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Funnily enough, I've also been playing through this recently on Hyper Mode. Anyone that says it is too easy is embarrassingly mistaken.


It still amazes me to this day how good it looks. I mean, it's technically very impressive, but the art just steals the show. I play this, then look at anything UE3 has spewed out and Prime 3 is just streets ahead in terms of aesthetic wonder.


Weirdly, I'm not a fan of the Logbook in Prime 3. I think they got it perfect to a tee in Echoes: navigating the database through branching categories. With this, it's just big alphebetical lists. There's no visible percentage counter either.

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I too started playing this yesterday as I hadn't played it for ages, infact i think im gonna have a blast now - a truly epic game, I will have to try and get 100% scans.


Always thought about getting this at some stage.



Echoes... not so much!


Where does Prime 3 stand? obviously the controls add a certain something, but is it a fanastic experience throughout, or does it become a bit of a chore at all? like the whole light world/dark world portals etc... anything like that? Is hyper mode annoying at all etc...

Always thought about getting this at some stage.



Echoes... not so much!


Where does Prime 3 stand? obviously the controls add a certain something, but is it a fanastic experience throughout, or does it become a bit of a chore at all? like the whole light world/dark world portals etc... anything like that? Is hyper mode annoying at all etc...


I can't think of any real flaws Prime 3 has (but then again, I was one of those scum that loved Prime 2). It has a slightly more linear structure than past games, meaning there's little back tracking. That makes the game less of a chore if anything.


There's the gratuitous fetch quest towards the end, but every Prime game has that. Bosses are as epic as always. Crucially though, it has that fantastic quality that makes you want to keep playing to see what's behind the next corner.


If anyone's already bought Prime 1 and 2, I'm surprised they haven't played 3. It may just be my favourite game of this gen.


The boss fights are something else you know, they just don't die, and then you notice the amount of damage you did was like 1 or something. It's proper expose the weak spot stuff.


^ *slap* Bad Choze. Dead Space in no way beats MP3, or in fact MP2 (I may give you it though but I actually loved all entries into the series).


I started a second run through on the game a few months ago but this time on hyper. Got to the first big robotic statue boss but just couldn't kill him. Everytime I nailed his orb things and ran round behind him to get the one on his back it wouldn't lock on or I couldn't get a decent shot at it. Just sorta gave up. If I had more time and could be bothered I'd continue it. Great game. Last boss wasn't as epic as I'd have hoped it would have been but some of the bosses were really awesome. Fighting that woman hunter is an example of that. Loved that fight, although it was bloody hard and went on for ages.


Weirdly, I'm not a fan of the Logbook in Prime 3. I think they got it perfect to a tee in Echoes: navigating the database through branching categories. With this, it's just big alphebetical lists. There's no visible percentage counter either.


Are you kidding? In my opinion, Echoes' log system is a complete mess, I couldn't find shit in it, if I remember correctly... Nothing stayed in its position, there was no "order". Sure, they branched, but other than that, it was a complete mess.


Alphabetical order may be dull to you but it's unbeatable when you want to find something. They make dictionaries that way for a reason. ;)


All in all, Prime 1 still had the best log book from the 3. I don't really remember how it was (I haven't played Prime 1 in over 2 years maybe) but I know neither Echoes nor Corruption made me think they were improving the first one's log system. Echoes made it worse and Corruption improved on Echoes, but not on Prime 1.



There's the gratuitous fetch quest towards the end, but every Prime game has that.


I didn't encounter any fetch quest in Prime 3. Know why? Because I collected the Energy Cells as I was going through the game, I didn't wait for the end stretch. The game adds the Valhalla to your map very early, all you have to do is go explore it. There you will find the clues for where to search for the Energy Cells as you explore the game. It's part of its backtracking system, that all Metroids have. As you find more energy cells, more areas of the Valhalla open up for you to get more clues. No fetch quest.

Only fault I find in Prime 3 is its sub par ending for a trilogy.

Story wise? It's not like they care about story, but even still, showing the reach and scale of the Galactic Federation, linking the Chozoes, Ings, etc, the origins of Phazon/Metroid Prime, etc... Felt fitting to me.


i thought it was a great game. i love prime and echoes mind.


i think echoes problem was its kinda bland world. the best bit was the opening, seeing the dead space mareines, slowly learing there story


3 was increadable. it had great environments, like prime, and a more epic feel. the combat was improved and, much to my delight, it had bigger and better set peices. some of the bossfights/unexpectedly exciting moments just blew my mind. easily my favorite wii game.

