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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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No. He talk about characters entering in the stage with a specific animation like in SSB64, for example, Mario coming from a pipe, Pikachu in a pokeball...


ooooooooooooooooooook, i was havin' trouble figuring out what he meant. I hope they do have those animations, they were cool.

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Man... I miss a week of updates with vacations and we already have:


-DK's Final Smash: Cool. Anybody else find it ironic that DK's Final Smash is a bit inapropriate in moving stages like...Rumble Falls?


-Pitfall: Nice. Proximity mines without KO's. Hilarity WILL ensue.


-Ike: Hell Yeah! Finally a new character! It was very predictable that he would get in but it's good to see him anyway. My only fear is that he may end up as a Marth clone. Could Marth be gone? Or is he unlockable as a homage to the series?


-Castle Siege: My favorite stage thus far. Bummer that it's not based in any particular Fire Emblem, but it's still very interesting. It's very atmospheric with the catapult assaults and the destructible statues. Liked the red soldiers inside the castle. My question is: since when did Fire Emblem ever had catapults?


-Adventure mode: Hell Yeah! Better Adventure Mode! And it has neat cutscenes as well. And the enemies seen in the screenshots...I thought they were all original, but someone said that Fox was running away from a Jungle Beat enemy. And the things Pit and MetaKnight are facing seem familiar (I think MK's enemies might be from Kid Icarus). And the machine with the pig face...wasn't there a pig in Starfox that eventually became a machine?


-Smoke Ball: Hilarity WILL ensue. I love the idea.




Someone here mentioned characters that have nearly zero chance of being playable, but we hope for them anyway. I have a few of my own:


-Skapon: A limbless pink robot that starred in Nintendo's first-ever fighting game, Joy Mech Fight. I never played the original game, but he sure seems interesting. Here is a MUGEN battle featuring him (it was the best I could find. You might want to turn off the music.):



-Jill: The main character of Drill Dozer, a highly unnoticed GBA game that never saw European lands. Basicaly, Jill has a drilling mecha and the game focuses on the gameplay varieties that can be achieved with the drill. Jill could definetely be an interesting character for Brawl.



-Muddy Mole: See my avatar? That's him. Mole Mania was a criminally unnoticed game that deserves more attention. A creative puzzle game where you had to move under and above the ground to throw huge black balls against walls that you had to destroy to move on. This is more like a personal wish, but I will jump in happiness if Muddy reappears in Brawl (or anywhere for that matter). Burrowing holes, using claws and throwing black balls can still provide an interesting moveset, though.



EDIT: Better video for Skapon. The fight starts halfway through the video.


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Man... I miss a week of updates with vacations and we already have:


-DK's Final Smash: Cool. Anybody else find it ironic that DK's Final Smash is a bit inapropriate in moving stages like...Rumble Falls?


Perhaps Bongo Blast style transporting, acts as a jet pack style vehicle just like the actual racing game for the motion levels.


Chance of the above happening: 0%.

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Ikes Special Moves today:


Ike’s up special move, obviously, is "Aether". And it is ethereal. Oh, yes.


Up Special Move: Aether




First he throws the sword!



Then he leaps after it and catches it in midair!




Then he swiftly plunges, slicing the air!


Of special importance is the fact that he is resistant to attacks for a moment right after throwing his sword.



He’s not flinching?!


He’s not really invincible – he still takes damage. But he won’t flinch in the slightest.


This time, there are several moves like this among the heavy characters, so watch out!


Oh, he also has this special move...




Standard Special Move: Eruption



His standard special move is called Eruption!

You can even charge this one up.

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Ike is on my favorite list now


this is my favorite list for now





5:snake ( snake is on nr 5 becouse i just havent seen enough of him only little glimpses )



and i think for the most funny character to play with is Wario when farting in someones face ( it just has to be online when i think about it ) becouse nothing can be more humiliating than K.O someone when a Giant Nuclear Fart hahah

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I take back what I said about Ike being a Marth clone.

Different B-Moves = 100% sure it's not a clone.


Eruption reminds me of an attack in a "Tales of" game. Cool and devastating. The fact that it's chargeable makes it all better.


The Up-B move surprised me. It's definetely cool that a recovery move is that high, but now I wonder what his Final Smash will be.


[Dream Mode]

Maybe several characters from Fire Emblem can attack the field.

Or maybe just call the three brothers to do a Triangle Attack.

[End Dream Mode]

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Guest Stefkov
Ike's up B reminds me of Kirbys, and his charge B attack is obviously a copy of Roys.

What I thought. It's just kirby's but different.

His charge move reminds me of DK's slamming the ground move but different.

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Tomorrow will be Peach.


About Ike's special moves, I'm surprised Aether is not his final smash. Does "Eruption" come from Goddess of Dawn, do I forgot it or is it a completely made up move for smash?


The smoke ball look like a very fun item. Just imagine only smoke bombs in very high... it will be madness!


Someone here mentioned characters that have nearly zero chance of being playable, but we hope for them anyway. I have a few of my own:






-Muddy Mole


All this characters have their chances to be in considering Game and Watch (weird and old) and Fire emblem characters (Japan only before Melee). Jill really has a potential in terms of moveset. I'd really like Muddy Mole too (I love videogame moles. I dream of a Mario RPG with moles as main badguys) but I see him in the game more as an assist trophy, digging holes like pitfall ones everywhere in the stage. And Skapon would not be a pain to animate if they want to make him playable (but I'm not really fan of him).

Also, if they make a japan-only character to promote his games around the world, Stafy is one of the most likely considering he has 4 good-selling games and is quite popular in Japan. She even makes cameos in "Mario and Luigi: superstar saga" and in "Super Princess Peach". Wario also appeared during a stage of the third Stafy game and Nintendo has made mangas based on him.

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