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The Bard

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Unless they do something very awesome, Scrubs won't really work without JD. He's too funny and crucial to the series to just leave.


It'll be like when David Duchovny left the X-Files. If anything, we need a Marissa Cooper sized exit for JD if Scrubs is to work without him and I just can't see them doing that..

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Completely agree with you 3rd, JD makes the show, it'd be crap without him, unlike The OC which was focused around 4 people, Marissa being the worst of them!


They should end it at the end of this season on a sad but uplifting note, and just do a really nice episode. Probably ought to call it "My Last Day" to mirror the first episode.


I did hear a rumour a character will die in season six however.

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Someone will die, who has been credited every season. So a major character.



Also, Braff said on his blog they are simply rumors but he hasn't decided on his future yet.

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I think Kelso is gonna die and Cox replace him as chief of medicine :heh:


Haggis; you're from Yorkshire, and miles away from any real civilisation and thus you obviously wouldn't feel inclined to watch any program that didn't consist of neanderthals smashing rocks with other rocks. What I'm trying to say is; I really couldn't give a crap about your opinion.

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The whole point of Scrubs is JD growing as a doctor. mark my words: end of series six (the last one!) will be JD surpassing Cox or replacing him somehow- then they'll have a new JD esque noobie to come in and start the cycle all over.




I think Kelso is gonna die and Cox replace him as chief of medicine :heh:


If those things happens it will completely negate the previous six years of awesome. Its such a crappy lameass cop-out of an ending often seen in poor kids films. (even if Bardy was being sarcastic the mere idea is too terrible to mention)


To further the point a bit more; Scrubs is somewhat of a pessimistic show. These are a group of excellent doctors who run around all day being bitch slapped by their lovers, boss and patients. They will never find proper happiness at Sacred Heart, only the conventional half-happiness most people find in life. The only way JD would surpass Cox would be for Cox to die, but then obviously that would result in more sadness than happiness; the job would feel tainted (he only got it because Cox died), the whole hospital would be in constant mourning and I doubt he'd stick around. (Same if Cox was fired, and he would never quit because he actually likes it there. If he got a better offer from some other hospital he may find himself challenged by people who wouldn't take his condesending attitude)

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I think Kelso is gonna die and Cox replace him as chief of medicine :heh:


Haggis; you're from Yorkshire, and miles away from any real civilisation and thus you obviously wouldn't feel inclined to watch any program that didn't consist of neanderthals smashing rocks with other rocks. What I'm trying to say is; I really couldn't give a crap about your opinion.


Real nice Bard...

I'm from Yorkshire you know.

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Personally I think the sixth season has been pretty poor so far, it just seems cheap. The 2nd and 3rd seasons will never be topped.


As for the end of the series, I just hope there's a build up to it. I loved the last episode of Friends, but the whole Ross and Rachel thing came out of nowhere. Pkus I really want to meet JDs Mum, I reckon there's a really intresting story to be had there.


<--Haha check it i'm a frequent poster. Only took four years.

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Ha, I don't mind you disagreeing but some explanation would be nice.


People were far too critical of the last Friends episode, expecting them to create the greatest thing known to mankind. The only things I was critical of were the afformentioned non-build up to the Ross/Rahcel ending, and the fact that they didn't end it in the coffee house.


And I can't put my finger on why i'm not liking the sixth serious of scrubs.

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I still havent seen any of the 6th series of Scrubs yet but I rate it one of the best Sitcoms ever to come on T.V. Unlike many shows they dont just base the show on laughter, instead what you get is a funny as hell show that always has a greater meaning in each episode. The 2nd episode with Brendan Fraser is one of the best, shocking and most emotional things I have seen come out of a comedy.


Also Kelsos headbutt to the woman FTW!



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Guest Stefkov
I still havent seen any of the 6th series of Scrubs yet but I rate it one of the best Sitcoms ever to come on T.V. Unlike many shows they dont just base the show on laughter, instead what you get is a funny as hell show that always has a greater meaning in each episode. The 2nd episode with Brendan Fraser is one of the best, shocking and most emotional things I have seen come out of a comedy.


Also Kelsos headbutt to the woman FTW!



Ahahahaha, thats pure class.

I admit the episode with Brendan Fraser was a good episode. I loved the twists it played, I was totally shocked at the end.


Season 1 and 2 in the post right now to my home :)


I think I rememeber Braff said he was going out and wanted to start making movies. Garden State is a really good movie, so if he continues to star in/make those movies I will continue to love his work.

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He wasn't "fine" with her and Joey, and that usually means theres still some burried feelings. When her dad went into hospital they almost sexed. Huge emotional impact of Rachel leaving. It built up. Sometimes things happen, they don't need to have ten years of will they/won't they.

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He wasn't "fine" with her and Joey, and that usually means theres still some burried feelings. When her dad went into hospital they almost sexed. Huge emotional impact of Rachel leaving. It built up. Sometimes things happen, they don't need to have ten years of will they/won't they.


The difference between Ross and Rachel and any other TV relationship, IMO was that they were always meant for each other. Unlike Elliot and JD and every other couple, they were never on and off, they dated for that year and that was it till the end, appart from the odd romp but as Rachel said in one episode, they had spent the next 8 years walking around ignoring how they really felt, until it was either the end or finally admitting how they felt, which they did and the rest was happy ever after.

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The difference between Ross and Rachel and any other TV relationship, IMO was that they were always meant for each other. Unlike Elliot and JD and every other couple, they were never on and off, they dated for that year and that was it till the end, appart from the odd romp but as Rachel said in one episode, they had spent the next 8 years walking around ignoring how they really felt, until it was either the end or finally admitting how they felt, which they did and the rest was happy ever after.


Ross and Rachel aren't meant for each other. They're meant for the audience to believe they are meant for each other. They don't work. They haven't worked several times. As a couple they would be bad. As a TV couple they work alright.


(Maybe this stems from my ideal that no two people are ever 'meant' to be for each other because at the end of the day no realtionship lasts forever, and ultimatly all two people will bring each other is pain)

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Ross and Rachel aren't meant for each other. They're meant for the audience to believe they are meant for each other. They don't work. They haven't worked several times. As a couple they would be bad. As a TV couple they work alright.


(Maybe this stems from my ideal that no two people are ever 'meant' to be for each other because at the end of the day no realtionship lasts forever, and ultimatly all two people will bring each other is pain)


How exactly did they not work?


They only dated once, but they never stopped loving esch other as much as they tried not too.


Twas a break remember. You seem to be blending fiction with reality Ash, I'm sure Ross and Rachel are very different people to David and Jennifer :heh:

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