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Ultimate Bad Guy


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Sorry i should have elaborated. This guy is Seymour Guado from FFX. He basically wanted to end all suffering... by killing everyone.


My god, he was so cool. He's my favorite villian just because he looked so cool and his speech was pretty kick ass if I remember correctly.

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Hellfire and Jordan I love you both. Im a fan of FF7 but it is one of the most over-rated games I have ever played, sure its good but the way people go on about it makes me sick. Alot of people rate it so highly because it was the first true RPG they had played, especially in this country. I knew heading into this thread someone would say Sephiroth, it was inevitable.

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Poor old Sephiroth is taking a bit of a bashing right now so i'm gonna make this post devoted to him and the pure evil that he possess.




(This Post contains some major spoilers about FFVII)


Remember that Final Fantasy VII is a Role Playing Game (RPG), and the role you, the player, takes in the game is the role of the character Cloud Strife.

This game is designed to make you feel what Cloud feels and experience the biggest part of his life and all the adventures that take place in it.


Sephiroth was a legendary warrior, the stongest being in SOLDIER there ever was, he was considered a hero because of his strength and power.


Cloud Strife looked up to Sephiroth as his hero and wanted to be just like him.

After failing to gain his dream of entering SOLDIER Cloud becomes a lowly Shinra grunt. Though Cloud gets the chance to go on a mission with Sephiroth back to his hometown. Cloud refuses to show himself to anyone in the town except his mother because he failed to achieve what his goal was when he left his home.


In this mission Sephiroth learns about the horrors of his past. That he was created from a horrific experiment. He came to believe that he was the son of Jenova, the being whose cells gave Sephiroth his unbelievable power. Sephiroth went insane and burnt Cloud's hometown to the ground, he lost his mother and two of his friends we're badly injured, one of whom dies before the beginning of Final Fantasy VII.


One of the main reasons why Sephiroth is such an effective villain is because you see how he becomes the monster he is. It comes as quite a shock to the player to see Sephiroth cause so much pain when there were barely any signs of him being such an evil person prior to the point in Kalm when Cloud tells his friends about his past.


Then there is another key element why every person that completes Final Fantasy VII will remember Sephiroth for the rest of their lives.




No one expected her to die, she was a fully playable character you could level up, teach new abilities to and buy weapons for. As you are Cloud Strife in Final Fantasy VII the player must feel something for Aeris the same way Cloud does. Therefore for the player to see Sephiroth kill Aeris in the saddest way possible and for her to never return, you take satisfaction in perservering through Final Fantasy VII to take your revenge.


That is why i think so many people think so highly of Sephiroth.

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Man, FF7 really polarises opinion here, thats wierd. I genuinely loved the game to pieces, even though it was clunky and the characters looked crap. The locations still looked beautiful though, as they should seeing as they were pre rendered. Coincidentially one of the most overrated games I've played is Ocarina of Time, which might be a dangerous thing to say in a Nintendo forum (I hear your cries of "Heathen!") for lack of an engaging story and attatchment to characters. The game was beautiful though, even though looks are only skin deep, but still I would give it a firm 9.2 becuase It was an amazing game, just not as great as most people make out. I actually enjoyed Wind Waker more, I used to spend hours just wandering around Dragon Roost Island, and listening to the music, and It had a better combat system and graphical style (in my opinion) too.


So this "ultimate bad guy" list is entirely subject to opinion, just because you can't understand someones opinion, doesn't mean he doesn't have a right to one.

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I watched ff7 advert children today for the first time. Was kinda a weird film, it was pretty short and irrelevant, mostly filled with over-the-top fight scenes on motorbikes (there were soo many homages to the actual game it was stupid).


Anyway IMO, the ultimate bad guy cannot be someone who is simply "evil just for the sake of being evil". There has to be a story or a purpose, something I like with sephiroth.

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I was wondering when Liquid Snake would get a mention :(. Good work. Just Look at him.


After 4 near death experiences, he was still gagging to kill Snake. Even after he was stopped, he still refused to die. What a ledge.


Don't forget he has the ability to live on through his arm and was voted to have the second worst video-game voice ever in When Games Attack, Sonic Adventure got the top spot.


I quite Liked Solidus Snake.




He was very much a monster like Liquid Snake but his own agenda was to take down the bad guys behind everything.


He wanted to 'Liberate' New York from the constraints of technology hence why his group was called Sons of Liberty.

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Your Sepiroths and Ramirezs can go stuff themselves, this guy has something they could never have, REAL TIME. What good are your swords now.


Oh yeah!! Real time!! I've never played FF7, but saw some parts of the game. Maybe the story is good, but as an RPG i believe there are waaay better ones.

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Don't forget he has the ability to live on through his arm and was voted to have the second worst video-game voice ever in When Games Attack, Sonic Adventure got the top spot.


I quite Liked Solidus Snake.




He was very much a monster like Liquid Snake but his own agenda was to take down the bad guys behind everything.


He wanted to 'Liberate' New York from the constraints of technology hence why his group was called Sons of Liberty.


2nd worst Video game voice? :angry:


I fell in bloody love with the sound of his voice. What nutters. They're all royal nutters. :(


Yeah, Solidus was quite good, but he was a bit too... I dunno. I always saw Liquid as more of the under dog, and you know how we love our under dogs. Although Solidus' way to go was a pretty nice end.

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Liquid Snake had one of the coolest voices in games, full stop




A Man who controls the shagahod with his arms attached to the wires, he generates ELECTRICITY, and he was one sadomasochistic fucker, he was so upset when he found out he couldnt take raicov up the bum, he batters Naked Snake senseless. he likes to beat up men while they are IN DUSTBINS mind you.


But he couldnt fight The Boss. after all that.

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Me and my mate have discussed this on several occasions, and it always ends the same way:


Liquid snake is hands down the single hardest man ever imagined. lets go through how many times he dies


His helicopter explodes. usual result: extreme immolation


He falls- spine first- off a giant mech onto a concrete floor.usual result: Extreme death.


He gets shot to shit by a turret mounted machine gun, then gets crushed by his jeep. Usual result: Extreme death.


Then he dies of foxdie: everyone else exposed dies very much. awesome.


but no! in the single least plausable return to life in videogame history he actually comes back as a mind controling arm transplant.


that, my friends, is hardcore. you can keep your silly ladyboy sephiroth :)



(oh, and bigup to Ridley. Clearly the greatest advarsary in modern gaming. long may his various incarnations return over and over.)

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