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very cool 16min E3 Sonic gameplay vid *PS3 vr*


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Yeah I posted that video in the Sonic Wild Fire thread and had this to say about it;


This game (Sonic Wild Fire) looks a much better Sonic game than Sonic the Hedgehog on PS3/360,

Just watch this new video of Sonic the Hedgehog PS3/360;




The game seems to have carried over all the problem of the previous 3D Sonics!

  • The camera is terrible, if not worse than ever! It's constantly switching angles over Sonic and the player manages to die about 5 times in this video, all as a result of the camera not showing you where to go properly or being at the wrong angle!
  • This game was meant to be all about Sonic going back to how it should be and being extremely fast!
    Well the first part of Sonics level shows alot of platforming, slow jumping, not being able to tell quite where to go, with only about 10 seconds of running/grinding!
    The second part of Sonics level is flat out running, but there is nothing to do! Nothing! The level is extremely boring!
  • But this game features 3 Hedgehogs, so they'll be loads of high-speed levels right? WRONG!
    We've seen Shadow (at least for some part) uses vehicles,
    and it turns out Silvers level are not about speed either, but about using psychic powers! Silver basically walks around the level levitating objects out of the way!
    It seems the game will carry on the same design as Sonic Adventure 2;
    Running/Vehicles/Exploration(of a kind).

It would seem Sonic Team have completely forgotten what Sonic games should be about; if it wasn't for Sonic Wild Fire!

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i was expecting SO much more in terms of speed but its just a normal platformer with shiny graphics. Sonic SHOULD be about speed but the platforms were so small that u couldnt run and where u could run there was poles to grind on wtf!


i just prey the Wii sonic will be better

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Graphics may look shiny but it doesn't make up for the horrific gameplay. Still find it hilarious that the guy talking says "It uses real physics so the bricks will fall in a realistic way". Then they fall all over the place as if they were full of helium. All that physics calculation for something so irrelevant.

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Are you guys watching the same video? If I didn't know You Guys so well I'd say you were being biased against PS3 software!


*Attempts to remove Nintendo biased-ness* MGS4 looks amazing. This game looks piss poor.


Graphics may look shiny but it doesn't make up for the horrific gameplay. Still find it hilarious that the guy talking says "It uses real physics so the bricks will fall in a realistic way". Then they fall all over the place as if they were full of helium. All that physics calculation for something so irrelevant.


Yes, i noticed that. I also am getting so sick of hearing stuff like this when any game is shown off. Physics, graphics etc. I do like it when they show off games that have massive game worlds like Oblivion on 360, but all the other stuff just annoys me.

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The guy's going to mistakes. He's going to miss some jumps. He's nervous.


Sure, the camera doesn't look brilliant, but it didn't look terrible either. There's time to tune it. Maybe the demo'er wasn't utilising the camera functions properly. I don't know.


Piss poor? Horrific? I really don't know see how we can judge 'gameplay', which is a fucked up word in itself, by watching a video. To think otherwise is unfortunate.


It may turn out to be shit, but I'd rather entertain the notion that it won't be.

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The guy's going to mistakes. He's going to miss some jumps. He's nervous.


Sure, the camera doesn't look brilliant, but it didn't look terrible either. There's time to tune it. Maybe the demo'er wasn't utilising the camera functions properly. I don't know.


Piss poor? Horrific? I really don't know see how we can judge 'gameplay', which is a fucked up word in itself, by watching a video. To think otherwise is unfortunate.


It may turn out to be shit, but I'd rather entertain the notion that it won't be.


It's true that we are maybe being a bit overly harsh, but from all of the problems from the previous 3D Sonics we can see many of them displayed clearly here. As these we the points that made the games shitty, there is little confidence in this title. Also everyone keeps comparing it to Wildfire which I guess we shouldn't do as it's a "completely different gaming experience..." :smile:

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The thing with Wild Fire is that it seems somewhat very linear, almost like a point to point racer, that's what I got from the gameplay footage. I guess seeing more would help. It just seemed to be going forward automatic and then you just moving left and right, till getting to some wallclimbing stuff.

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It's true that we are maybe being a bit overly harsh, but from all of the problems from the previous 3D Sonics we can see many of them displayed clearly here. As these we the points that made the games shitty, there is little confidence in this title. Also everyone keeps comparing it to Wildfire which I guess we shouldn't do as it's a "completely different gaming experience..." :smile:


Totally agree with this post. I'm not saying it WILL be crap, just it looks it so far and I was really excited. If I ever get an Xbox360 I will check this game out but for now it doesn't look too hopeful. I'm more hopeful of Wildfire because its NOT like the other Sonic games. That may also turn out to be crap. Who knows?


The Graphics aren't that good, Im not really very amazed by the new gen graphics, I remember being far more amazed by Rogue Squadron 2, Luigis Mansion and Metal Gear Solid 2...


Yeah, but thats only because GC/PS2 graphics were a bit step up from the mess that was PSone/N64 graphics. How do you get much better? Bigger worlds and more characters on screen. I think the graphics in this look really nice. I bet on my HDTV they would look amazing. Lets hope this is a step up from SA2. I'm still just worried about how much of the game is really Sonic. I liked Sonics levels in SA2 but the rest were so dull/annoying that it ruined it. You never know this could be ok. *Prays*

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I also hate all these ridiculous new characters in each and every Sonic game. I long for a game where there's Sonic, Tails (but lost his voice...), Knuckles, and Robotnik (I'm not calling him Eggman...). *Dreams of Sonics better days*

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The thing with Wild Fire is that it seems somewhat very linear, almost like a point to point racer, that's what I got from the gameplay footage. I guess seeing more would help. It just seemed to be going forward automatic and then you just moving left and right, till getting to some wallclimbing stuff.

Exactly what i think, im a huge sonic fan and im totally dissapointed this E3 with sonic.

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The video is awful. I'd rather play the original Sonic. The whole point about sonic is that he can run awfully fast..the video just shows him sliding on rails and stopping all the time as if he's lost.

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