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Super Mario Galaxy


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Man it is taking me an absolute age to do the daredevil comet on the melty molten lava level. I've tried over 30 times yet I'm addicted to cracking it. I can get to the final run up the mountain pretty much everytime now...But I keep dying there. Solid. But it's so, so wonderful. Wonderful level design. Less is more and all that :)


Oh, and I feel a special mention has to go to the innovative use of using a certain powerup to do wall jumps up waterfalls. PURE Genius.


And the whole secret star sections feel so much like the star road on Mario World at times. Using existing levels in differing ways to find new stars. It feels suitably, excellently retro. Moreso than Mario 64/Sunshine acheived. Actually; I can barely recollect hidden shines in Sunshine. Maybe one on the beach near the lighthouse, under the sand. But some of these extra stars are etched forever ala mario64! :)




Do you have to move the comets BACK, EVERYTIME you complete one of their stars? Don't really get how this feature works. I end up getting a star, talking to purple guy then getting comets, and rinse and repeat. Seems silly.

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Man it is taking me an absolute age to do the daredevil comet on the melty molten lava level. I've tried over 30 times yet I'm addicted to cracking it. I can get to the final run up the mountain pretty much everytime now...But I keep dying there. Solid. But it's so, so wonderful. Wonderful level design. Less is more and all that :)


Oh, and I feel a special mention has to go to the innovative use of using a certain powerup to do wall jumps up waterfalls. PURE Genius.


And the whole secret star sections feel so much like the star road on Mario World at times. Using existing levels in differing ways to find new stars. It feels suitably, excellently retro. Moreso than Mario 64/Sunshine acheived. Actually; I can barely recollect hidden shines in Sunshine. Maybe one on the beach near the lighthouse, under the sand. But some of these extra stars are etched forever ala mario64! :)




Do you have to move the comets BACK, EVERYTIME you complete one of their stars? Don't really get how this feature works. I end up getting a star, talking to purple guy then getting comets, and rinse and repeat. Seems silly.



The comets just appeared for me I never had to talk to the purple guy at all.


I managed to get all 121 Stars with both Mario and the other dude the other day, its great what gets sent to your Wii when you do this.

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i got 120 stars and unlocked super you know who galaxy!


i prefer playing as him to, and his walk animation is just pure class! while playing through galaxy it did make me wonder... is you know who gay?!? anyone else thought this?


basicly i got the 120 stars in less that 2 weeks, it was fairly easy apart from about 10 hard as nails stars at the end but i dont consider it completing the game unless you have all 120. its not a chore it just feels natural to get all of them, unlike sunshine, where it was a chore and i dont think i got them all.

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Miyamoto's "never seen" Ratchet and Clank


Insomniac Games said a while back that it was "flattered" that the spherical worlds of Mario Galaxy were inspired by Ratchet and Clank. But Miyamoto says he's never heard of it.


Official Nintendo Magazine UK asked the father of Mario what he thought about Insomiac's comments in a recent interview, to be published in the next issue (Issue 25). But instead of acknowledging Insomniac's work, he asked: "Is it a PC game?"


Miyamoto said he was "surprised" by Insomniac's comment. "In terms of the spherical worlds and anti-gravity," he went on to explain, "we had the original idea as soon as we finished the development of Mario 64 and had been experimenting with it for many years, even on the N64."


(What we wouldn't give to play those prototypes.)


"It's not an idea we got from anywhere else," adds Miyamoto, before adding: "I'm sorry but I have to admit that I've never seen the game in question. Is it a PC game?"

Miyamoto learns from no-one.



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I'll get your Wii code when you get it Grunch if that's ok with you. :) I need to get a lot of people's actually.

I'll put it in my profile, anyone who wants feel free to add me. (you might want to tell me who you are though :heh:)

Anyone else think the "Is it a PC game?" added in at the end was a sly jab at them?

Nah, Miyamoto's too happy and nice for that, it's got to be honest confusion. :wink:

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PC games are usually pretty good, so I think it'd be a semi-compliment, it's just that I don't think PC gaming is very big in Japan, as they don't need computers. They use phones and Blackberrys.

Well I think MMORPGs are fairly massive, but they ain't too keen on any kind of FPS in Japan, so there's a lack of mouse + keyboard shooters. RTSes are also popular, but they're not a religion like they are in Korea.


