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This is a weird game, even though we've pulled it to pieces on this board, even though gameplay is getting luke warm reception from previews, I'm still hyped for this and get excited every time I see new screens.

  Gizmo said:
Clichéd scar over the eye.


I wonder if hes a bad guy or a good guy?


Bad guy Gizmo.


Sergei Vladimir back in his military days he used to be a Colonel, a title still given to him after his serving in the army. A native Russian, he approached the Umbrella Corporation after the fall of the Soviet Union and became one of the company's executives. The chevrons on his shoulders suggest he's a high official of Umbrella. He likes to collect old guns and is also the founder of the Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service, a unit with which he works together very closely.

  Gizmo said:
I think you missed the sarcasm :p


The scar over the eye is overused, is what I was saying :)


Oh I see. The tongue out smilie could help alot. :(


I really liked IGN's most recent preview of this game. In their hands-on, they said that enemies react more to shots, which is GREAT news! It's a shame that you can't still shoot their heads off though :(

  Kurtle said:
I think people should calm down about the no RE2. Although it sucks; the game is supposed to mainly base itself around STARS, Umbrella and Wesker.


Yeah but R Evil 2 is where everything started to come together not to mention Wesker was in the shadows in R Evil 2 as described in the Wesker Report. It would have been nice seeing Ada get saved :(

  Goron_3 said:
I really liked IGN's most recent preview of this game. In their hands-on, they said that enemies react more to shots, which is GREAT news! It's a shame that you can't still shoot their heads off though :(


The Japanese version Goron.


The thing I'm most worried about after IGNs new hands on is whether I will really enjoy this fully, as someone who has only ever played Resi4.

  Dante said:
The Japanese version Goron.


Well from what I heard, after the blood flies everywhere, if you check out the zombies bodies they look exactly like they did before.

  Gizmo said:
The thing I'm most worried about after IGNs new hands on is whether I will really enjoy this fully, as someone who has only ever played Resi4.


I would have thought you would as it would fill in the blanks as to what Umbrella is etc...I'm looking forward to it to fill in the gaps from the games I havn't completed (Resi 0 and Code Veronica).


A bit disappointed to hear that it will use old parts of cut scenes from the older games... would it have been nice for them to remake them...

  Dilli Gee said:
I was told on another site that Resident Evil 3's levels in this game haven't been "updated" for Wii. Is that true?


Because it was already terrible on the GameCube.

they're not pre-rendered... so... No, quite the oposite, they've been updated from RE3 renders since they aren't pre-renders anymore and real 3D this time around thing is... they probably weren't done from ground for it and instead imported from the outbreak RE's? (I say probably because I didn't play them)












nuff said.

  Zechs Merquise said:
It is good, sad that they've missed out Leon and Claire, funny that both RE2 and Code Veronica have missed out, in both cases does anyone know why?


The scene with Weskers red eyes must be from the new Umbrella chapter, because the only other time these are revealed are is in CV, which isn't in the game!

I wonder if we'll find out what version of the virus Wesker injected himself with and ultimately what he might be destined to become much later on in the series!?


Looks to me like Wesker is the one set to finally take down Umbrella! then obviously steal all their research to rebuild it in his name (as shown in Resi 4)!


Still don't like this new Russian angle, it's stupid! where have these guys come from all of a sudden?!


  Zechs Merquise said:
It is good, sad that they've missed out Leon and Claire, funny that both RE2 and Code Veronica have missed out, in both cases does anyone know why?
Because Capcom are stupid and seem to have lost some perspective on the story!

They leave out two of the most pivital games for the story and add some Russians!

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