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Can you cook?


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Well I just finished my first cake and it turned out that it even tastes like it looked on the picture in the recipe. I would like to know what are the things you girls and guys can cook (apart from fast food like pizza and stuff) and what is your favourite dish you can make on your own.


I never cooked when I lived at home but when I moved a few hundred kilometers away and lived on my own as a student I simply had to. It seems that over the last few years I become quite good and I also started to really like being in the kitchen and cook for me or my girlfriend or other friends.


My best dish is probably my selfmade pizza vegetarian style with a lot of vegetables and light mozarellay (I try to cook healthy in some way). The pizza is done in about 60 minutes (including time in the oven and letting the dough rest). There are some pictures on my blog (link below) including the cake I made today. I admit it looks not like the perfect rectangle but I am not a fan of form follows function.

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When I bother to actually cook something, I can usually make some pretty nice stuff. I can make some really nice tagliatelle con broccoli, as well as the usual stuff like spaghetti (though since I only eat tomato sauce with it, I can't claim that I can make some great sauce (yet)). One of the other things I've gotten pretty good at making is tiramisu. Love the stuff so much too. =3

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Yeah, I can cook, macaroni, toast, eggs, easy-mac ;), pizza, but besides those easy ones i enjoy making Spaghetti, Hamburger-Gravy over Rice which is exactly as it sounds, and I love making new ways of creating Grilled cheese, such for example adding and removing random things to see if it tastes better:D I dominate anything with Cheese. And another specialty is making crazy homemade pizzas. They are the best thing eva, besides the grilled cheese.

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Basic stuff like spaghetti, ramen, tuna salad, sandwiches, hamburgers, potatoes are easy, I probably could cook most things fairly well.

What about your baking? I've heard it's jolly good.


I'm not very good at cooking. Stir-fry, pizzas, maybe a bit of lasagne — vegetarian or non-. On the other hand, if I have a cooking book open in front of me then, like most literate people, I can pretty much make whatever.


I know I should pull my finger out and cook more, but I can never be bothered. It's all too easy to just grab some bread rolls and a tin of tomato soup.

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Tough, they exist in my head and nowhere else and I'll be taking them all to my grave.


Damned Colonel Sanders.


I'm quite handy in the kitchen, simple oven stuff I can cope with. I can make a nice fry up. Basic spaghetti bolognese. Cakes and biscuits no problem.

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Guest Jordan

I can (supprisingly) cook reasonably well. Thanks to cooking at school for 6 or so years up to year 11, i can make a whoop ass curry.


When i can be bothered, hehe.

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