Anyway, can't wait to play this. I've just realised that the only other Mario game I've bought close to launch has been Sunshine, and by all accounts Galaxy should be way better.

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A review that does not like Super Mario Galaxy





What can you say...


Is that a joke? Seriously it has to be, i mean the number of mistakes and errors in that "review" are unreal, it can't possibly be serious.... god i can't stand these fundamentalists, seriously they just try to find the smallest things and try to make it look evil, it's unnatural.


Haha, check out her "God's Hitlist" page


God’s phrases hitlist : God hates people that use or believe the words and phrases below because they harm America!


* Affirmative Action

* “Jesus was a liberal”

* “Make love not war”

* “Universal Health care”

* “Feminism”

* “Gay/Straight Coalition”

* “True for you”

* “Phased withdrawal”

* “No Presidential immunity”

* Euro

* “Guest Worker”

* controversy

* Moral Relativism




And some of these make no sense at all, just read through it, it's almost rascist, and at he top of that page they talk about how God gave us free will and freedom of choice, yet readin some of things in this list they seem to be contradicting themseleves... i mean i doubt God could hate Vegetarians


Wrong Choices

God’s lifestyle choices hitlist : God hates people that belong to one of the groups below because they harm America!


* Gays

* Liberals

* Abortionists

* Animal Rights People

* Environmentalists

* Muzlims

* Vegetarians/Vegans

* Pedophiles

* Linux users

* “Purpose Driven” churches

* Mormons

* Germans

* Government school teachers

* The anti-smoking lobby

* College Professors

* Poets

* Hybrid Cars



Oh there is so much fuel here for my youtube blog, if only i had time, damnit




Ok i just finished leaving an extensive comment on that review ripping into every bit of, now i bloody well gotta get to bed, should have been alseep an hour ago :heh:

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I feel like I got to the end of this game (story wise, not stars) way too quickly. Maybe it was too easy, maybe it was too short, or maybe I just enjoyed it a lot (I did) but it was over in no time. I never finished Super Mario Sunshine. I played it for a long time but didn't get to the end of the game. In comparison I flew through SMG. New Galaxies were opening all the time, I never felt I had to struggle to get a certain amount of stars in order to proceed, I just got those stars while exploring new worlds. In the end I beat Bowser with about 62 stars. Why? Why not make it so you need about 90 stars to face him, and throw in a couple more worlds?


I loved the game, every moment. Fire mario, the mechanics of the thing, the use of the controller, star bits, running upside down, the music, invincibility stars, the story, the graphics. It was a brilliant game, but ultimately felt so much smaller than the previous 2 generations' outings.

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The review on that blog is clearly a joke, you're suposed to laugh at it and the people that take it seriously...



Anyways I brought Mario Galaxy a few days ago since I finally got a Wii and its amazing. Its so much fun to play. I'm around 52 stars in right now.

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In the end I beat Bowser with about 62 stars. Why? Why not make it so you need about 90 stars to face him, and throw in a couple more worlds?


Nintendo wanted to make it so that people who dont generally play games would at least finish the story.


Alot of the fun with Galaxy is just collecting the Stars, especially the Purple Comet ones.

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Surely it was really obvious that review was a joke from the opening paragraph

STR readers who were kids during the 1980s might remember the “Super Mario Brothers Super-Show”, back then one of the most bizarre Saturday morning shows. STR readers who were kids during the 1980s might remember the “Super Mario Brothers Super-Show”, back then one of the most bizarre Saturday morning shows. What many of you may not know is that this hyper-frenetic kids TV show was was turned into a series of video games that became somewhat popular in Japan.
Nintendo wanted to make it so that people who dont generally play games would at least finish the story.


Alot of the fun with Galaxy is just collecting the Stars, especially the Purple Comet ones.

I thought the comets were the worst part tbh. It's just too cheap. It's a nice idea on the surface but when you think about it, it's just an excuse not to come up with a new star/layout for that level. Instead of making another star like they would've in SM64, they just stick you on a map you've done already, add another variable and change the colour palette. And I can't believe you found collecting 100 purple coins over and over and oer agan one of the best bits, it brings back nightmares of Click Clock Wood and Musical Notes on Banjo Kazooie.

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