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Sonic And The Secret Rings


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It's close, but overall I would say Sonic. It's longer, more fun and looks nicer.


Yes, I'd go for Sonic. At first the controls and Sonic's slowness are a little frustrating. Sonic probably starts off so slow, though, to give you a chance to learn the controls.


Once you level Sonic up he gets really impressively fast. You can go back and blitz though the earlier levels and get a gold medal no problem. :) And doing so is immensely fun. :)

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Equipping rings. It'd help if they told you about that in game! D'Oh!!!


You can turn the skills you've unlocked on and off on each of the 4 rings you can choose before you play a level (A, B, C and D).


I'd set up a speed ring, will all sorts of speed boost improving stuff and things that let you recover faster after taking a hit.


Set up other rings for specific types of mission. Eg, you might want a ring without all the speed stuff but with good defensive and attacking things or maybe a ring set up for exploration (slow but manuverable, longer jump boosts, etc) for finding the fire souls.

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Thanks for the tips, will do that. I got half way through the game before realising that non of the upgrades were automatically activated as I first believed. No wonder I wasn't noticing any difference.


Fair enough I'm an idiot for not realising but the game could have explained what to do a bit better!

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Yeah the DKC instruction Books were great to look through.


I cant believe you think you're the resident DKC-ster ReZource, you think I'm gonna relinquish my title just like that? We need some way to decide this! :heh:


Well its obvious....


....One of us is Diddy, one of us is Dixie.



...I dont fancy me that pink hat.....Or we can be the Official N-Europe DKC UBER Fans Tag Team.


Pwn n00b5 who say anything other than DKC Trilogy FTWWW!!!!!1111ONEoneeleven

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Read the bloody manual!


No one reads manuals, things should be spelt out IN GAME, as it is in Wii Sports, Excite Truck, Zelda, Rayman...............


I didn't think I needed to look in the manual, I thought all these upgrades happened automatically.

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Read the bloody manual!


While I actually agree with this sentiment, it's sort of a consistent thing with Sega to have shite explanations for how to play their games. Gunvalkyrie, Shinobi, Billy Hatcher, Sonic Riders and even to an extent Panzer Dragoon Orta and Outrun 2 all suffer from a case of "they love us enough to figure it out".


Well, *they* did when they played your games on the DC, because then they were nuts about you, Sega! Now they're normal people who are gonna give up when they die or drive into the railing for the umpteenth time for no apparent reason.


So yeah, while theres blame in not reading the manual, Sega could do a much better job of explaining things and integrating that explanation into the gameplay to encourage actually paying attention.

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No one reads manuals, things should be spelt out IN GAME, as it is in Wii Sports


Things are easier to learn about in Sonic than Wii Sports - at least you come across the "custom" option every time you play a mission in Sonic. Things like Tennis for example don't explain the fact that timing is much more important for the direction than the way you swing the Remote.

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how long do people think this lasts? just wondering how long I can expect the single player to last me.


Would you want to unlock everything? or just beat the final boss?


40+ hours, or around 10 (possibly less).

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That real 3D cutscene before the final world was amazing. Very very cool. If only all the cutscenes were like that!


To me, it felt more like an advert than a cutscene, and just seemed totally out-of-place.

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