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Wii upholds Cube region lock(News)


by Tom Bramwell Tom Bramwell



Nintendo UK has confirmed to Eurogamer that the Wii's region locking will extend to GameCube games.


A company spokesperson also said that Virtual Console game releases would not be universal - in other words, European gamers will get European versions of the games.


The news paints a slightly clearer picture of the circumstances surrounding Wii's backwards compatibility in the run-up to the console's 8th December launch.


The console is known to be compatible with all GameCube software, and peripherals including controllers and memory cards, while Virtual Console will deliver titles from systems including NES, Super NES, Nintendo 64, Megadrive and TurboGrafx at the rate of around 10 per month.



In answering our queries, culled from some of your recent forum threads, Nintendo also said that it expects to release RGB and component video cables that fit current pricing models.


It declined to comment on recent reports, supposedly surfacing in Nintendo Power, that Virtual Console will also host Commodore 64 games in future.

If this is true fuck you Nintendo I'm buying an American Wii.

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If this is true fuck you Nintendo I'm buying an American Wii.


At least they have been hiring lots of people for localizing VC games, so I wouldn't be too worried about VC situation. And Epyx's spoke person confirmed that at least C64's Impossible Mission should be available on VC during this december.

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But will they localize Sin and Punishment, Chrono Trigger and Earthbound? I mean, the main reason why I want VC is to play games that never came out here, if it doesn't have that it's a huge letdown. I need to get these things straight fast in order to decide where I'll buy it.

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But will they localize Sin and Punishment, Chrono Trigger and Earthbound? I mean, the main reason why I want VC is to play games that never came out here, if it doesn't have that it's a huge letdown. I need to get these things straight fast in order to decide where I'll buy it.


But the online may work off your IP. Meaning an US Wii may not work in the EU online store...

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Very good point there by Matt, Nintendo are a business, the Wii will sell 4 million units at $250, so why not keep it at that price until after Christmas?

Because it's a ripoff for us fans. I can understand where Nintendo are coming from, but now I feel forced to hand over money than necessary :shakehead


I also want to say fuck you Nintendo for that VC news. That just shows how lazy they really are, no ambition to please the fans at all. NTSC games in Europe could be done, quite easily, but who wants to spend time and a little (very little) money on that? Not Nintendo.

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I am.


That's the point, Nintendo knows there are a few million people like me who'll buy the Wii for anything within reason... $250 is within reason and therefore I have to get it for myself because I want it so much. The same goes for 80% of everybody here I reckon. The prospect that I could've payed less if Nintendo wasn't such a greedy inambitious company frustrates me to hell, though, as it's not the first time that Nintendo chose the worst possible scenario for their plans.

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NTSC games in Europe could be done, quite easily, but who wants to spend time and a little (very little) money on that? Not Nintendo.




I'm assuming that they will be in 60 hz mode, because NES, SNES and N64 games don't have any region specific changes in code. Just flag that tells console which region game is for, plain and simple. If flag doesn't match console's region, game won't boot. But it's really sad most people here don't understand what hurdles Nintendo actually faces when it tries to get VC stuff to European countries.


The main problems that Nintendo is facing with VC are localization and rating boards. Most old SNES games don't have any kind of localization at all, and translation always take time / money. Even Legend of Zelda 3 has over 100 000 rows of encrypted text* that need to translated to French, German and Italian before release. And you need to do this correctly. Hastily done translation is fucking annoying to read, and wouldn't really serve anyone. Good translation, in the other hand, means lots of work, and can't be really rushed (too many translators result in stylistically incoherent translation).


In addition of having problem with localizing stuff, Nintendo needs to review each game again with PEGI, ESRB and other rating boards. In addition that this is takes time, Nintendo needs to pay for each review. Nintendo can't sell games with US ratings to most European countries under current laws. And they can't start European rating process before game is finished (read: translated to each language and finalized).


Suddenly small localization turns into long byrocratic process which takes lots of money and time. This is also main reason why Xbox Live Arcade doesn't get retrostuff so fast as it was originally planned.


* I know this personally because I have been translating game from english to finnish.

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I think you're overreacting way too much over the price, 250$ is cheaper than the competition, it comes with a game that maybe you'd buy anyway and it's in line with all previous console releases. It's not like 50$ made a huge difference, people would buy it regardless and Nintendo makes profit. It's called business, it's not as simple as you think. They need to make money out of it, since they don't have other products like Sony and MS and also they reduced royalties and SDK are cheap so they need to get the money from somewhere.

On the VC front we still need more confirmation, NoE is hardly trustable and the american games might still be available, but seriously, this VC thing is a huge factor in importing or not.

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How Nintendo is stupid if Square-Enix doesn't want to translate 'em and European Union requires ratings for each game?


I was expecting them in Japanese,not english so there would be no need in translating and the European Union could if just used the ratings from the US and make them the closest rating over here.

VC is an important like Hellfire said.

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Maybe someone might develop a freeloader, but for VC games. You could then "import" the VC game by buying an SD card with the NTSC game saved on it through ebay. Just an idea though.


If I can't get say Earthbound and Chrono Trigger then what is the bloody point in the VC to the 'hard-core' gamers.Why should I buy the games I already have.

Stupid Nintendo


How about you buy the games you don't have. VC is an opportunity for people to play games they didn't get during that generation: I'm pretty sure you don't own the entire PAL N64 game library. And what if your NES/SNES is broken? VC steps in.

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The last few days everyone has been wondering what the deal is with the blue light on the Wii. We have seen it on, we have seen it off, and most recently, we have seen it completely turned off at all the stops of the Fusion Tour. I saw the discussion of the blue light pop up in an earlier comments section today, which was filled with back and forth confirmations. I made a point to talk to a Nintendo rep about the blue light so we can put an end to all the rumors!



The final retail version of the Wii will indeed have that beautiful blue light beaming from the media slot. The thing is, it will not be lit up the entire time you are using the console. The only light that will be on the entire time is the tiny green indicator light, showing that the system has power. The blue media slot light is turned on when you power up the Wii. This is utilized so that you can see the slot in low light situations, and still be able to slide in a Wii or Cube game.


The rep was quick to point out that he had no idea whether or not there was an option in the Wii setup that allows you to leave the light on at all times. He said as far as he knows, that option wasn’t there…but he could have missed it. Most likely there isn’t an option there, but I guess we won’t know for sure until the Wii launches.


I hope that clears up the situation for everyone. Now how do you feel about it?!

Cool, hope we don't see red lights like 360 lol

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I am.


That's the point, Nintendo knows there are a few million people like me who'll buy the Wii for anything within reason... $250 is within reason and therefore I have to get it for myself because I want it so much. The same goes for 80% of everybody here I reckon. The prospect that I could've payed less if Nintendo wasn't such a greedy inambitious company frustrates me to hell, though, as it's not the first time that Nintendo chose the worst possible scenario for their plans.


Well the bottom line is Nintendo know for a fact that every single one of the Wii's they put out at launch day will see out, regardless of the price $199 or $250, and then the 'high' £180 for england).


Seriously, nintendo ARE a business. SOme people are acting like £180 is too much to the point where people WON'T buy the console...well it's not because it still will sell bucketloads.

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