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Sonic And The Secret Rings

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There's a few things which I think could potentially ruin this game, or any game for that matter.


1. The camera.


The camera, in such a fast paced game like this, is very, very important. We need to have some sort of camera that allows us to always be in control, so we can always be part of the action.


Talking to Jordan yesterday, the camera in this is looking promising. Its mostly behind sonic, almost at ground level, making it so much easier to see where you're going.


2. The sound/music.


Although I don't mind the sound or music in this game, its going to annoy a few.


3. Repetitive or boring gameplay


Reading the IGN hands on, the gameplay doesnt sound as linear as it looks like it would. Multiple routes for example can add variation. Also appears to be variation in the gameplay itself, which is good. Should be a solid game.


4. The Multiplayer


To me, it seems like an afterthought. Although its always nice to have a multiplayer, if some effort goes into it, it will be so much better overall.


5. The characters/story


One of the most annoying things about current sonic games is the way that they are trying to force a story into it all, as well as a million and one characters.


I think I can speak for most Sonic fans when I say...we don't care.

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All very good points there Flinky especially the Storyline one. I have high hopes that this will finally break the curse of 3D Sonic games and bring the classic 2D formula kicking and screaming into 3D. Are Sonic Team the ones behind this or is someone else in Sega making it?

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There's a few things which I think could potentially ruin this game, or any game for that matter.


1. The camera.


The camera, in such a fast paced game like this, is very, very important. We need to have some sort of camera that allows us to always be in control, so we can always be part of the action.


Talking to Jordan yesterday, the camera in this is looking promising. Its mostly behind sonic, almost at ground level, making it so much easier to see where you're going.


2. The sound/music.


Although I don't mind the sound or music in this game, its going to annoy a few.


3. Repetitive or boring gameplay


Reading the IGN hands on, the gameplay doesnt sound as linear as it looks like it would. Multiple routes for example can add variation. Also appears to be variation in the gameplay itself, which is good. Should be a solid game.


4. The Multiplayer


To me, it seems like an afterthought. Although its always nice to have a multiplayer, if some effort goes into it, it will be so much better overall.


5. The characters/story


One of the most annoying things about current sonic games is the way that they are trying to force a story into it all, as well as a million and one characters.


I think I can speak for most Sonic fans when I say...we don't care.


im worried about the actual gamepley as well.this thing of sonic retuning to his roots in 3d doesn't appeal to me.I mean would you like mario to do that in 3d?No mario games changed completely for the better and so should sonic games.


i agree with the music and story mostly.Stop trying to force rock into it and i honetly don't care(maybe if the story was on par with the old satam cartoon)

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im worried about the actual gamepley as well.this thing of sonic retuning to his roots in 3d doesn't appeal to me.I mean would you like mario to do that in 3d?No mario games changed completely for the better and so should sonic games.


i agree with the music and story mostly.Stop trying to force rock into it and i honetly don't care(maybe if the story was on par with the old satam cartoon)


I think it'll be interesting to see how it'll turn out. I've mentioned it in my post that it could get repetitive, but there should be enough variation to stop it getting boring.


Well, they did try to do it "the mario way" by making it 3D. So far, I can't really say its been all that successful. It'll be interesting to see if they can make this game 3D (sorta) but with the feeling and speed of the old 2D games.


Also agree with you about the music. They need to get some decent music and voices in this.

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I mean would you like mario to do that in 3d?No mario games changed completely for the better and so should sonic games.
Mario pretty much did it in the Sunshine levels without Flood, and I think alot of people thought they were the best part of the game!

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im worried about the actual gamepley as well.this thing of sonic retuning to his roots in 3d doesn't appeal to me.I mean would you like mario to do that in 3d?No mario games changed completely for the better and so should sonic games.


i agree with the music and story mostly.Stop trying to force rock into it and i honetly don't care(maybe if the story was on par with the old satam cartoon)


Exactly. Mario made a successful transition to 3D because he stopped doing what he did in 2D and found a new appraoch. I don;t think Sonic's speed works in 3D. I played Sonic Adventure 2 and it was frustrating at best. The speed was there but I found I never really felt I was in control during the high speed sections, although they did look good and gave a certain thrill. I also found the camera to be APPALLING.


Maybe some games were meant to be in 2D. Castlevania never worked in 3D. Metroid did. Obviously a lot is down to the developers on games like that. But sometimes it's also the core concept of the game.

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Maybe some games were meant to be in 2D. Castlevania never worked in 3D. Metroid did. Obviously a lot is down to the developers on games like that. But sometimes it's also the core concept of the game.


Very true. What developers need to realize is that sometimes changes do have to be made for a series to progress, its just shocking that Sega have yet to understand this even after all the bad reviews that 3D Sonic games get. Its crazy that they havent tried a different route for Sonic until now, I mean the 3D games couldnt have got much worse so why not give something new a try.

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Very true. What developers need to realize is that sometimes changes do have to be made for a series to progress, its just shocking that Sega have yet to understand this even after all the bad reviews that 3D Sonic games get. Its crazy that they havent tried a different route for Sonic until now, I mean the 3D games couldnt have got much worse so why not give something new a try.


Here's hoping this game succeeds then. This is definitely looking the most promising out of all the 3D sonic games.

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This game looks like it could be the first genuinely enjoyable 3D Sonic game... since all others have rated poorly. I've personally not had much of a problem with them, but it'd be nice for Sonic to return to form Solitanze-style, with decent reviews all 'round.

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but it'd be nice for Sonic to return to form Solitanze-style, with decent reviews all 'round.


I look forward to the day where we can all embrace on the first SUCCESSFUL ASSAULT on HD games and it'd be an added bonus if this game can achieve this.

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just one quote says it all


"This, in some cases made the game unplayable, to the point where we had died at the same part so much we considered giving up altogether. Hopefully, some polishing touches with be made to the final game before launch in a few months. If not, we could be seeing another potentially cool Sonic game turn out to be a massive disappointment."


Oh Sega what happend to you :(

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just one quote says it all


"This, in some cases made the game unplayable, to the point where we had died at the same part so much we considered giving up altogether. Hopefully, some polishing touches with be made to the final game before launch in a few months. If not, we could be seeing another potentially cool Sonic game turn out to be a massive disappointment."


Oh Sega what happend to you :(


Yeah, Just read this on GoNintendo. Im hoping this is sorted before release but knowing Sega they will ship it regardless of the quality.

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I'm slightly worried about this game. 'Slightly' as it looks to be very good at the mo, but you never know with Sonic games, as there either bad, ok, or superb.

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just one quote says it all


"This, in some cases made the game unplayable, to the point where we had died at the same part so much we considered giving up altogether. Hopefully, some polishing touches with be made to the final game before launch in a few months. If not, we could be seeing another potentially cool Sonic game turn out to be a massive disappointment."


Oh Sega what happend to you :(


I remember playing Sonic Adventure 2, I really wanted to love it, but at the same time it was lauged with so many issues that I just felt any decent devlopment studio would've cleared up. But Sonic sells, so they don;t care.

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I hope this game pulls through as something special. Its time Sonic had a return to form. Sega have a lot of people hoping that this game will restore some respect. Dont let us down again.

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This one too hold fire on until some reviews. It's certainly looking fairly promising at least. Something which previous Sonic games haven't been able to boast for quite a while.

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If it's not looking good now, SEGA are not going to fix it - they never do.




Oh, Sega. You were onto a winner, and then you blew it. F*cking blew it.

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Chances are i'll still get it.I still think it looks decent.


Yeah, Sega can't do much worse (statistically - I quite enjoyed it) than Sonic the Hedgehog.

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