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Final Fantasy CC: The Crystal Bearers!


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26th of November for Japan and 26th of December for US.

26th of January for Europe?


Square Enix, Inc., the publisher of Square Enix® interactive entertainment products in North America, announced today that FINAL FANTASY® CRYSTAL CHRONICLES®: THE CRYSTAL BEARERS® for Wii will be available at North American retailers on December 26, 2009.


This latest installment in the franchise offers a fresh take on the beloved CRYSTAL CHRONICLES universe, launching the series into the action-adventure genre and onto the Wii system. FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES: THE CRYSTAL BEARERS combines the storytelling depth, immersive event scenes and graphical quality of the FINAL FANTASY franchise with motion-driven gameplay and the ability to freely explore the game world.




A thousand years have passed since the events of the original FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES. The destruction of the Yuke Crystal during the Great War had at once brought the victorious Lilty Tribe prosperity, the defeated Yuke Tribe apparent annihilation, and the world a new age of science and reason. In this new era exists a rare breed of powerful beings called "crystal bearers," whose seemingly magical abilities have led them to be feared and scorned by the public. The young mercenary Layle is one such crystal bearer, who has been hired to escort the new passenger airship Alexis, the pinnacle of Lilty technology and a symbol of their current dominance. However, when the Alexis is suddenly besieged by a horde of monsters, Layle comes face-to-face with an adversary thought to have vanished from the pages of history, on a quest that may threaten the future of the world...





Enjoy a new chapter of the series that takes place a thousand years after the events of the original FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES, where technology has advanced to its peak and magic is considered taboo

Encounter the first FINAL FANTASY game developed exclusively for Wii, complete with motion-driven gameplay and intuitive controls that are accessible for gamers of all levels. Enjoy a variety of actions and third-person shooter style gameplay

Step into the hero's shoes and experience the action first-hand! Control Layle's crystal bearer powers to battle adversaries, navigate through obstacles and move objects at will in a highly interactive environment

Traverse the terrain, swing from high places or take a swim in a world in which all areas are open for exploration

With an extra Wii Remote, friends and family can jump in to assist the player in times of need



FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES: THE CRYSTAL BEARERS is rated T (Teen). Please visit the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) website at http://www.esrb.org for more information about ratings. FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES: THE CRYSTAL BEARERS will be available for Wii for $ 49.99. The official website can be found at http://www.thecrystalbearers.com.

Enter a world where realistic gameplay and fantastical art direction combine for a truly unique experience on Wii. Accessible for gamers of all ages and levels of expertise, FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES: THE CRYSTAL BEARERS invites players to embark on an unforgettable adventure this holiday season.

Edited by Dante
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I've always thought that title for this is so strange.


Final Fantasy: The Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers




I wish it was just a bit shorter. Final Fantasy: The Crystal Bearers. The Final Fantasy name has pulling power, because its a huge brand, so they probably have to keep that. It's a bit of a shame, because I think just "The Crystal Bearers" sounds pretty sweet. :)

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Just a quick note for all of you achievement whores out there! I know that some of you love your achievements and trophies, which should mean that you'll be happy to find out about a similar system for FFCC: The Crystal Bearers. You'll rake in certain acknowledgments for performing all sorts of actions in the game. Whether these mean anything in the greater scheme of the game remains to be seen.



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The Crystal Bearers TGS Impressions


Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers didn't look anything like it does now back when it was announced. Back then it sported a super-deformed art style like the DS titles in the series and promised a multiplayer experience - but clearly the team decided they wanted to do something very different.


When the game re-emerged years later it was as a single player game with an art style not dissimilar to main-line entries in the Final Fantasy series, and gameplay that seems to take an Action RPG approach closer to Fable then Crystal Chronicles - but was it a worthwhile change?


In a word, yes. Past demos and trailers of The Crystal Bearers have left fans and press alike bewildered, showing off everything from a shooting minigame as hero Layle tackles a dragon with a giant minigun to open-world gameplay within a city - the game looked like a mixed bag, a mish-mash of different gameplay elements and some - me included - were worried the game didn't know what it wanted to be.


The TGS demo and recent trailers and screenshots have finally begun to give a true idea of what The Crystal Bearers is about, which is a very traditional Action RPG at the core with other gameplay elements on the edges - a bonus, but never compromising the core Action RPG gameplay.


Lead character Layle is a master of telekinetic magic, able to pick up almost anything in the world around him, be it some fat old lady in town or even the bench she's resting on. Inside combat scenarios, Layle employs his telekinetic powers in a number of clever ways in order to make them offensive or defensive, eschewing the traditional magic attacks and weapons of the Final Fantasy series. In this game, you are the weapon.


While telekinesis may not seem like a strong offensive power to hold, The Crystal Bearers makes the player think about how to turn the power into something damaging. You could rip protective armour off an enemy with your powers and then hurl damaging objects from around the room into the vulnerable gap - or perhaps you'll just pick that enemy up and bash him into something painful - there was a multitude of options for despatching almost every enemy I encounted.


Layle's powers aren't just used for killing, as he can dodge and otherwise aid his physical movements with his power, too. A rolling dodge is made more effective by using your powers alongside it, and swinging from predefined points in the ceiling is enabled by Layle's powers.


This approach is certainly an interesting change for a Final Fantasy game, which is usually laden with menus to browse and loads of attacks to learn. By comparison to FF13's Lightning, Layle is seemingly lacking in skills, but the ones he does have are incredibly effective and fun to use. While you will learn how to use new skills, they all appear to be based around telekinesis.


There's one more thing The Crystal Bearers has - charm - and tons of it. Coming from a team comprised of many of the Final Fantasy IX crew this isn't a huge surprise, but The Crystal Bearers feels whimsical and magical in a way that Final Fantasy XIII does not. While FF13 excites me, The Crystal Bearers manages to stir something within me that these days’ remains dormant unless I boot up an old SNES RPG for another playthrough.


Lead character Layle is a refreshing change for the FF series - not a born leader, reluctant or accidental hero, he's a seasoned, veteran hero and he knows it. He struts around the game world like he owns it and doesn't give a damn that many see him as a criminal.


Graphically it's one of the Wii's prettiest games out there, I can't see it being anything less than good - the real question I'm now asking is if it will manage to be amazing.


There are some aspects we can't see The Crystal Bearers living up to, though - no Wii game is going to impress those who are waiting for XIII and Versus for their graphical kicks and some may find the switch from the more traditional Crystal Chronicles titles to Action RPG hard to swallow - even if it is fun.


In addition to that, Square Enix's claim that the game is 'Open World' feels a little farfetched, especially as director Toshiyuki Itahana described the game narrative as 'tight' to us at E3 2009.


Other than those slight issues, The Crystal Bearers seems to be shaping up to be one fun, engaging RPG. Stick with us on RPGSite for our full review later in the year - you can find our RSS link under this article and our Twitter is here - and check out the TGS trailer below.

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