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ive got to agree it's pretty crap when I go on it im like whats going onnn vvv and it makes me angry and i hate it so i go watch drama series and stuff on living tv watching the amazing race on it now ok its not a drama but its pretty good fyi you should watch it i want the black couple to win but i dont think they will oh well

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Guest Stefkov

i stil havnt gotten onto that myspace bandwaggon. i dont see why. ive seen some other people piczo things and they are shite. anyone remember freewebs? or still uses it? so many things around that are crap yet ok at the same time.

apperently you can meet some really nice (fit for some people) people on their living in your area.

piczo aint great though.

however you care to elaborate your point whiz_kid. why do you think of all these things of piczo. make it intoa general discussion rather than a one off thats crap everyone agrees topic dies away lonely like my anima.......

soo yah

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All these sites are crap (MySpace, Bebo, Piczo).


s there some sort of rule that says you have to have a crappy flashing background and text on top of it that's impossible to read and horrible on the eyes? A prime example of a page like this is PrettyPaulyBoy. As you can see (or not as the page takes about 10 minutes to load up even on broadband) he's "cleverly" changed the scroll bar colours to piss you off' date=' shoved on about 10 films ripped from YouTube (which happens to be an awesome site [search for Jack Bauer and watch him 'interogating' Sajid Ali']) which absolutely no one will watch because a) he doesn't say what they actually are, b) no one cares what they are anyway and c) they'll be crap. And what about those so-called "quizzes." No one cares which American Pro-Wrestling company you would work for or what type of Rock-Star you would be if you weren't so sad to be filling in a form which doesn't even tell you at the end. Once your browser finally lets you scroll down the page you will see a mass of comments which mean absolutely nothing to anybody and no one will ever read because they read a comment once on some one else's page and they're all exactly the same... "hiyaz lol! how u doin? luv ur myspace pge!11!!!" NO ONE CARES!



Now after you've spent hours putting the finishing touches to your page (which will be copied from the last one you visited) you'll notice you have read absolutely bugger all on that persons page. You don't care what's on their page, why should they care whats on your page? The answer is, they don't care! The only thing the average Joe looks at on a MySpace page are the pictures for the slight chance that there will be some nudity or at least a hot girl (boys, you're completely out of luck as girls aren't sad enough to do that).


What's I think of MySpace...



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THEY ALL SUCK, GET LIVES/use e.mail/blogs so you can talk about your lives once you have one.


I hate how you should define yourself so you can associate yourself with someone else.


"I am a feminist and into marxism and i like panic at the disco and odd coloured converse all stars which i swapped with my boyfriend so we look cool"


Okay first problem wanabe, Karl Marx was a wife beater.. but you say you're a feminist. Real smooth.

Second problem, panic at the disco suck.. and thus their suckiness has rubbed on you.

Converse were bought out by Nike in 2002 emo, you're not anti corporate? That company was going way downhill and Nike since then have moved all production over to China were labour laws are less strict.

Put your Subway down and suck my balls.


It's such a shame that all these emo kids are ruined by bad taste- many of them are actually quite tasty.

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Actually, I have a myspace, which I enjoy using to comment to my friends with. I don't mind a bit of decoration on a website as long as it isn't hugely overpowering, such as multiple autoplaying videos, flashing cursors, huge backgrounds with stupid text, contact boxes being muddled up etc.


I have a pretty simple background on mine and you can actually read the text, which is nice.


http://www.myspace.com/dysonism if anyone cares.

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Actually, I have a myspace, which I enjoy using to comment to my friends with. I don't mind a bit of decoration on a website as long as it isn't hugely overpowering, such as multiple autoplaying videos, flashing cursors, huge backgrounds with stupid text, contact boxes being muddled up etc.


I have a pretty simple background on mine and you can actually read the text, which is nice.


http://www.myspace.com/dysonism if anyone cares.



What I don't get about it is why people actually leave comments when they could chat instantly over MSN, or even the phone...

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What I don't get about it is why people actually leave comments when they could chat instantly over MSN, or even the phone...


They may not be online at the same time?

Don't want to sign into MSN as they only want to talk to one person?

Want to cut down on their phone bill?

Don't have each others numbers?

Don't have each others e-mail addresses?

Just want to leave a short comment and not actually get into conversation?

Just wanting to leave a message for someone they hadn't spoken to in ages?


I don't understand why people have to shit on these kind of sites. Sure, there are a lot of twats out there, but these people are exercising their liberty at no one elses expense. There's no harm caused by people having friends, and communicationg with them. Or is this where the bitterness lies?


So what if they comment each other or spend too much on their profiles? Who is anyone to speak badly of them?



Myspace user, if you hadn't guessed.

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I don't understand why people have to shit on these kind of sites. Sure, there are a lot of twats out there, but these people are exercising their liberty at no one elses expense. There's no harm caused by people having friends, and communicationg with them. Or is this where the bitterness lies?


Because 80% of them basically say: "im young and single so rape me now"

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Because 80% of them basically say: "im young and single so rape me now"



:laughing: Some, in fact, are like this. It's rather pathetic.


However, this shouldn't stop honest, normal people from using the website to talk to their friends, nor should this mean the users of the website are paedophiles. I know this wasn't the bundled message but I read things like this quite alot and it can be quite annoying.


As for someone [i think Moria's] comment about leaving comments on others pages when they could use MSN, the same could be said for forums, I suppose. However, I use the comment system as a way to communicate with friends when they're not online, as I rarely use my phone.


EDIT: However, you know you spend too much time on Myspace when you think there's going to be a 'Confirm Post' button after replying on a forum :P

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Err, they do?


Whether or not I/you/we like such whoring out, they have every right to do it. If an undignified life is the life for them, then let them live it.


Aslong as I get to stick Yoshi's islands theme tune on people's unsuspecting pages, I'll live. :bouncy:

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Err, they do?


Whether or not I/you/we like such whoring out, they have every right to do it. If an undignified life is the life for them, then let them live it.


Aslong as I get to stick Yoshi's islands theme tune on people's unsuspecting pages, I'll live. :bouncy:


I'd welcome it with open arms :kiss:


In fact, gimme a link to your page so I can add you.


The people that are really annoying are those that have absolutely NO idea who you are, and do it to look like they have loads of friends. I add people from communities and people on my list, but if I get random requests for friends and I have no idea who they are, I'll decline it.

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I'd welcome it with open arms :kiss:


In fact, gimme a link to your page so I can add you.


The people that are really annoying are those that have absolutely NO idea who you are, and do it to look like they have loads of friends. I add people from communities and people on my list, but if I get random requests for friends and I have no idea who they are, I'll decline it.


Yeah, they can be pretty annoying, they must be pretty insecure to try 'prove' themselves.


I got so excited I even stuck Yoshi's islan's theme tune on my page. Also, mind all the writing, I get bored in the early hours of the morning.


http:// http://www.myspace.com/brandos_and_deans


Myspspacencse yehahshsh :bouncy:

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