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Super Mario Galaxy


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I agree that it looks really fun. You know how when you got the Wing Cap on for the first time you were like, "Wahoooooo!!! This is greeeat!" Well that's exactly what I was thinking with Galaxy. Just looks mental and bizarre in that great Mario way.


Btw I think SuperMario Jumpman would be quite good too. Bit of heritage and it has a space feel to it.

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Super Mario: Outer Reach?


I really like that name :bouncy:


I really look forward to this Mario, Sunshine wasn't really appealing to me, sure it was fun but somehow everything was too bright and too "normal".

Especially flying around in space should be really cool with the FHC.

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No way this is a sequel to 64.

64 will have no sequel tbh, you can't make a sequel for a game like that, if anything, say sunshine was a sequel, say the trip to Isle Delfino was a present for mario having rescued Peach or something

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Super Mario Galaxy Hands-on


While it wasn't shown in detail at Nintendo's press conference, there is a pretty cool playable demo of the tentatively-titled Super Mario Galaxy here at E3. We were able to quickly get a feel for the controls and bounce from planet to planet, butt stomping goombas and swinging our arms at everything in our path.


The Mario control scheme uses both the Wii's remote and the nunchuk attachment. You use the A button on the remote to jump, and you can also point it at the screen, which causes a star-shaped reticule to appear. You can hit the B trigger on the bottom of the remote while pointing at objects to interact with them. At the start you can use this to ring a bell and cause collectable music notes to appear, and you also use this method to collect star shards. In your left hand, the nunchuk's analog stick is used to move Mario. The two trigger buttons on it are used to center the camera and to duck or butt stomp. Finally, shaking either controller will cause Mario to spin around with his arms outstretched. This Crash Bandicoot-like move serves as an attack, and if you use it in mid-air, you'll get a little extra lift from a jump.


The gameplay consists of getting from the start of the level to the finish. But along the way you'll have to blast off from one tiny sphere to the next. These mini-planets would only take you a few seconds to run a complete circle around, and some of them have tasks that you must complete before you can move on, like eliminating a specific enemy or knocking all of the coconuts off of the surface. You aren't given any indication about what you need to do, but in this demo, the whole thing seemed quite intuitive. Completing a task causes a star icon to appear, which you can jump into and shake the controller to charge up and blast off to the next location.


The demo ends with a boss fight against a giant fiery squid-like creature that relaxes in a large pool of lava. You can run around the outer ring of this pool. The squid fires flaming balls at you that you can swat back at your enemy by pulling off the spin move. He'll bat it back, but after a few volleys, he gets hit. After a couple of hits, he's bested and a star appears. Collecting that star ends the level, and the demo.


Visually, this is probably one of the more impressive-looking Wii games on display. Mario looks great, and the environment seems expansive, even though you're basically blasting from rock to rock along a set path. The camera got a little disorienting in some spots, showing the action from a sideways or upside down perspective, depending on which way you run on some of the smaller planets.


With its intuitive control, sharp visuals, and of course, the Mario name, Super Mario Galaxy is definitely going to be a game to watch for.



New Super Mario Galaxy Video

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The graphics are definately better then a Gamecube with this game. Honestly Mario looks miles better and it's all so vibrant!


Watched the video again and i'm in love. I'm keeping my fingers tightly crossed for it to be a Launch title!

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I really am loving the look of this game. Imo, the visuals suit the style of this type of game. Now for me to just get my hands on it.


I totally agree! Look at the stars etc..and Mario is much more animated and shaded etc..


It does look better then Mario Sunshine!

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