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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


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In fact, it's so perfectly paced it's almost ungodly. The Space Station opening has a nice mix of tense casualness to all-out panic stations.


Landing on Tallon IV - Wow, time seemed to slow right down. I was examining fauna, watching the raindrops hit my visor, observing the trickling water and absorbing the chilled-out music.


Parts of the game practically demand you to stop and have a look around in awe (Phendrana Drifts). Other parts have you battling onwards with forced franticness, hoping to make it through alive (Phazon Mines).


I didn't really feel this with Metroid Prime 2. I really hope they can capture the sense of awe and amazement I felt with the first game.


Again, just like everyone else said Patch, perfect post. Describes my feelings entirely. Best post I've read in some time.

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I didn't really feel this with Metroid Prime 2. I really hope they can capture the sense of awe and amazement I felt with the first game.


It's a shame I don't know why people keep bagging the crap out of metorid prime 2 I thought it was just as good as number one. I just love how Retro made the game completely different to metroid but still have the essence of the metroid series in it (ie suits, equipment etc etc) it was different to what we were used to.

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It's a shame I don't know why people keep bagging the crap out of metorid prime 2 I thought it was just as good as number one. I just love how Retro made the game completely different to metroid but still have the essence of the metroid series in it (ie suits, equipment etc etc) it was different to what we were used to.


Now that's a perfect post.

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This is my 2nd most anticipated Wii game, if it turned out to be not good, i would literally hit the floor and cry.


Thats my opinion, but for Galaxy.


After the longest wait for small snippet of details and it's release, if Galaxy turns out more like Sunshine then Mario 64, i would be dissapointed.


Don't get me wrong, Sunshine is a superb game, but i want more 'wow' factor, originality and just huge surprises that Mario 64 bought when i played it.


I'm expecting great things from Metroid as well, after going on record stating it will 100% be a launch title and then delaying it a couple of months before release for at least a year, it better be good. IT BETTER BE!

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Thanks for all the positive comments guys.


It's a shame I don't know why people keep bagging the crap out of metorid prime 2 I thought it was just as good as number one. I just love how Retro made the game completely different to metroid but still have the essence of the metroid series in it (ie suits, equipment etc etc) it was different to what we were used to.


:) I certainly didn't mean to come across as 'bagging the crap out of Metroid Prime 2'!


I also think Metroid Prime 2 gets a bad rap. It was the absolute best game they could have made, under the circumstances. I love the fact it is so different and feels like Metroid Prime 2 and not Metroid Prime 1.5 and it's one of my favourite games of all time.


I was merely stating that MP2 did not recreate that same sense of awe and excitement that the first game gave me. I agree with Jonnas that it had its moments (some of them superb) but it boils down to the general rule of a sequel being rarely as absorbing as the first. IMO.


Cheers Owen, you have described almost exactly the same thing with Mario 64 and Sunshine.

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Guest Jordan
I've lost track. Do we know what all of the vizors are yet?








Probably X-Ray again, or atleast i hope so... that one created alot of tension in MP1 :D

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I've lost track. Do we know what all of the vizors are yet?


I don't *think* any more have been announced. I could be wrong.


Surely there will be some kind of Phazon visor? Perhaps it could show you hidden Phazon that you have to either avoid or absorb.

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Did anyone else think that the Dark visor was rubbish? Or more importantly that the echo visor was beautiful but hardly used?


I'm with Jordan tho. Xray pls. It was one of the sexiest things that I'd seen in gaming at the time and did really ad atmosphere. One thing that i missed in MP2 also was how the completely changed the HUD for which visor you were using. Really hope they put that back in.

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I'm going to have to get a surround sound setup for this game, nothing else will do it justice. I'm drooling here I really am.

Same here. Such a shame I have to sell my perfect Pro Logic II setup (Metroid Prime 1 and 2 sound soooo good over it). Stupid small student rooms... Hope 2.1 sounds good enough.


On the visors, seeing that they don't have to 'fill' a D-pad this time (visors are controlled differently now right?) so maybe they'll leave at three. The fourth visors, beautiful as they were, kind of felt out of place, much like the Screw Attack.


Is it confirmed what the button layout looks like?

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It's a shame I don't know why people keep bagging the crap out of metorid prime 2 I thought it was just as good as number one. I just love how Retro made the game completely different to metroid but still have the essence of the metroid series in it (ie suits, equipment etc etc) it was different to what we were used to.


I thought it was better than Prime 1. 2 best games of last gen by far.


Echoes Visor was trippy!

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Did anyone else think that the Dark visor was rubbish? Or more importantly that the echo visor was beautiful but hardly used?


Yep, the Dark Visor seemed like a cheap way of hiding invisible platforms. I agree the Echo Visor was a much better idea but it only ever seemed to serve one small purpose - unlocking those echo doors.


I guess it's pretty hard to come up with new interesting visors. So far the best ones have been X-Ray, Heat Signature and Echo Visors.


Ah, I've got it - The Smell Visor! Similar to the Smellatron (or whatever it was called) in Futurama, you can pick up wafts of strange smells on alien planets!

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Did anyone else think that the Dark visor was rubbish? Or more importantly that the echo visor was beautiful but hardly used?


Exactly. I never understood the purpose behind Dark Visor. What are we supposed to try and see with it? Living creatures? Invisible platforms? Seemed like a failed combination between Thermal visor and X-Ray visor.


The Echo visor was definetely cool. I mean, seeing sound? Excellent idea, although under-used :sad:. Hope it makes a comeback.


But my favorite has to be the thermal visor, even if it isn't too original. The X-ray probably is more popular because it is a fresh idea and extremely well executed (even if it gave me headaches from time to time :heh:).


I wonder what new visors we'll see this time around...


EDIT: Just saw Patch's idea of smell visor :laughing:. Probably won't make it in Metroid Prime 3, but could be saved for future Retro Studios projects.


So far we've had 3 interesting visors out of 4. That's not too bad, right?

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Someone writing into today's IGN mailbag today makes a good point about the lack of organic environments in new screenshots. There's a lot of sci-fi spaceships and stuff, but very few 'natural' environments, which, in my opinion, are some of the best bits of Metroid games. I hope it's just a case of Nintendo holding back screenshots, and that MP3 will have as varied locations as MP1.

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The X-ray probably is more popular because it is a fresh idea and extremely well executed (even if it gave me headaches from time to time :heh:)


I also found it to be quite interesting but everything was so bright it felt hard to focus and concentrate. The thermal visor was much better on the eyes.

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It's pretty crap that MP3 won't have online Multiplayer.

If it would have, it would easilly have been better than Halo 3. Yes, that's right, I'm thinking of this as an FPS and not an adventuregame. I'm gonna do something so I won't use the lock-on feature, maybe if you'll be able to configure the controlls yourself, I'll leave it unassigned...


I remember when MP2 was released, there was a big comparasint in some game mag between MP2, Halo 2 and Killzone.

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It's pretty crap that MP3 won't have online Multiplayer.

If it would have, it would easilly have been better than Halo 3. Yes, that's right, I'm thinking of this as an FPS and not an adventuregame. I'm gonna do something so I won't use the lock-on feature, maybe if you'll be able to configure the controlls yourself, I'll leave it unassigned...


I remember when MP2 was released, there was a big comparasint in some game mag between MP2, Halo 2 and Killzone.


And thats y ppl are retarded.

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