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Kojima: PS3 Is Like A Movie Theater, Xbox Is DVD, Wii Is A TV!


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Maybe Hellfire (like me) thinks that Wii has enough graphical power? It's not that absurd, I'm not amazed by a PS3 or 360 graphics, at least not for more than 1 minute. I don't even think they're much diferent from this generation, just a couple of nice additions, which the wii seems to have too after seeing Mario Galaxy.


Kojima is a hipocritical and decieving bastard, made of the same stuff nightmares are made of (hairy shit and chemical X). If he really thought that way he would never had done MGS for the PS1, and from the fact that every movie comes out on DVD he should atleast port MGS4 for the 360.

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Guest Stefkov

Let the sales do the talking, is all (mostly) i say.

As long as we have other third parties we dont need Kojima.

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Kojima is a hipocritical and decieving bastard, made of the same stuff nightmares are made of (hairy shit and chemical X). If he really thought that way he would never had done MGS for the PS1, and from the fact that every movie comes out on DVD he should atleast port MGS4 for the 360.


Hahahaha, what? He doesn't have to do anything of the kind. It's his game, it's his vision, and he can exercise whichever way he sees fit. You've already demonstrated you don't know much about the man, so refrain from pretending you know what he's getting at.


It's like the man has to suck Nintendo's cock to get any respect around here, even after stating Miyamoto was the one man he looks upto greatly in the industry. One comment gets twisted by the fanbase, and he's the anti-christ.

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Maybe Hellfire (like me) thinks that Wii has enough graphical power?
From what I've seen, it seems the Wii has plenty of graphical power to give a decent graphics update over last gen, which is enough for me too. It's not a reason for me to say 'people let's close the graphics discussion because it doesn't matter', however. Even when the graphics are good enough it still makes sense discussing it, as it's a big part of the gaming experience.
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Hahahaha, what? He doesn't have to do anything of the kind. It's his game, it's his vision, and he can exercise whichever way he sees fit. You've already demonstrated you don't know much about the man, so refrain from pretending you know what he's getting at.


It's like the man has to suck Nintendo's cock to get any respect around here, even after stating Miyamoto was the one man he looks upto greatly in the industry. One comment gets twisted by the fanbase, and he's the anti-christ.


You're absolutely right, I don't know nothing about him, neither do I like his games (at least not to the extent everyone seems to like), and he can do whatever he wants with them. And I certenally don't know what he's getting at, and thats what's pissing me off, he's an hypocrit. All that prasing to Nintendo, saying that he would like to make games for it, then he stabs Nintendo on the back, dismissing the very concept on which of the console was created.

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You're absolutely right, I don't know nothing about him, neither do I like his games (at least not to the extent everyone seems to like), and he can do whatever he wants with them. And I certenally don't know what he's getting at, and thats what's pissing me off, he's an hypocrit. All that prasing to Nintendo, saying that he would like to make games for it, then he stabs Nintendo on the back, dismissing the very concept on which of the console was created.


He's developing a game for the Wii.


Next to these revealed projects, Hideo Kojima and his team are also working on a game for the upcoming Wii. After the revelation of the controller, Kojima showed interest and excitement[3] about its possibilities and later stated that he will be making a game to utilize its features specifically for the Wii


It's hardly like he's giving Nintnedo a hard time.

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I hate this perception that only the PS3 can make a grand epic game with all the trimmings. ANY console can achieve this, its all up to the developer. I think people are angry that his comments stereotype the Wii as a platform that can ONLY achieve short, simplistic games.


Its all about User Base people. If Nintendo, by some miracle, takes over as market leader, they can enjoy the same ass-kissing from Konami as Sony currently do.


Having said that, i love Metal Gear and i cant say anything bad about Kojimas as a developer. Im just disappointed that i probably wont get to enjoy a Metal Gear on a console i can afford

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But between what he says and what he does goes a long way, an incoherent one.



I don't think it does. He may well prefer the Ps3, but that doesn't necessarily mean he dislikes the Wii, he just sees them as different. Pizza is my favourite food, but I'm not gonna say no to some chips with a nice dosage of ketchup.

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...but saying that a PS3 with Wii controls is the dummest thing i've ever heard. Hell, everyone would like that, in fact it would be near aboout the greatest console of all time (for the consumer, programming would be a b***h).


Depends entirly on what you mean about "everyone", I wouldn't want that, becouse then that console would easily cost 500 bucks, if not more (esp if you added in R&D etc) and I don't want to plunk down that kind of money right now, neither does alot of other gamers. But sure, the hardcore-with-a-lot-of-money would like a console like that.


