delayed etc... you could have just gone out this morning and bought it in the shops.

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You stud. Gym, sunbeds! :hehe:;)


Indeed :grin:


Managed to have a quick go before work and done 7 missions. The controls are pretty tight and the music I heard so far I love but then I have always loved the generic rock of the Sonic games. I did have abit of trouble with the backwards mission where you have to tilt the remote backwards. It wasnt working for me so I turn the remote the other way around and it worked like a charm.


Basically I agree with what Cube said about everything and yes the box does stand out! On a final note I love the story book style graphics used at the beginning of the game and the "Rub your Ring" comment made me laugh, yes im immature leave me alone!

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Its by far the best Sonic game i've played this decade.

Simple as.

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Its here and about time too!

Just had a quick go.. and i like it! Attacking enemys by thrusting your Wii-mote forward feels great!

I will post some more impressions later when i have gone thro some more levels.

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Pretty good game, although I still don't think it's as good as the 2 Sonic Adventure games that were on the dreamcast. I find the controls somewhat annoying in some parts. It's probably my fault but jumping is kind of awkward as you've got to really hold that button down to jump the highest.


My biggest concern before the game was out was the auto running and it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be. It makes the game fun but man I hate to break, most of the time you kind of forget about the break because you're enjoying the speed so much and then it slaps you in the face and you hit something that you was suppose to break for. Damn it! SPEED BABY SPEED!


Music is pretty good, especially the first levels Sand Oasis theme. It kind of reminds me of the Ryu's brother battle music from BOF4.

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Why bother ordering online? I keep hearing how people are disappointed on this site because the delivery is delayed etc... you could have just gone out this morning and bought it in the shops.

And pay more money for the game itself in the shops AND more money to get there in the 1st place??? No thanks:shakehead

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Sonics back! YEAH!


Absolutely great game, you can tell how well it works and how polished it is by the first level!


The graphics are lovely, the wii-mote controls work a treat and the multiplayer is great fun!


Going to play some more! Yet again though, it's a game i wanna take my time with because it's great!



Fingers crossed it remains good!

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Why bother ordering online? I keep hearing how people are disappointed on this site because the delivery is delayed etc... you could have just gone out this morning and bought it in the shops.


Some of us work. Not to mention getting it cheaper online (£25) and I still got it the same day as someone getting it from a shop.

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Wah, hadn't got my copy from Play.com when I got home today. Then I hope it's here tomorrow! It'd better be!

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