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Whats the sickest thing you ever done?


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The sickest thing I have ever done.


When I was in high school, after lunch my friends and I use to go behind the science labs and get stoned. There were some days when we would get so wasted that we would do sick stuff. One day I was so wasted that I decided to use the sink in the bathroom as a urinal. (Note that I’m not some big stoner).


That was one of the sickest things I have ever done.

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You pissed in a sink... ooh you rebel.


I've pissed in a sink, I've knocked one out in a plane too. I did it in my seat whilst everyone was asleep.


I actually have done sicker things; I just don't want to tell any one.


I ate my own **** when I was 3. Please, don't ask, I was only two, and I thought it was chocolate!


LOL What did it tast like?:blank:

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I havn't done many sick things really, though someone at my school gave another person a... well, I wanna try and keep this clean. Let's just say a sexual pleasure when they were 7... that seems pretty sick.

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i wanked on an airplane once... don't ask...




Me and my mates have car wars, thats when were on a fast road and we throw food at each others cars, i pissed in a bottle once and through it through my mates open window...

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Me and my mates have car wars, thats when were on a fast road and we throw food at each others cars, i pissed in a bottle once and through it through my mates open window...


thats fucking brilliant! lol




LOL, i thought that said "i walked on an airplane". :D


Come on, spill the details. You can't just leave us hanging on that note. Was there a fellow hottie passenger?


on that particular flight there was;) small tight clothing ya know:D

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Well, me and my friends go drive to a place that has no cars basically, so people go there to have some sweet love. We park next to them and applaud and scream and stuff. I once found an old friend from my first year at school. Disturbing. And she was blowing the trumpet. Eh.

Asides from that nothing sick. I have made out with 4 chicks at once with my girlfriend (so it wasn't really sick) some years ago. Those were the days.

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i wanked on an airplane once... don't ask...

whats wrong with that? or did you actually get the thing out. eugh. its okay if it stays outta sight

and the guy who said he ate his ****. is that a joke or are you serious? your life must me hell if thats true. teased a lot i guess

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What was the point in this thread if you're not going to be honest about it?


Ok I will be honest


1. I use to work at Burger King and I would spit in people's food (only people that I hate)

2. My computer teacher Ms. Brown was so fucken hot. One day she had these short shorts on. I could not stand it. I pissed her off by talking to my friends. So she sent me into her back room. Any ways for some reason I started to wank off. While I was doing that she walked in, saw what I was doing for a couple of seconds and walked out. From that day forward when ever I and she would make eye contact she would give me this weird sexy smile. True story

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