And on the whole "programming would be a b***h" thing, I doubt that. The Gamecube was more powerful than the PS2, but it was easier to program on. Just becouse Sony doesn't think it's worthwhile to make a console that's easy to program for doesn't mean that a console with power must be hard to program for.

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They need to get Snake out of Super Smash Bros and put Locorocos and Daxter on there instead. What does Nintendo owe this guy for? Nothing....


That is the dumest thing anything has said around here in a while. One guy expresses his opinion, as he's allowed to do, and suddenly you want to remove a key selling point of Smash Bros Brawl. Yeah nice thinking. And Nintendo don't owe Kojima anything, they're putting snake in for the consumer.


EDIT - yeah sorry gorrit I think you misunderstood me. The reason I said they aren't making a super powered console with innovative control is because of the price. I agree I wouldn't buy something for such a high price, which is why suggesting making one is such a stupid comment.


As for the programming thing, I was just going on the idea of merging a PS3 and Wii. The PS3 is apparently hard to programme for, and reports say that calibrating the Wii controller can also be tricky. Just what i've heard.

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I don't think it does. He may well prefer the Ps3, but that doesn't necessarily mean he dislikes the Wii, he just sees them as different. Pizza is my favourite food, but I'm not gonna say no to some chips with a nice dosage of ketchup.


Truth is, those of us that are disappointed are disappointed because he is claiming that the PS3 is the future. Effectively, the design of the PS3 is the way forward, according to him.


We are disappointed for many a reason. I will try and go into why now.


If you think back to Reggie's 2004 speech at E3, he said this:


"do you want to go down the same road, but faster? Or do you want to go down a new road?"


From what i'm hearing, it seems like Kojima wants to go down the same road again, but "faster." In other words, more of the same. The only difference will be how we view these games.


You could argue that this is good for the industry, as it's trying to become a big medium of entertainment. However, there are some of us who feel that this isn't the way forward. Many of us feel that Wii is the way forward because it offers a different way to play our games. It could even be claimed that Sony itself is seeing this as the way forward as they've also implemented a motion sensor into their PS3 controller. If this wasn't the way forward, then why add it?


We all like to see somebody doing something different. Somebody marching to a different beat. In this case, i think Nintendo are doing that. I think a few of us are disappointed that Kojima considers Sony to be on the right track when they're not really doing much to change the way we play games.


This is just my opinion on things. This is the way that i'm currently seeing things.

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Truth is, those of us that are disappointed are disappointed because he is claiming that the PS3 is the future. Effectively, the design of the PS3 is the way forward, according to him.


We are disappointed for many a reason. I will try and go into why now.


If you think back to Reggie's 2004 speech at E3, he said this:


"do you want to go down the same road, but faster? Or do you want to go down a new road?"


From what i'm hearing, it seems like Kojima wants to go down the same road again, but "faster." In other words, more of the same. The only difference will be how we view these games.


You could argue that this is good for the industry, as it's trying to become a big medium of entertainment. However, there are some of us who feel that this isn't the way forward. Many of us feel that Wii is the way forward because it offers a different way to play our games. It could even be claimed that Sony itself is seeing this as the way forward as they've also implemented a motion sensor into their PS3 controller. If this wasn't the way forward, then why add it?


We all like to see somebody doing something different. Somebody marching to a different beat. In this case, i think Nintendo are doing that. I think a few of us are disappointed that Kojima considers Sony to be on the right track when they're not really doing much to change the way we play games.


This is just my opinion on things. This is the way that i'm currently seeing things.

Marry me. Now.

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Nintendo is easily dismissed into making toys and gimmicks, but Sony's and Microsoft's approach isn't just going down the same old road faster. The way I see it Nintendo takes a brand new road while Microsoft and Sony take the old road but go down it further than ever before. Either way you get to new places you never been before, but Nintendo's places are even more exotic than the others. In my view Nintendo's approach is better, but I don't think that MS and Sony should be seen as more of the same.

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OK, this might help put Kojima's words into a more understandable context, where his unwillingness to wholly embrace anything other than the PS3 becomes obvious. Taken from IGN Insider:




The Next Wave #32

Kohler Does Tokyo, Part 1: Nintendo turns on the lantern, and Japan follows the light.

by Chris Kohler


June 29, 2006 - Yes, it's true. I have, for the time being, blown the proverbial popsicle stand that is the USA. I'm no stranger to Tokyo, although I've never stayed here for more than a few days at a time. I have no real purpose for being here other than to hang out with friends, except they all work at Japanese companies which means they never get to go home. So I find myself with lots of free time, which of course is mostly taken up with traditional cultural activities like shopping for video games.


