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Brand New


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RIGHT THEN. I'd like to start by saying a big 'fuck you' to the fool who got my topic closed. I don't care what you think I listen to, I don't care that you know nothing about me and started off generalising about me the moment you went "emo.. emo?!"!£>!"$".


My name is JUST A NAME. It was chosen fairly ironically for reasons you can search this and the old c-e boards for an explanation to.


As for BRAND NEW - Who cares if they're emo or not? The moment people start catagorising any type of music - especially the music they haven't actually heard - is the moment they lose out of worlds of music.


I myself posess a growing grimace reserved especially for the kids who hang around Churchill Square shopping centre from 3pm onwards daily, all bunched up in their uniforms derived from their idol bands or whatever. But I don't hate 'em. well.. not JUST them, anyway.


I 'hate' pretty much anyone whose music taste follows a formula - my own girlfriend instantly dismisses bands that she likes once they become too popular.




The point is; Brand New. Discuss.


(and thanks ramar - always been a fire amongst the embers.)

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In my opinion, i'd withdraw that 'fuck you' emo, he was only doing what he had to do.


Yeah he did say "the guy who got my topic closed", not "the guy who closed my topic".


Anyway as I said before, I like some of their songs, but never give the whole album a chance. I'll listen to it to/from work tomorrow, been a while. Keeping meaning to make a fan video for "Sic Transit Gloria...Glory Fades" (although the vid for that song is brilliant).

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I quite liked what I heard of Brand New. The song and video 'Sic Transit Gloria' I liked very much. I also liked 'The Quiet Things That No-One Ever Knows' or whatever but they could've made the video better. It's revealed he is a ghost way too early.

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Having listened to the link provided by Ashley, I quite like 'The Quiet Things That No-One Ever Knows'. But the quality of the music on their myspace is a bit poor, very distorted. Or my ears are gone.


(and thanks ramar - always been a fire amongst the embers.)


No problem. Though I do apologise to everyone else, I was stupid.

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The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot and Ok I Believe You But My Tommy Gun Don't are awesome, and Geurnica should be heard too. Lyrically the band aren't half bad at all - If I could I would shrink myself / and sink through your skin to your blood cells / Remove whatever makes you hurt, but I am too weak to be your cure ... you could label it emo, but you'd be better off just appreciating it for what it is.


The songwriter is a mate of the glassjaw dude, and people claim that a verse from I Will Play My Game Beneath The Spotlight is a friendly dig at him, the genre, and a lighthearted crack at himself too;


I wrote more postcards than hooks

I read more maps than books

Feel like every chance to leave

is another chance I should've took

Every minute is a mile

I've never felt so hollow

I'm an old abandoned church with broken pews and empty aisles

My secrets for a buck

Watch me as I cut myself wide open

on this stage. Yes, I am paid to spill my guts

I won't see home till spring

Oh, I would kill for the Atlantic,

but I am paid to make girls panic while I sing


I was hoping there would be a closet fan somewhere amongst the crowd, or even someone else going to the gig who wouldn't mind sharing a few tokes inbetween screams... *pines for shorty*...

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I automatically dismiss most new music, especially when described as emo. American teens yearning for past girlfriends is not what I connect to.


They're not though, the lead singer is 28 in about two weeks. I think (although this is all personal opinion) they are more like grown-up emos. They have gotten past the idea that love = everything and they seem to look at the entropy of life.


I really like the lyrics of "Sic Transit Gloria...Glory Fades", it has a very storylike quality to it:


She hits the lights.

This doesn't seem quite fair.

Despite everything he learned from his friends,

he doesn't feel so prepared.

She's breathing quiet and smooth.

He's gasping for air.

"This is the first and last time," he says.

She fakes a smile and presses her hips into his.

He keeps his hands pinned down at his sides.

He's holding back from telling her

exactly what it really feels like.

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Since when did "emo" ever even become a genre? People are free to be mindlessly depressed if they want to, why do we need to marginalise and generalise people into a loose and largely fictional association of dark clothing and suicide?

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I meant songs that don't asign gender. Songs that don't have he/she written into it. Songs using, "you" or, "I" are much better as they can be interpreteted by a wider range of people, and will mean more.


I also don't like bands that try to blatently tell me what the song is about.

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