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Paper boy, only job you can get at your age unless your parents know people that can hook you a job. Ask your parents about that.


Any popular limited edition items you no longer need, sell on ebay.


Zell's got the best plan, the lunch money is a fast way to get cash.


Some one already suggested babysitting, thats easy crap. If you got brothers and sisters that are younger, its way easier. I get £10 off my parents each time i babysit my 3 younger brothers, but i've had a tendancy to say "Buy me that game and i'l babysit 3 times". I've still got 1 babysit left to be cleared of my tetris game, then its New Super Mario Bro's! =D

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Ok, there a few things on my "to buy" list, but i dont have much money, especially with the recent fraud on my card.

So basically does anyone ahve any good money making methods/tips? (i tried those click for money sites but its way too slow going)


Didn't you get that money back? Did you go to the police/tell the bank?


I've just got myself a regular babysitting job starting after the summer. One morning/after school a week, about 4 hours in total. £20 a week :)


I'm doing a lifeguard course too so I can work up at the swimming pool, very good pay up there.

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Don't get a job. You work for 50 years of your life, why start early?


As already stated, it is pretty easy to responsibily make money on betfair.com and various poker clients. Obviously starting with practice money first.

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As you are too young its not really an option anyway , but seriously avoid ebay at the moment.


I trade regularly on there and the World Cup has killed all my auctions , there is hardly any activity going on over there at the minute.


Betfair works well for me , although your age kills that idea.


Looks like it may be a case of pleading with your parents , and if they deny you , enjoy the sunny weather , get a dog and a hat , write a sign saying 'unloved by parents , no home , no job and no future' and spend a few days down the local shopping centre.

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Don't get a job. You work for 50 years of your life, why start early?


As already stated, it is pretty easy to responsibily make money on betfair.com and various poker clients. Obviously starting with practice money first.

Yer i love poker and my dad somtimes lets me play free games on Ladbrokes, i've never come worse than third:)

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Pfft, you guys have no idea how easy you have it.

I bought my GCN on release, with like 8 games. I saved my ass off and didn't buy anything for about a year!

Why the hell would you buy nine launch titles?:shock: How many of those were any good, like Luigi's Mansion and Rogue Leader? You should have saved the money for better later games.

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i remember when i got the cube at launch i was 14, anyway i saved for a year just to get it. What i did was not buy dinner at school (take sandwiches from home as its free) and then i used to put that save dinner money in a jar and that built me up quite a lot. Also when i got birthday money i put that also in a jar along with any other money i could earn. Anway a tip is give a family member your money to look after that way your not tempted to spends what you have saved on other things.

Oh ye and also i used to wash my dads car once a weef for 2 quid, don't sound a lot but 8 pount a month which is about 90 quid a year.

its all about saving your change as it can accoutn for a lot

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If you're a student then you shouldn't be able to afford one... :heh:


Anyway... I'll probably end up waiting until Christmas.


I'm a student and I think I'll be able to afford one... Then again I barely have to pay for school (well, I quit but will be starting again soon).


Babysitting seems to be the best option, next to maybe doing more on your paper round (not sure if that's even possible though). But yeah, if you don't have the money by the time of release, go by what a couple of people said and ask your parents to pay for (part of) it and that you'll pay them back over time. Other than that, I guess you just got to wait till you can get a job somewhere.

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I'm a student and I think I'll be able to afford one... Then again I barely have to pay for school (well, I quit but will be starting again soon).

No, I meant a student at University, which if you are English leaves you incredibly poor with top-up fees etc... Luckily I won't be one for another year or so.

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No, I meant a student at University, which if you are English leaves you incredibly poor with top-up fees etc... Luckily I won't be one for another year or so.


Eh, I'm in like, what the Americans call college I think. But I've noticed that it's not as expensive as other places over here. Or maybe that's just because I'm an art student or something. I'm also lucky enough to have my parents pay for most of my school expenses (which is a one year thing, luckily). Not counting the stuff I need, like paint and pencils and whatever... which can be expensive.


Anyway, more money stuff. You can like, maybe go ask people if you can do stuff for them. Like walk their dog, mow the lawn, wash their car... stuff like that. Can make you some extra money, though of course it won't be an incredible amount. But everything helps.

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Guest Stefkov

make some new friends over myspcace. become really good friends, and make up a date for your birthday. then you get money.

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