This place changes you. In America I am an antisocial nerd; in Tokyo I am still an antisocial nerd but at least nobody can tell just by looking at me. Well, right up until the moment that I start picking through bins of used hundred-yen PSone games, I mean. Which I pretty much did all day today. I can't resist a bargain, even if it's not something I actually need. Especially if it's not something I actually need. A complete copy of Xenogears for the equivalent of roughly USD$0.80? Yes please.


What was my point again? Oh yes: I'm a nerd. I have an uncanny ability to take subjects and conversations that have absolutely nothing to do with video games and make them about video games. As you can imagine, this does not exactly make me a hit at parties. The upshot of this is that I can find column ideas everywhere. Take the book I was reading on the plane over, for instance. The Japanese Have a Word for It explains unique aspects of Japanese culture by way of two hundred idioms found in the language. One of the early chapters discusses the phrase chochin wo tsukeru, which literally means "to turn the lantern on." Of course, the idiomatic meaning is what's important here:


"Still today the follow-the-leader syndrome continues to be a paramount force in much of Japanese society and industry. Few individuals or companies are willing to strike out on their own, to make changes. Most prefer to continue copying the success of others, and base their whole management philosophy on that approach.


"This imitation is pretty much across the board, from apparel styles and entertainment to high-tech products and services. The average Japanese businessman still waits for someone else to chochin wo tsukeru or 'turn on the lantern' before undertaking any new venture."


Sound familiar? With all the hype over the DS Lite and Brain Age, it's easy to lose sight of the fact that the whole of the Japanese game industry is getting in on the act. I have been keeping up with all the latest news from Japan as much as anyone, but I didn't truly understand the sea change that is taking place in the game business here until I actually came here to see it with my own eyes.


Even on the PSP shelves, the most prominently displayed titles are brain-training games, productivity apps like Sony's Talkman translation software (now available in Euro flavor), and other adult-oriented content that clearly follows in the wake of Brain Age. And of course, it seems as if half of the Nintendo DS games out there have Brain Age to thank for their existence.


Lest you think that this means Japan's video game shelves are becoming homogenized, filled only with logic puzzles and math quizzes, let me assure you that I mean nothing of the kind. The impact that Brain Age had on Japan isn't limited to games that are exactly like it. The broader impact is that of games-for-grown-ups getting traction, in all their various forms. Phoenix Wright had a decent cult following when it was a Game Boy series. It has exploded on the DS and paved the way for more manga-styled, detective-based, thinking man's games. On the shelves this week are Shadow Thief Rousseau, a kids' detective game, and a Simple 2000 series game where you're a police investigator.


It's important to remember that if the excerpt above teaches us anything, it's that all this shouldn't be dismissed as mere "copying." If the author's assertion is correct, it only became okay, culturally speaking, to forge ahead with new types of products until the industry leader turns on the lantern and illuminates the way. With Nintendo having shown that the formula works, new and innovative ideas of many different kinds have a better chance of being greenlighted. Rather than be angry at all the copycats, surely Nintendo is happy that they've been able to bring about this change.


And, I mean, they're probably really happy that they're selling so much product. DS Lite is the hottest product in Japan right now. You may have heard stories about how every store in the country is constantly sold out of them, and thought, "Well, I'm sure it's not every store all the time." No, really: every store is constantly sold out of DS Lite, all the time. Now, if you were really desperate for a Lite, you could go to any number of Akihabara-based stores and buy one at the current going rate, which is a whopping 26,000 yen (about $250).


In fact, the regular DS is also constantly sold out everywhere. Stores even import units from the US. These don't even make a dent in demand, but every little bit helps. This evening, I was in the Tsutaya media department store in Shibuya - one of the most trafficked, most popular, largest stores in the city. I was surprised to see a DS Lite and a DS Fat in the used-games case, both priced at an extremely low 16,000 yen each. I left the area for a few minutes, then came back to take a picture. And they were gone. We're talking minutes. I don't know who was stupider: Tsutaya for pricing them so ridiculously low, or the poor sap who traded them in for whatever pittance Tsutaya offered instead of going a few subway stops down to Akihabara and getting double the trade-in value.


