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!6 Weeks Hols!

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But do you have half-term breakes and stuff? Cuz I heard you didn't from my friend whos cousins live in ireland.

Nope we have half terms(we call them mid terms) i have heard that being said before but its not true.It has gotten more strict though id say.We dont get half days anymore.We used to get some for no reason at all.'the mayors car has passed the chool HALF DAY!'

In saying that our school eduacation is much harder in general.i heard u only have to do 3 subjects for your A levels(that what its called)We have to do 7

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See, what did i tell you, i just saw some dilinquents standing outside where i live, and they were in a GROUP. god knows what they were plotting. but fear not ladies, i had my secret weapon at hand


Stop wanking and go and smack the fuckers.



Oh and Ford shame about where you grew up at least you've moved away now. And this will be my third time in bulgaria. We own a seaside bungalow and a soon to be built (Nov 2007 :hmm: ) ski apartment near borovets.


EDIT: Oh and yeah the beer is cheap (about 50p a pint). WHO'S UP FOR A SHAG?

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Stop wanking and go and smack the fuckers.



Oh and Ford shame about where you grew up at least you've moved away now. And this will be my third time in bulgaria. We own a seaside bungalow and a soon to be built (Nov 2007 :hmm: ) ski apartment near borovets.


EDIT: Oh and yeah the beer is cheap (about 50p a pint). WHO'S UP FOR A SHAG?


I would of done something had they of done something mischievous.

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I've had 2 weeks of holidays already. Been going out to bars and watching movies a lot more than usual, it's been fun. I've also completed RE4 another 2 times since the holidays started, and Metroid Prime once :heh:. Just started Metroid Prime 2 again, but having trouble finding the Dark Agon temple keys. Also, having to do lots of work on account of having bombed on the AS level exams.


EDIT: Oh and yeah the beer is cheap (about 50p a pint).


50 fucking p?? Holy shit, it's about £2.50 here for a pint (in city pubs)! Thats fucking nutty.


Still, you can get 2 litre bottles of strongbow for £3.50 from the newsagents, which is awesome :heh:.

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50 fucking p?? Holy shit, it's about £2.50 here for a pint (in city pubs)! Thats fucking nutty.


Still, you can get 2 litre bottles of strongbow for £3.50 from the newsagents, which is awesome :heh:.



Come with me. I've got a double room to myself :wink: Plus practically no matter how old you are you can get served. But maybe I just look old to them for some reason, because when I went snowboarding at christmas the bulgarian man that we were stayin with said I should go to a strip club and he was really surprised when I told him I was 15.

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that makes at least 3 people i know (of) that are going to bulgaria soon or have been recently. must be something special there.


Must because of those lovely establishments they have in the mountains where they lock away the mentally retarded.


As I've already said in 3 or 4 holiday topics we've already had, I'm going to Majorca in September for the week. Can't wait because a month of doing nothing is beginning to bore me.

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Oh yeh!!! 6 weeks holiday :) I just got my timetable for year 11 though and I have the worst wednesday ever!! 3 out of my 5 hours are Science!! Thats beyond a joke, half my science lessons in one day.:angry: And I have the worst biology teacher ever, so boring. Apparently on one of the past ski trips at my school she fell off the mountain!! :laughing:


Ah well, just have to enjoy these while they last. I go to Australia for 3 weeks at the begining of August :bouncy: then it's my birthday on the 20th August!! So i Have plenty to look forward to :D

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Oh yeh!!! 6 weeks holiday :) I just got my timetable for year 11 though and I have the worst wednesday ever!! 3 out of my 5 hours are Science!! Thats beyond a joke, half my science lessons in one day.:angry: And I have the worst biology teacher ever, so boring. Apparently on one of the past ski trips at my school she fell off the mountain!! :laughing:


Ah well, just have to enjoy these while they last. I go to Australia for 3 weeks at the begining of August :bouncy: then it's my birthday on the 20th August!! So i Have plenty to look forward to :D


dont dis miss scot homie shes the shizz

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50 fucking p?? Holy shit, it's about £2.50 here for a pint (in city pubs)! Thats fucking nutty.


Still, you can get 2 litre bottles of strongbow for £3.50 from the newsagents, which is awesome :heh:.


Oh god, get me on that stuff ill down it like water.

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14 year olds can drink quite a bit you know :heh: I myself downed 2 glasses of cider the other day, but didnt get drunk at all. I'm 14 but i look considerably older, people recon i could get served if I tried :grin:


Wow two glasses of cider. Well arent you a heavyweight.

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