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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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yeah that page tells me nothing but lets hope for some good info...megaman and sonic come on :bouncy:


The translation gives you no better indication so I didn't bother posting it but thats what it mentions. I also would like Megaman and Sonic. Mario vs Sonic and Megaman vs Samus, two ultimate battles can finally be fought out once and for all, and the more characters there are to beat the crap out of Snakes ass the better.

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Well it would be nice if were having snake in it, to have the ninja from mgs series dont know who he is called.


Plus if we get sonic we need tails/shadow

If we get megaman we need bass/or someone else in the series.


Personally I have a feeling we may get walugi as the next new character.


The only thing I hope for from brawl is that each character is going to have better more different move sets compared with melee

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Word, This is great timing.


Especially if its to unveil the likes of Sonic and Megaman.


If you had asked who is more likely Solid Snake or Sonic for Brawl before we founda out about Snake, I would of said Sonic because of Nintendo and Sega loving each other. Capcom also love Ninty, so lets hope, eh?!!

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I don't want it to be Sonic. I'd be perfectly happy if there were no more 3rd party characters, to be honest, but I know that's not going to happen. I'm hoping it'll be someone else from the F Zero universe, perhaps, or one of the rival bounty hunters from Metroid.

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snake is a wuss who hides in boxes and tall grass the moment he sees an enemy.. and he get's beaten up by a girl called "The Boss"..Mario would jump on their heads the moment he sees them.. and Mario knows how to treat "bosses"


I think the one you're referring to is "Big Boss" (naked snake) and in Brawl we have Solid Snake.


It's a long shot, but I'm hoping it's Conker...

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Wow should be awesome! Thankgod it's not the usual Nintendo hype builder (we've got new info.....but won't release it for a few months :( )


The trailer should hopefully give us more of an impression on how the game plays, and what new moves the characters have. I believe the games creator said he wanted to change the mid-air battling system, so should be interesting to see what happens :D

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It'll be Sonic. Failing Sonic, some other third party character. Alucard or Megaman possibly. Who am I kidding? It's going to be Sonic.


Also hoping for - Cel-Link, Cloud (with FF7 blouse costume), Pikmin and Pheonix Wright. Tails would be cool too.

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oh come on waluigi is not the secret charater.Sonic or megaman....I want meryl


Eh...why would you want Meryl??


I'm holding out for Soma or Julius from Castlevania...or even Lloyd or Kratos from ToS...


If there is a god in heaven, I'm gonna go for Crono...what they should add in the game is dual techs, where you and a team member can combine your attacks...for example, if someone like Zelda has dins fire, and for example links up + b move, they could combine it for like a fire whirl attack like in SC...mebbe...


I'm still hoping for Crono...and Magus, and Marle and Lucca and Robo and Glenn and...well everyone from Chrono Trigger :D...

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