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Job Hunting Woes


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I've now joined with the website http://www.reed.co.uk. So far, it seems pretty good. I've looked under customer service, and there's a job that appeals to me, but its in Bristol. Not sure if i can travel there everyday or not. Hmmm.


Failing that, i could look for something else.



come work with me in coke, i'll feed you sweeties.

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All you lot looking for jobs really contradicts my current position.


Probably getting the sack from my job on Saturday. And the reason because of the final disciplinery is because I took a day off at the last minute to complete my college work or I would have wasted 4 years. For some reason they couldn't see that as a valid reason.


IMO any supervisors/management in retail are a bunch of ***** and power just goes to their heads because they are now earning 13k instead of 11k per year which normal customer service monkeys earn.


Surely they should be happy for me that I've finally been able to finish college..........but nah, they can't see it was more important and couldn't be avoided.


I'm so pist off at the mo with them.


So I suppose I do need to look for a new job, as got two months before uni to get alittle money together. I haven't had to look for a job since I got this one originally..........but hopefully my Dad will be able to sort me out with something.


Sorry to rant! But if you read this then surely you would understand my point. :mad:

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IMO any supervisors/management in retail are a bunch of ***** and power just goes to their heads because they are now earning 13k instead of 11k per year which normal customer service monkeys earn.




I have to say i agree with this, most, not all, but most supervisors take their position for granted. And they are the ones who either make your job pleasant or not.

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I have to say i agree with this, most, not all, but most supervisors take their position for granted. And they are the ones who either make your job pleasant or not.



I agree too, they don't care at all about the people that they have authority over.

Hence the cult of slacker. see how little work you can do. I managed 4 months of no work at one point. that was awesome.


I tidied the odd paint spill, but I actually enjoyed that, it was kinda therapeutic in a strange way - esp. when you don't mind the floor being stained.


I also constructed an illegal weapon as a co-operative operation between myself and my friend. 11 months after I quit the weapon was found, good stuff. fortunately they decided it wouldn't be a good idea to get police involved, as it would have shown how poorly managed the place was... and could have invited bad PR for the company.


anyway. retail is good fun, but abuse them or you will be abused.

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I have to say i agree with this, most, not all, but most supervisors take their position for granted. And they are the ones who either make your job pleasant or not.

Yep, totally agree. And it's usually the ones who act like this who actually get promoted in anyway.............while the supervisors who are just normal down to earth people (the rare ones) who actually respect people and don't just piss over anyone below them usually stay in the same job position.


Retail seriously is not a nice job, and it sucks that it is really the only opportunity that students have got to get by money wise. I cannot see how people can cope with working full-time in retail either.

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I want to get a job pretty sharpish but at the moment I'm doing a work experience course with a uni's computer support. It is such a dull job. This whole week I have been transferring monitor and harddrive boxes from a van to a lift, then from the lift to a room, then unpacking the box and finally connecting the lot of it. 6 hours for each of the past four days.

Bluddy monotonous work.

Makes me more determind that my carear job HAS to be one I at least a thin sliver of enojyment and satisfaction out of.

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I asked for a job at GAME yesterday and they told me to submit a CV. Reckon there's any point, I don't actually have one yet...


Also, does anyone know if you have to be 18 to work there?


I believe so, When I asked a couple years back, they asked whether I was 18.

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I think id rather stay unemployed than go back to retail tbh...


my old boss used to sit in the office and watch me on the cctv, see if i was always working! ARGH retail fills me with evil rage =( retail is just horrible hellish work, the only people willing to do it is foreigners and students!


I work in an office now, my boss has been off all this week, and weve done no work, yay ^_^


edit: dont you have to be 18 to sell adult games?

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I think i may have gone from no job to 2 jobs!


Here's what happened.


I decided to phone my old work place and ask if i can work over the summer. My boss was very kind and has said i can go back. I'm starting Monday. It's a call centre job, and the hours are from 5:30pm to 8:30pm from Monday to Thursday. Better than nothing, but i could do with more hours.


So, i was talking about it with my brother, and he said that i could try a place called Anglian Windows, in town. Another call centre, but it's money.

I went there today and got an application form, but they said they're not taking on anybody for 2 weeks. Hopefully i'll be able to work more hours there than my current job. Finger's crossed. :)

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Christ Lord, I was paid less than three-fifty at Christmas when I was seventeen. Some people get all the luck and don't realise that they've got so much of it and go about their lives ignorant of the incredible gift that they've been given.

(£3.50 an hour), which is great.

You're not one though.

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I checked out that site, Colin. I think i'm the opposite to you as i found Reed.co.uk more useful. They tried to ring me today but i was in bed. I've checked my account on their site, and i've found that there's a few decent jobs going. Customer service work, which interests me. I'm going to apply.


I went back to my old job yesterday. 5:30 to 8:30, so not too demanding. I got back into it really quickly, and it's kinda good to be back there again.


However, if i get replies from these new places, i may have to stop working at my old job. I'll be a bit gutted to, because i've only just started working their again. Ahhh, jobs are like buses.

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Im only 14, but I work 5 hours a day, 4 days a week in a cafe (£3.50 an hour), which is great. I guess it is different in the mainland UK. Keep on truckin'


3.50 an hour god if someone give me that i'd slap them. Spose to a 14 year old thats a lot of money, i know when i was 14 it was for me.


At the mo I get 7.40 an hour and 16.65 an hour if i work over my 39 hour week which i usually do, im a sucka for overtime.


So yea to all you job hunters keep on looking and good luck :bouncy:

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3.50 an hour god if someone give me that i'd slap them. Spose to a 14 year old thats a lot of money, i know when i was 14 it was for me.


At the mo I get 7.40 an hour and 16.65 an hour if i work over my 39 hour week which i usually do, im a sucka for overtime.


So yea to all you job hunters keep on looking and good luck :bouncy:


Damm for a 40 year old thats TERRIBLE!!!:laughing:

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