taiq Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 I've only ever owned Nintendo consoles (GB, GBC, GBpocket, GBA, DS, SNES, N64, Cube) and a Sega (Mega-drive 2), but I just bought a cheap modded* PS2 and I'm unsure of what games to get. Can anyone recommend me some really great titles? I tend to like RPG/adventure games (but I dislike Final Fantasy due to the amount of cutscenes and bad gameplay) like Zelda, Breath of Fire, Earthbound, etc - and quirky games like Katamari and Rez. What I already own: We Love Katamari, Rez, Ultimate Spiderman, GTA:VC, AFL 2003 What I want but can't find: Beyond Good & Evil, Code: Veronica, Super Monkey Ball DX What I'm unsure about because it sounds really interesting, but a little boring: Ico * To play my imported "We Love Katamari" which won't come out here in Aus, not warez
Android18a Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 -Disgaea: Hour of Darkness -Gitaroo Man -Final Fantasy X -Star Ocean: Til the end of Time -Virtua Tennis 2 You'd be crazy to miss any of those =D
Librarian Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 Oh you must get ICO.. that and REZ are my all time favorite ps2 games..
Guest Jordan Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 Everyone knows Rez plays better with the trance vibrator... if you're a girl anyway
Cheapshot Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 Devil May Cry 1,3. GTA: San Andreas (If you haven't played it already I suggest you pick it up pronto!) Kingdom Hearts (Action RPG, it's more up you're street) Burnout. Ico. God of War. Ominussia 3. Gitaroo Man. Disgaea. Pro Evo 4. Any Suikoden game. Prapper the Rapper 2. Metal Gear 3 how could I forget. Dark Chronicle if you can find it. Shadow of the Collosus is out soon - watch out for that one. Check out Okami on IGN or something; it's not out for a while but you will fall instantly in love with it.
Dr Kong Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 - Disgaea - Final Fantasy X - Kingdom Hearts - Times Splitters 2 - Ico - Gran Turismo 4 - Metal Gear Solid 3 - Watch out for Kingdom Hearts 2 and Shadow of Colossus - Have fun
taiq Posted September 30, 2005 Author Posted September 30, 2005 GTA: San Andreas (If you haven't played it already I suggest you pick it up pronto!) I liked Vice City, it wasn't great but it was fun. I had a short go with San Andreas, but I don't like its style (the whole rapper/gangster pimp thing). Okami looks gorgeous! I'll have to pick that up as soon as it's out!
Domstercool Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 Nippon Ichi Software collection of Disgaea, La Pucelle Tactics and Phantom Brave. Gitaroo Man Suikoden Series (Get the PSX ones as well, II is the greatest!) Front Mission Series Shadow Hearts Covenant Ico Katamari Damacy and We Love Katamari God of War Devil May Cry Series Metal Gear Solid 3 Silent Hill Series Xenosaga and Xenogears (PSX) Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution Taiko Drum Master (It's the original Donkey Konga) Jak and Daxter series Onimusha series Since you don't own a Xbox you will need to get some awesome multiplatform games as well, things like Burnout Revenge, Fatal Frame (Project Zero) and so on.
xino Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 you people are too dumb the guy asked for a RPG/ ADVENTURE not a damn action or racer my friend you did the right thing, by getting a ps2, cuz it has many games my friend i havn't got a ps2, but i recommed you get this type of RPG/ADVENTURE *Suikoden V *Phantasy Star Universe *.hack// series *Bleach: Hanatareshi Yabou *Kingdom Hearts *Xenosaga series *Xmen: Legends *Digimon series *Dark Cloud *Megaman x command * brb list the rest later:D
Android18a Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 Everyone knows Rez plays better with the trance vibrator... if you're a girl anyway I have a program that lets my Rez vibrator work on PC ^_- http://www.silentdream.co.uk/rez
Domstercool Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 Oh dear god, bet you like that don't you :P
RoadKill Posted September 30, 2005 Posted September 30, 2005 I can make both motors in the Xbox pad vibrate at will using a program on my PC too. So there.
Ashley Posted October 31, 2005 Posted October 31, 2005 you people are too dumbthe guy asked for a RPG/ ADVENTURE not a damn action or racer Okay first off, calm down. He send he "tends to like RPG/Adventure". Im sure he doesn't mind more suggestions. Anyway I know this is a month-long bump but rather than starting a new similar topic. Just wondering whether people think a PS2 purchase is worthwhile since its so close to its death. My friend has been trying to convince me and I may get one after xmas pre-owned from work with discount.
Rolf Posted November 1, 2005 Posted November 1, 2005 Shadow of the Collosus is out soon - watch out for that one.Damn right. Shadow of the Colossus
Sooj Posted November 4, 2005 Posted November 4, 2005 If you like action/adventure/platformers then I highly recommend the following: Jak & Daxter 1,2 & 3 Ratchet and Clank 1,2 & 3 Devil May Cry 1 Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3 Onimusha 2 & 3 RPG: Tales of Legendia (still to be released) Final Fantasy X (not X-2 :P) Final Fantasy XII (still to be released) Dark Cloud 1 & 2 Beat 'em ups: Tekken 5 Soul Calibur III Racing: Burnout Revenge Gran Turismo 4 Well there are obviously many more but I can't think right now :p
Domstercool Posted November 4, 2005 Posted November 4, 2005 The thing is the PS2 is going to last longer than the Xbox and Cube. It already has a big list of big hitters coming next year.
Chanser Posted November 4, 2005 Posted November 4, 2005 Beyond, Good and Evil is available for £9.99 from Play.com.
Meik Posted November 4, 2005 Posted November 4, 2005 Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee and Oddworld: Abe's Exodus. Both PS1 games but their awesomeness still holds up to this day.
Destiny Blade Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 1.final fantasy(7 and 10) 2.kingdom hearts and num 2 when it comes out and does anyone know the offical release date for it in europe 3.devil may cry series 4.jak series 5.metal gear series
Ten10 Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 Xenosaga ep 2 was mildly entertaining but you do more watching than playing.
gaggle64 Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 Sly Racoon 1-3. Great, great paltforming. I don't know why I like them so much. I just do.
Tailzo Posted December 14, 2005 Posted December 14, 2005 Shadow Hearts Shadow Hearts Convenant Dragon Quest 8 Suikoden 3 Some of the best RPGs on the system.
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