Across the street, at Bic Camera, they keep their new games behind the counter for security. Customers bring up a dummy box and the clerk grabs the real thing behind them. Most games are stacked up vertically with their spines facing outwards, a few feet away from the clerks. There are a few copies of each one. But stacked up horizontally behind the cashiers are foot-high piles that run three deep to the back of the shelf with New Super Mario Bros., Brain Age, English Training, etc. They're arranged for maximum efficiency, right where the clerk can grab them without even needing to look. They're flying off the shelves.


And these games are holding their value. If you can even find a used copy of the second volume of Brain Age (as yet unreleased outside Japan), you'll only be getting a discount of maybe a couple hundred yen. Contrast that to this year's only two-million seller not on the DS: Final Fantasy XII. It's 7900 yen new, but stacks and stacks of used copies can be easily obtained for a pittance - around 3500 yen or so. That price will only continue to plummet; it'll probably end up like poor old Dirge of Cerberus, which I picked up today for 1600 yen (about $14).


When you see this happening, you start to understand very clearly what Satoru Iwata means when he talks about "unhealthy price reductions". When you can build a fort out of half-price blowout copies of this year's hottest game only three months after its release, there is a major problem. Nintendo was right about how to bring new players in to the games market; maybe they'll also figure out how to get game price structures to enjoy the relative stability that CDs and DVDs do. If they can turn on that particular lantern, look for the whole of Japan to walk into the light yet again.

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in order to be cool and philosophical like Kojima ive came up with my own next-gen analogies, this time in the form of women.


The PS3 is the high-priced call girl that will do anything you want as long as you keep shelling out the money.


The 360 is the psychotic bipolar girlfriend youve been dating for a year. Shes pretty, shes wild, and all your friends want to play with her, but all this action may cause her to break down.


The Wii- Last year , she was the homely, geeky girl next door. You like her but your friends make fun of you for associating with her.

This year, shes the same geeky girl except now shes HOT, shes low-maintenance, and she gets along with everyone in your family.


Which would you marry?

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in order to be cool and philosophical like Kojima ive came up with my own next-gen analogies, this time in the form of women.


The PS3 is the high-priced call girl that will do anything you want as long as you keep shelling out the money.


The 360 is the psychotic bipolar girlfriend youve been dating for a year. Shes pretty, shes wild, and all your friends want to play with her, but all this action may cause her to break down.


The Wii- Last year , she was the homely, geeky girl next door. You like her but your friends make fun of you for associating with her.

This year, shes the same geeky girl except now shes HOT, shes low-maintenance, and she gets along with everyone in your family.


Which would you marry?


That kinda nails it to tell you the truth, that makes mgs4 my very expensive whore.

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I personally think the analogy was a good one. I think it describes the consoles almost perfectly but doesnt quite work on other levels. But it makes a whole lot more sense than the steak analogy.


Think about it like the this of all 3 the TV is the most flexible, most value for money, can be extended with add-ons like satelitte/cable, dvd player. This allows for a wide variety of "channels" that cater to niche and mass audiences. And it is the greatest value for money and the cheapest of the 3. And like i first said its flexible it you can still watch your big budget movies on your standard tv.


Now we have our dvd, i dont think dvd best describes what he was going for here, its more like the enthusiasts setup. Created for for getting the best affordable experience out of DVDs. Still perfectly capable of doing what your standard tv setup can do, but its not really desired this was built for more than watching soaps and tv dramas, so you'd (developers) would use it more occasionally for your bigger budget straight to dvd films


Then we have our 'home' cinema, equate it to the kind of thing you might see on cribs - this is how i interpret kojima as seeing PS3. The rear projector, the high end sound system, the big ass chairs. This is how kojima sees the PS3, while this setup is also more than capable enough to handle the kind of experiences you get on your normal tv setup, the perception of it(both consumer and i believe developer perception will not allow for small budget games on PS3 at least in the short term) means that this room is left for those special viewings, of the latest multi million blockbuster movies, nothing less is acceptable in such a setting.


So while they are all capable of housing the same kinds of shows/films/experiences the perception of the 360/Ps3 restricts their flexiblity. While the power and price of Wii means a big budget graphical game titles would be like watching a big budget cinema release movie on a normal tv (i hope developers will see this and port their games to wii, as opposed to instantly sterotyping the userbase, its also appropriate as that is (practically) the graphical level nintendo promised us)


I think people read too much into kojimas last comments. They are true, Wii could end up with a load of dud "gameshows" much like the PS2s large library, but that would be a good thing again much like the PS2. While his PS3 with Wii controls comment is understandable assuming he thinks the only way for games to eveolve is for them to become more like movies. But this train of thought is flawed if you consider the evolutionary path movies have taken over the years. If anyting its in games best interests to avoid the same hazards that have befallen the movie and music industries.


