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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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I think the Hammer Bros would be really cool. Throwing hammers all the time would annoy the crap out of your opponent :D

konfucius says: good stuff!


from that shortlist, i really liked hammer bros and megaman.


hammer bros have been around forever, and with mario smash football, are making quite the name for themselves! i would love to see them in smash bros!


megaman is long overdue to appear in a smash bros game (NES, and the new gameboy ones)


if these guys make it in, ill be stoked!


and sorry guys, cloud and sephiroth are stupid ideas. never been on nintendo, so they can get stuffed. they are cool characters and all, but you need to draw the line somewhere.

why dont we just let master chief onto the damn game??? exactly my point. its a nintendo fighter. if a character has EVER starred in a nintendo title, they are valid. otherwise no.

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Some person over at IGN boards have done this to ZeroSuit Samus. :hmm:



I hope you get to create your own custom skins for the characters somehow... or at leas that you'll be able to download them.

That pic of Samus is HOT. Anyone who says anything about bad ideals or anorexia gets a friggin slap!

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konfucius says: good stuff!


from that shortlist, i really liked hammer bros and megaman.


hammer bros have been around forever, and with mario smash football, are making quite the name for themselves! i would love to see them in smash bros!


megaman is long overdue to appear in a smash bros game (NES, and the new gameboy ones)


if these guys make it in, ill be stoked!


and sorry guys, cloud and sephiroth are stupid ideas. never been on nintendo, so they can get stuffed. they are cool characters and all, but you need to draw the line somewhere.

why dont we just let master chief onto the damn game??? exactly my point. its a nintendo fighter. if a character has EVER starred in a nintendo title, they are valid. otherwise no.


Someone talking sense right here folks. Im gonna throw out an unlikely character that would be popular: Earthworm Jim. Hes been in a fighter before, albeit a crap one.

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I remember seeing that a while back on G-Faqs. Wonder if Nintendo could make a deal with Microsoft to include Banjo and Kazooie...would be awesome.


That would be awesome! I remember how much I wanted them to be in the first Smash Brothers game, but that was before it dawned on me that the characters were first-party only.


So there's not a snowball's chance in hell for most of these characters, but so far my character wishlist includes Sonic, Master Chief, Mallow, Geno, and Banjo/Kazooie :grin:

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Just incase you didn't know, Smash Bros Dojo has now got the character section up. The only ones on the character list there so far are Meta Knight and Pit however. Pit's character art looks awesome.


When watching the trailer Pit looked just like my kind of chracter, I can't wait to use him as he looks well suited to how I play. :yay:

And that art is damm fine, looks like a twist between Kalas and Twilight Princess Link [farmboy]

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IGN talks with Sakurai.


Masahiro Sakurai revealed first details on Super Smash Bros. Brawl months ago in his weekly column in Japan's Famitsu publication. While Smash Bros. content went quiet for a while, the latest entry, the first one following Nintendo's E3 debut, offers a few interesting comments on the game.


This weeks column was apparently written immediately after Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. Brawl unveiling conference, which Sakurai, the game's director, referred to as "the secret announcement meeting." He started off his discussion of the new title with the basics. "Dairantou Smash Bros. X is in development for the Wii. The game has yet to take basic form, but we were somehow able to make the announcement."


As you've probably guessed from Sakurai's comments, the game's Japanese name is Dairantou Smash Bros. X, with the "X" being used in place of our "Brawl." The "Dairantou" part of the title is in all the Japanese Smash Bros. games in place of our "Super," and means something to the effect of "Great Fight."


Sakurai wanted to make sure and give the new game a final name prior to its announcement, for marketing/promotional purposes. "From many different directions," he explained, "We settled on Smash Bros. X. The X gives the meaning of 'Cross,' or intersection." This idea, according to Sakurai, reflects the nature of the game, be it via the impossible character crossovers, the battle on a common battlefield, or facing off against an unknown person via Online play.


Smash Bros. is one of the few Wii games to maintain a standard control scheme. "I was given the task of creating Smash Bros.," explained Sakurai. "Of course, the topic becomes, how should we use the special remote controller? During the planning stages, we gave a lot of thought to this." In the end, Sakurai and his staff decided to not go too far with the controller, in particular avoiding being new just for the sake of being new, which Sakurai worried would make the game difficult to play.


Sakurai also made a few comments about what online play will bring to the title, and some of the problems of developing an online game. "To be honest, there are some annoying areas. While it's definite that the switch to online raises the possibilities for a game, there are lots of considerations, like manners, and level differences." He seems to have an overall favorable impression of online play, though, noting that, "It increases the opportunity to interact with players who are playing the same game."


Despite the title's use of a standard control scheme, Sakurai's journal offers kind words for the Wii. "I believe Wii is truly an appealing game machine. It begins to demonstrate solutions to many of the problems that face today's game industry."

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I knww it was always obvious to happen but for those that were worried about there not being online play for some crazy reason put your worries to rest :smile:

I think this could quite easily become my most played game ever. Smash Bros jsut never gets boring for me and the thought of online play too is just magic.

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Online should be great, however I'm concerned about the limits that will need to be put in place, everyone knows how hectic Smash Bros Melee gets, hoards of objects dropping from the sky, bouncing around...along with the camera positioning and the 4 players... that’s ALOT of data to send...

Only way around this that I can think would be to limit the amount of objects on screen at a time to 10 but then it would loose a lot of appeal...


The fact that Mario Kart DS online doesn’t even have the 3 shells, the 3 bananas, levels with a lot of moving objects and object trailing should be evidence of this however I'm hoping that since they have plenty of time (and aren’t rushed for a holiday release like Mario Kart DS was) they can sort all these issues out

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MKDS was limited by the NDSs 2mbit transfer, Wii probably don't have this since that is mainly in the NDS becouse of battery issues. Wii will probably have atleast 10mbit (has someone seen any specs on this?).


I've played SSBM over the internet, and well, it worked anyway. And that wasn't programmed for it, so I think they'll be able to pull of 4-player online battles without sacrificing much.

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