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Isnt PS3 Sony's last attempt at saving its electronics division? I heard they were making huge losses and were putting all hope into Blu-ray and PS3. lol I accidentally kept holding shift when I typed PS3 and I got this: PS£, seems more suitable to me.

  MunKy said:
Isnt PS3 Sony's last attempt at saving its electronics division? I heard they were making huge losses and were putting all hope into Blu-ray and PS3. lol I accidentally kept hold shit when I typed PS3 and I got this: PS£, seems more suitable to me.


They'll probably end up making a loss on the PS3 as well.

  Fierce_LiNk said:
They'll probably end up making a loss on the PS3 as well.



Oh they will. They are going to lose major money on the PS3. They will make there money back with softwear.


Nintendo have really got the hang of marketing with the DS. I mean, they have been blitzing channel 4 on a friday night with marketing. Sponsoring Green Wing (a hospital based comedy for those who dont know) with Trauma Centre was fucking genius. There was also a TV show on channel 4 about problem pet dogs that they sponsored with Nintendogs. Now that is good marketing.

  mario_jr said:
Oh they will. They are going to lose major money on the PS3. They will make there money back with softwear.



I think i read somewhere sony are planning on making a $100 million operating loss in their first year of shipping ps3's

  conzer16 said:
I think i read somewhere sony are planning on making a $100 million operating loss in their first year of shipping ps3's

Sounds like a plan to me...


I'm too getting pretty anoyyed, like how many people do you know who own a hd-tv (my gran) but she isn't going to be intrested yet their is two hdmi ports, why is anybody going to get two hd-tvs soley for PS3 as there would be no other point.


I think it was good that microsoft and nintendo didn't have hd-dvd or blu-ray as it just means that overall its cheaper to make so cheaper for us.


And isn't nintendo the only company to make a profit on their consoles? or is that just a fanboy rumour


They sure did!

Check the sony press confrence on Gamespot.

I don't know the exact moment, but I think they say it quite often.

Evil lying basteds.


I love how blind people on this forum can be. Did somebody in this thread really try to claim that it was Nintendo who thought of putting games on CDs?


Nintendo wanted to make a CD drive for the SNES but canned the idea. They were gonna make it with Philips or Sony or something. I forget the details. Im sure someone here knows.

  Balfron said:
I love how blind people on this forum can be. Did somebody in this thread really try to claim that it was Nintendo who thought of putting games on CDs?

I love how blind people think they didn't and firmly believe Sony did-especially when they can't think for themselves.Hey you fit in there :shock:

  Balfron said:
I love how blind people on this forum can be. Did somebody in this thread really try to claim that it was Nintendo who thought of putting games on CDs?


The playstation was originally a expansion on the N64 to play CD-Roms but the agreements blew up and Sony decided to enter the console market with the playstation

  dabookerman said:







They would do if Nintendo had revealed their final secret at E3





The conferrence was complete and utter bull, really so stupid I almost fell asleep too, I was one of the first to order a PS3 at 2 retailers but now I cancelled both. Not wasting money on that.


The PS3 could be 4d though not technicly (4th dimention is timespace not just time) if you see 4th d as time you could also see it as having games like ocerina of time or blinx the time detective (wich also stated it was 4d)

Ken might also have hinted at their own virtual console (yes another ripoff) wich is traveling back into time by playing older games so this whole 4d thing is relative and both Nintendo and Microsoft have this 4th dimention then.


P.S. Why is it that I see PSP's everywhere in the city (Rotterdam NL) and almost never NDS's? Is it maybe because PSP players show it as bling and DS gamers really game with their systems?

  Balfron said:
I love how blind people on this forum can be. Did somebody in this thread really try to claim that it was Nintendo who thought of putting games on CDs?


I love how people try to put words in other peoples mouths.


Yeah they did "thought" about doing it, but no ever said they were the ones who "created" the technology to do it. It was the PC gaming industry who did that.

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