Its in gaming best interests to evovle different types of games into different ways, not to just focus on making games more cinematic, hollywood is already demonstrating where that road leads, when it is the only and main focus.


Personally i think due to its price and range of control options Wii is potentially the best platform for all genres to evolve on in unique ways. The problems facing 360/PS3 in terms of evolving gaming is the apparent costs and consumer perceptions (at least initially) make it hard for developers to stray too far from proven formulas, and that problem would still be present on a PSWii.


I think sega are right though other 3rd parties are going to miss the boat, they still havent learned that nintendo are financially successful because they are first to the party - while sega usually arrived too early to the party.


Sorry for the long post but i hope it makes sense

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in order to be cool and philosophical like Kojima ive came up with my own next-gen analogies, this time in the form of women.


The PS3 is the high-priced call girl that will do anything you want as long as you keep shelling out the money.


The 360 is the psychotic bipolar girlfriend youve been dating for a year. Shes pretty, shes wild, and all your friends want to play with her, but all this action may cause her to break down.


The Wii- Last year , she was the homely, geeky girl next door. You like her but your friends make fun of you for associating with her.

This year, shes the same geeky girl except now shes HOT, shes low-maintenance, and she gets along with everyone in your family.


Which would you marry?



man that was awsome. (runs to window to check on the girl next door):heh:

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Hype does not make a good game. Yeah there was MGS 2 & 3, and Killzone (I have those games). But just it gets a good review does not make it the greatest game of all time. How many of us still played GTA after it was passed, the FF games, or Killzone for that matter. And how many of us still play SSBM, MK-DD, Mario Party, Zelda, or the older Zelda's. So now I say again NO PS2 did not have more great games than GC.:heh:



BTW Yes I am a Nintendo fanboy, and not a stupid childish one, but I am more a Fan of great games than a Fanboy. So Kojima can go ahead and say whatever he wants and sound hypocritical, I really don't care. IMHO his games are good but not great. I bought MGS TS for GC when it came out. I passed it 2 weeks later, played through it 2 more times and that was it. I haven't played it since.

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in order to be cool and philosophical like Kojima ive came up with my own next-gen analogies, this time in the form of women.


The PS3 is the high-priced call girl that will do anything you want as long as you keep shelling out the money.


The 360 is the psychotic bipolar girlfriend youve been dating for a year. Shes pretty, shes wild, and all your friends want to play with her, but all this action may cause her to break down.


The Wii- Last year , she was the homely, geeky girl next door. You like her but your friends make fun of you for associating with her.

This year, shes the same geeky girl except now shes HOT, shes low-maintenance, and she gets along with everyone in your family.


Which would you marry?

haha.. thats very good. need to be careful though. i know a hot geeky girl, but she is a fucking nutcase.


would just like to point out that the person mentioned in YenRugs post is not a nerd, but is in fact a geek. (nerd - knowledge, geek - technology)


also, snake isnt THE (nb. capital letters, underline and bold) selling point of the new smash bros game. it will do just as well without him.


kojima is like god.

why do you ask? well, i just felt like being like kojima and making my own analogy (which im not bad at).


kojima is a master creator, who does a lot of good for the world. but also tends to do a lot of questionable things.

a lot of people worship him, and an equal number reject him,. and both gave their only son for our sins.....

well. i dont think kojima did. but what do i know?

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I first got upset too but then I thought why he would state it from a business point of view and came up with the following thoughts:


money, lots of money (from Sony)


If he said he liked the Wii better and thought that the PS3 was overpriced and had crap gyros it would be rather difficult to justify why he makes MGS4 for PS3


He has to support the system after so much critizism and praise for the Wii because if the PS3 doesn't sell MGS4 won't either.




Anyways there's a huge chance not the mass of gamers will read it and the informed ones don't need a Hideo Kojima to make up their mind about the system.

Edit: Well I don't think anyone will decide upon a console following Hideo's analogies.

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I first got upset too but then I thought why he would state it from a business point of view and came up with the following thoughts:


money, lots of money (from Sony)


If he said he liked the Wii better and thought that the PS3 was overpriced and had crap gyros it would be rather difficult to justify why he makes MGS4 for PS3


He has to support the system after so much critizism and praise for the Wii because if the PS3 doesn't sell MGS4 won't either.




Anyways there's a huge chance not the mass of gamers will read it and the informed ones don't need a Hideo Kojima to make up their mind about the system.

Edit: Well I don't think anyone will decide upon a console following Hideo's analogies.


At least someone understands

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