All in all, Prime 1 still had the best log book from the 3. I don't really remember how it was (I haven't played Prime 1 in over 2 years maybe)


If I recall correctly, it was split into categories (Pirate Data, Chozo Lore, Creatures etc), each with a basic list of items. But the lists weren't alphabetical. At times it seemed almost chronological, but this wasn't always the case. I think some lists were ordered differently between different versions of the game too.


MP1 Logbook FAQ


Ok have finished this game now. Certainly a great game, but I had a couple of problems with it.


Mainly the environments. I know they've received loads of praise, but I can't understand why. I thought they were pretty samey. There were loads of rooms that looked pretty much the same. A couple of times I thought I'd backtracked when I was actually in a new room. Yes there was tons of variation from world to world but not much variety within worlds. In the first Prime, I could tell if I'd been somewhere or not without looking at the map, but I found myself checking the map way too much in Prime 3.


Only a minor niggle, but it was there all the same.


I wonder how they are going to handle the beams in the MP1 and 2 Wiimakes? In 3, as well as the new abilities, the Nova beam did the same as the Plasma beam, but in the first one, the Ice beam didn't do the same as the Wave beam etc. With the limited amount of Wii buttons, I wonder how they'll pull it off. I really hope that they don't do what they did in Prime 3 by making the plasma beam have the same abilities as your earlier beams, as that will spoil the last boss.

I wonder how they are going to handle the beams in the MP1 and 2 Wiimakes? In 3, as well as the new abilities, the Nova beam did the same as the Plasma beam, but in the first one, the Ice beam didn't do the same as the Wave beam etc. With the limited amount of Wii buttons, I wonder how they'll pull it off. I really hope that they don't do what they did in Prime 3 by making the plasma beam have the same abilities as your earlier beams, as that will spoil the last boss.


Well the + button will be freed up due to lack of Hyper Mode, so they may just map the weapon switches to that a la the visors on Prime 3.


I was probably the only one that was let down by the third - My opinion is Prime>>>Echoes>Corruption.

I just enjoyed Prime so much more - the feeling of being alone, the more interesting landscapes and lore, everything basically. Of course it would be better with a pointer, but it definetly had something(s) that Corruption lacked.

I was probably the only one that was let down by the third - My opinion is Prime>>>Echoes>Corruption.

I just enjoyed Prime so much more - the feeling of being alone, the more interesting landscapes and lore, everything basically. Of course it would be better with a pointer, but it definetly had something(s) that Corruption lacked.


I meant to say that as well. The feeling of being alone was missed in Prime 3. I thought the voice acting was pretty poor as well.

Ok have finished this game now. Certainly a great game, but I had a couple of problems with it.


Mainly the environments. I know they've received loads of praise, but I can't understand why. I thought they were pretty samey. There were loads of rooms that looked pretty much the same. A couple of times I thought I'd backtracked when I was actually in a new room. Yes there was tons of variation from world to world but not much variety within worlds. In the first Prime, I could tell if I'd been somewhere or not without looking at the map, but I found myself checking the map way too much in Prime 3.


Even though I loved Elysia, I think it demonstrates your point well, some of those elevator rooms could be confusing, and it happened that I have to go back because I lost myself. Other than that I think that's the only perpetrator.


I'm not sure about repetitive rooms, but I must say the colour pallet could have been a little more varied. As far as art design goes? Flawless. It's the sort of game that not only doesn't age, but gets better each time you play it. HOWEVER, Bryyo was sort of brown, and Elysia was brown... and first impressions of Valhalla were very red. Most of Norion is greyish. And then there's a tonne of blue with the hyper stuff. It never looked less than great, but it certainly wasn't as varied as certain places in the other games.


My favourite location is still Phendrana Drifts. It is still such a masterpiece in game design. From when you first enter, it seems like a totally deserted ice-land where only native animals dwell. Then as you move in, you begin to see evidence of ancient ruins snowed over from the Chozo era of millenia back. When you start to see the metallic, industrial chimneys, you know there's more to the eye. It of course all ends up with you venturing into the secret Pirate base, navigating those hazy corridors. When you finally reach the core, aquire the thermal visor, the light go off and the Metroids break out, pants are shat. The following ten minutes of fighting your way out of that base in pitch black, with only a thermal visor to help you see those marauding Pirates, it's possibly the greatest ever slice of interaction burned on a disc.


