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Healthy Eating!


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Instead of crap meals. Why not give the kids something good for them, but also tasty.. and with a naughty name. If your worried about money? maybe our fecking government shouldn't invest 12billion into several helicopters that they could never find or train the pilots to fly. That's a lot of good school meals that is.


*hates the state of this country*

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This will be an interesting issue in my school. It's not the school who pays for the stocking of the vending machines, it's the company who built the school and run the Sports Department (which is where the vendies are) as Sports Center outside school times. All fizzy drinks and junk food (apart from chips) have been taken out of our cafe already. Have been for 3 years now, when our new headteacher moved in...

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A step in the good direction imo. They say the children should make their own decision about eating junk food or healthy food, but today's youth is simply to spoiled and has no self discipline whatsoever so maybe it's for their own good they remove fast food.


In our school there's no fast food yet, but they seem to be evolving in that direction. As Dieter mentioned, they serve mayonaise and ketshup with everything, and now they have these so called 'fast lunches' which are basically one step away from fast food. Also prices go up, food quality goes down.

It's only a matter of time untill companies and coorporations take over the school system and brainwash kids in the very place where they're supposed to become thinking, critical and respectable humans.

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I had two sausages, a dollop of smash and an array of vegetables for my lunch today, a meal that was interpreted as the 'healthy option' by the kitchen staff. I would argue that every element of my meal consisted merely of reconstituted chips fashioned in such a way that their origins would remained undiscovered.

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I had two sausages, a dollop of smash and an array of vegetables for my lunch today, a meal that was interpreted as the 'healthy option' by the kitchen staff. I would argue that every element of my meal consisted merely of reconstituted chips fashioned in such a way that their origins would remained undiscovered.


thats very true...the healthy option in my school always meant soggy veg etc etc. the unhealthy food smelt and looked so much more better!

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thats very true...the healthy option in my school always meant soggy veg etc etc. the unhealthy food smelt and looked so much more better!


Thats why we should all eat unhealthy :p, IMO skinny people look unhealthy, theres nothing more healthy than a good bit of meat round your bones, so say fuck off to the goverment and Jamie Oliver and get a good old fry down yea :). You know it makes sense.

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which is why we shouldn't be getting new generations into the habit of eating junk food at such a young age. thing is aswell, some kids will come from families that feed them junk for breakfast and supper, so it helps them by having at least one meal of decent food a day. it would be ridiculous to claim that this move is anything but a positive thing.

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which is why we shouldn't be getting new generations into the habit of eating junk food at such a young age. thing is aswell, some kids will come from families that feed them junk for breakfast and supper, so it helps them by having at least one meal of decent food a day. it would be ridiculous to claim that this move is anything but a positive thing.


i absolutely agree there, but some schools just dont have the facilities to make healthy food there on that day, and they have to be all cooked somwhere and shipped off and reheated...urgh lol

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which is why we shouldn't be getting new generations into the habit of eating junk food at such a young age. thing is aswell, some kids will come from families that feed them junk for breakfast and supper, so it helps them by having at least one meal of decent food a day. it would be ridiculous to claim that this move is anything but a positive thing.


But we also shouldnt make them think being pencil thin is sexy and if your not skinny you are a freak, and tell them if you want to look like this you have to eat rabbit food, that is cruel and sick IMO. We should just be allowed to eat what we want to eat and what we like without laws sayinging we have to eat whatever they want us to eat.


Just remember girls curves are sexy.

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But we also shouldnt make them think being pencil thin is sexy and if your not skinny you are a freak, and tell them if you want to look like this you have to eat rabbit food, that is cruel and sick IMO. We should just be allowed to eat what we want to eat and what we like without laws sayinging we have to eat whatever they want us to eat.


Just remember girls curves are sexy.

it's not about being stick thin at all, it's about being healthy. i'll be happy to see less fat people walking the streets, yes, but i'm happier that we're no longer promoting a diet for five-year-olds up that will vastly increase the risk of heart disease. obesity is an issue, but certainly not the main one.

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it's not about being stick thin at all, it's about being healthy. i'll be happy to see less fat people walking the streets, yes, but i'm happier that we're no longer promoting a diet for five-year-olds up that will vastly increase the risk of heart disease. obesity is an issue, but certainly not the main one.


Obesity is an issue, I have to admit but the goverment are trying to tell us what to eat which I think is wrong. I eat what I want, when I want, sometimes i'll eat something healthy and sometimes I wont. Im 5'11 and weigh in at 12 stone. Am i overweight no im a thin no am i happy yes.


Everyone should be allowed to eat what they want, noone should be allowed to make that desiccion for them unless its a life or death situation. God gave us the huge amounts of food on this land to enjoy, and by golly im going to enjoy it.

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Although i agree with this. It's also bullshit!!

No suger!? No salt!?

Arn't these things good for you in the right amount?!


I don't think this is QUITE what Jamie Oliver was after.

i don't think you've QUITE understood the article.


but you are right, salt does have some positive benefits in moderation. here's some information about it if you want it




soag - i don't think you'd have quite the same sentiments if you were dying of heart disease. i don't really understand your point on the government telling us how to eat, there have always been set menu's, just now they will be more sensible. i just think it's sick to be feeding children what they are being fed now, the government have been in the wrong for feeding damaging foods to primary school children, they're trying to remedy their mistake now. i hate the idea of a nanny state as much as the next p[erson, but i also hate the idea of children's development being stunted because the government feed them harmful foods.

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I haven't eaten anything in my school's canteen in the past 3 years, it's all over priced junk food, and some rather bad tasteing fruit which has probaly got maggots crawing in it, theres no reason as i get either bring somehting from home, or just buy someting from the city.

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i don't think you've QUITE understood the article.


but you are right, salt does have some positive benefits in moderation. here's some information about it if you want it




soag - i don't think you'd have quite the same sentiments if you were dying of heart disease. i don't really understand your point on the government telling us how to eat, there have always been set menu's, just now they will be more sensible. i just think it's sick to be feeding children what they are being fed now, the government have been in the wrong for feeding damaging foods to primary school children, they're trying to remedy their mistake now. i hate the idea of a nanny state as much as the next p[erson, but i also hate the idea of children's development being stunted because the government feed them harmful foods.


But if the goverment just feed children rabbit food, their development will also be stunted, we ned fat to surive its what keeps us warm in those long winter months which we have a lot of here. If the goverment want to fix something fix the education system and while they are at it maybe they should go back to school themselves and put someone who knows what they are doing in power. [rant over]


I think we shall just have to agree to disagree ;)

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But if the goverment just feed children rabbit food, their development will also be stunted, we ned fat to surive its what keeps us warm in those long winter months which we have a lot of here. If the goverment want to fix something fix the education system and while they are at it maybe they should go back to school themselves and put someone who knows what they are doing in power. [rant over]


I think we shall just have to agree to disagree ;)

i don't know where you got the idea about rabbit food from, all the government are removing are HIGH fat, salt and sugar foods, not anything that includes them. i think we will have to agree to disagree, because i see no sense in your logic. you talk about improving the education system, and yet this "rabbit food" you blast is PROVEN to improve a child's performance in class.

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