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Sonic Wild Fire Discussion


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The level design in those videos is fantastic; it really is just like a 2D Sonic in 3D!


The graphics are amazing!


The level design in those videos is fantastic; it really is just like a 2D Sonic in 3D!

The graphics are amazing!


This game looks a much better Sonic game than Sonic the Hedgehog on PS3/360,

Just watch this new video of Sonic the Hedgehog PS3/360;




The game seems to have carried over all the problem of the previous 3D Sonics!

  • The camera is terrible, if not worse than ever! It's constantly switching angles over Sonic and the player manages to die about 5 times in this video, all as a result of the camera not showing you where to go properly or being at the wrong angle!
  • This game was meant to be all about Sonic going back to how it should be and being extremely fast!
    Well the first part of Sonics level shows alot of platforming, slow jumping, not being able to tell quite where to go, with only about 10 seconds of running/grinding!
    The second part of Sonics level is flat out running, but there is nothing to do! Nothing! The level is extremely boring!
  • But this game features 3 Hedgehogs, so they'll be loads of high-speed levels right? WRONG!
    We've seen Shadow (at least for some part) uses vehicles,
    and it turns out Silvers level are not about speed either, but about using psychic powers! Silver basically walks around the level levitating objects out of the way!
    It seems the game will carry on the same design as Sonic Adventure 2;
    Running/Vehicles/Exploration(of a kind).

It would seem Sonic Team have completely forgotten what Sonic games should be about; if it wasn't for Sonic Wild Fire!

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Those video are AWESOME they look much better than Xbox 360/PS3 version. This is an exclusive which makes even better coz it'll only be available on Wii :yay:



I've just sat and watched that video and I have to say its looking FAR better than the other Sonic. I was actually going to buy an Xbox just for the new Sonic but sod that. I'm not gonna say this will definitely be great but it looks to have sorted the problems of other 3d sonics such as being boring run fast and hope the camera doesn't balls you up levels, and all that other tedious Knuckles/Tails stuff. This is looking good.

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The absolute best part in Sonic Rush was not the main game mode, but the time trial you unlocked after. Perfecting your routes and timing, I could spend hours squeezing every one hundreth of a second on every track...


Watching the gameplay, the game is just that: getting to the end as fast and flawlessly as possible. And that makes me happy. People were moaning for alternative routes, but even in that video you can see a door closing before Sonic because the player wasn't fast enough to reach it.

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I really wasn't that interested in this game to start with but now I think I'll buy it with the console with metroid prime 3. I bought the NGamer mag looked at that footage and i have to say it looks really good. Excite Truck actually looks quite fun too.
Sonic's not gonna be a launch title though; it's gonna be out early 2007!


Which is actually pretty good, because the Wii will have a fantastic 2nd round of games with Sonic, Mario, Smash Bros etc...

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Sonic's not gonna be a launch title though; it's gonna be out early 2007!


Which is actually pretty good, because the Wii will have a fantastic 2nd round of games with Sonic, Mario, Smash Bros etc...

ah well, i could always buy excite truck or something (am i the only person that thinks it looks good/unbelievably fun?) that plane game looks cool too. knowing me i'll probably just want to get the wii with metroid and then run off home sharpish

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