My favourite location is still Phendrana Drifts. It is still such a masterpiece in game design. From when you first enter, it seems like a totally deserted ice-land where only native animals dwell. Then as you move in, you begin to see evidence of ancient ruins snowed over from the Chozo era of millenia back. When you start to see the metallic, industrial chimneys, you know there's more to the eye. It of course all ends up with you venturing into the secret Pirate base, navigating those hazy corridors. When you finally reach the core, aquire the thermal visor, the light go off and the Metroids break out, pants are shat. The following ten minutes of fighting your way out of that base in pitch black, with only a thermal visor to help you see those marauding Pirates, it's possibly the greatest ever slice of interaction burned on a disc.


Fantastic part of the game. Makes me remember how much Prime>>>Corruption. There was nothing in either sequel that came close to that bit. Though the control in Corruption was so much better than the other 2.


Can't wait for the Wiimakes.


RIGHT ON! Phendrana Drifts was teh first thing that springs to my mind when I consider what was lacking form corrupotion with respect to Prime.


I've banged on about this for so long with friends. With metriod all being about exploration and samus being a bounty hunter.... why not make a game where she hunts bounty?


In the early days linear gameplay was almost a necessity due to hardware (or atleast a gameplay trope inherent in the early days of games). No that we are able to create huge sandbox worlds.... could it be the perfect fit for metriod? Freeform missions that can be taken in any order that lead you gently, dropping hints toward story relevent areas to visit. Though attempts have been made to populate the game with other characters the development of those characters is WOEFULLY lacking, in large part limited to campy exchanges in cutscenes. Let auxilary characters be but rumours to begin with.. hear their reputation.. have them steal a bounty just before you get there leaving witha snyde remark, hell even have some friendly hunters that help you on some missions.


The prime series brought mertiod into 3D but i think the ultimate metroid game should create a universe in which you can loose yourself in and explore with complete freedom.


P.S. assuming a better multiplayer system than echoes can be created...this universe could include a seamless multiplayer. If you and a friend are on at the same time a note could come through from the bounty office announcing a new mission to co-op or hunt your friend on a particular planet


My favourite location is still Phendrana Drifts. It is still such a masterpiece in game design. From when you first enter, it seems like a totally deserted ice-land where only native animals dwell. Then as you move in, you begin to see evidence of ancient ruins snowed over from the Chozo era of millenia back. When you start to see the metallic, industrial chimneys, you know there's more to the eye. It of course all ends up with you venturing into the secret Pirate base, navigating those hazy corridors. When you finally reach the core, aquire the thermal visor, the light go off and the Metroids break out, pants are shat. The following ten minutes of fighting your way out of that base in pitch black, with only a thermal visor to help you see those marauding Pirates, it's possibly the greatest ever slice of interaction burned on a disc.


Indeed that part is part of MP's awesomeness, but IMHO doesn't come near the absolute magnificence of the sunken frigate exploration!

My favourite location is still Phendrana Drifts...


Very nicely put. There's the music too. After the intense mechanical and industrial grinding of Magmoor, getting out into the open and hearing the calming plinky-plonk tones really blew me away. One of my most favourite gaming moments of all time.


I think MP1 cashed in on the classic Earth/Fire/Ice/Water themes to great effect. Thinking up new environments with the same impact for the sequels, rather than simply recreating the same ones was always going to be difficult.

  • 1 month later...

Just got this game (finally). It's absolutely terrific! The Wii finally actually makes sense! I'm struggling to get used to the controls, but i can already see their brilliance! The game looks fantastic as well, it's just a shame it's on such an underpowered machine (by that i mean i'd love to see how good it could look with more powerful hardware).


I'd be right in saying that this has been Wii's high point so far though, right? I guess i'd better not rush the game because everything else i've tried has been pretty dull (i'm yet to get Galaxy, waiting on it dropping to the £10-£15 mark).

i'm yet to get Galaxy, waiting on it dropping to the £10-£15 mark.


Good luck on that one. Seriously, Galaxy is worth the £30 you'd spend on it.


Yes, Metroid Prime 3 is a standout title for Wii. Absolutely sublime. Can't wait to play through the first two when they're Wii-ified.

Just got this game (finally). It's absolutely terrific! The Wii finally actually makes sense! I'm struggling to get used to the controls, but i can already see their brilliance! The game looks fantastic as well, it's just a shame it's on such an underpowered machine (by that i mean i'd love to see how good it could look with more powerful hardware).


I'd be right in saying that this has been Wii's high point so far though, right? I guess i'd better not rush the game because everything else i've tried has been pretty dull (i'm yet to get Galaxy, waiting on it dropping to the £10-£15 mark).


I wouldn't bother waiting for galaxy to drop in price. Its worth every penny.

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