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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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From IGN Boards about the Zelda:TP video.


00:04 seconds - We see Link wandering through a town street populated by lots of NPCs. Again, I cannot tell about how good they look, but the models seem to be beter than before. Godo news either way as it seems towns will be more populated, more life-like, and obviously more things to interact with, which is definitely a good thing.


00:05 seconds - Now, I cannot tell about the color scheme here too well, but to me it seems we see Wolf Link in the normal realm and not the Twlight Realm. If this is true, then perhaps there will be a way to transform into a wolf in both realms. It should also be noted that Link is completely alone...no Midna on his back, just prowling around on his own four legs. Hmmmmmm...makes me look forward to the gameplay as the wolf more and more.


00:07 seconds - A nice shot of one of the creatures from the Twilight Realm, which looks much more updated graphic-wise, though again I can't be certain. Following that is another Twilight creature that is of the flying variety...looks like a great big bird with some kind of big red 'eye-like' structure near the front of its body. At the end (it's really fast) but you see Wolf Link and Midna off in the lower left getting ready to face off against the creature.


00:10 seconds - OMG...BIG ASS underwater sea creature (possibly a boss?) that looks like a HUGE eel with a big, gaping jaw, tentacles lining its head, and an eye near the top of its head. Gyorg...move your ass over, because this thing puts him to shame FOR SURE! As I've said before, could possibly be a boss you'll fight later on (a Water Temple maybe?), but even if it's not...it's definitely impressive to look at from the 10 to 13 second marks in the video. *Note* My jaw dropped when I saw this thing.


00:14 seconds - Hmmmmm...it appears Link is fighting on a suspended platform over a lava area (Fire Temple, maybe?) and we get a fast look at (possibly a boss) another enemy he'll be fighting. Might be something like the one big fire 'boss' we saw in earlier trailers, but I cannot be sure....could very well be, but I cannot tell because of quality at this point.


00:17 seconds - Wow...this...this is definitely hard to describe, but I'll do my best. At this point you see Wolf Link (I think by himself) in some kind of roundish area surrounded by rock pillars and he's looking up at a strange glowing light. At 00:19 seconds we get an upclose shot of this light thing starting to morph into something recognizable...somewhat. To me, it looks like it's a creature that has big horns (not unlike the goat horns we saw when Link was wrestling one), and all you see is the head and neck of this 'creature'. Around 00:21 seconds it starts to look like a wolf's head (a bit), but I cannot tell what it is...it's very mysterious to say the least, and I only wish I could describe it beeter, but it's got me stumped as to what it could be.


00:24 seconds - We see a couple of seconds of the cillagers Link was showing how to fight with practice swords from an earlier game demo. It tshows them seeing (and being spotted) by those big boar riders, who come charging at them. In slow-motion you see the red-headed child running away from them and that's about it...definitely a suspense build up moment.


00:28 seconds - AHA! Link riding Epona here and in the upper right corner it looks like he's armed with and can use the sword, Bow and Arrow, and Gale Boomerang. Mmmm...Boomerang with horse riding...nice. I'm going to guess this an area of Hyrule Field, and I must say it's very, very pretty. Lots of dips and little hills, lush trees, and the ground textures look fairly decent (from what I can see). Also, Epona looks to be very well detailed as well, but I'll leave this stuff for those who've seen the higher quality video.


00:30 seconds - Hmmmm...I dunno what to make of this. It's a night fight with Link battling some kind of foe who's swinging...actually, no it's not. It looks like it's some kind of character who is swinging a light source around that appears to be pushing away some kind of dark, purple 'fog' away from 'him' and Link, but it's definitely at night. Interesting...not sure of the location, unfortunately.


00:32 seconds - ANOTHER NEW ITEM HERE! Link is fighting a Deku Babba (sp) and after blocking an attack with his shield (nice metal ring sound, too), he whips out something that looks like a Hookshot. HOWEVER, after he pulls it out there appears to be three claws at the end of the device that spread out and lock in place. The weapon isn't fired, but in the next scene with Link fighting a pterodactyl-like enemy you can see it equipped to one of the item buttons at the top right of the screen. It DOES appear to be something akin to teh Hookshot, or maybe it is with a new design, but in either case, I wanna play with it!


00:34 seconds - Link is fighting what appears to be two Moblins (I think) and he performs a shield shove on one of them. Nothing too spectacular, but fight scenes are good. Also, the other Moblin is attacking him even though Link is already 'z-targeting' the Moblin he shove with the shield, so it seems that there will be no enemies 'waiting until you're done with your current foe' type of AI in this game, and that's a good thing.


00:36 seconds - Another shot of Link and Midna walking around (Twilight Realm, I think) walking around a wooded area, but nothing else. This one shows Link's wolf model has undergone some graphical changes and seems to be improved upon in that respect.


00:37 seconds - Going back to the 'boss fight' on that suspended platform, it looks like Link is pulling a 'Mario 64' with him picking up the big creature and chucking him a decent distance across the platform. Not much else is shown, so I can't say much else here.


00:38 seconds - Here we see Wolf Link in the normal realm being broken up into big 'pixels' and possibly being transported into the Twilight Realm, but I cannot say for sure. After this scene you hear a wolf howl and the title shows...end of teaser video.


Zelda:TP E3 Video

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I don't know about this decision to have two versions of the game at the Wii launch, i don't see the GC version selling much (if at all), although the Wii controls do look SO good its unreal, and the sound depth thing briliant (i wonder how long till we a see a PS3 pad with a speaker).


I'll be getting the Wii version at launch, which means i prolly won't get too many other games anymore on day one, i'll want to spend as much time with Z:TP as possible, prolly Red Steel, Metriod and Mario Galaxy aswell.

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I'm a bit disappointed about the whole zelda wii version. I wanted to be able to get zelda for gc and then at a later date go for wii controls, but now nintendo have forced my hand, or rather my wallet, at least I have connections in the game industry that will get me discount.

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did anyone notice that on the game trailers version of that video that there was a release date of august 25th?


The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Official Trailer

Legend of Zelda (GC)

By: Nintendo

Release Date: Aug 25, 2006



of course you didnt! because otherwise i wouldnt have to point it out!!!!

but yeah... prolly wrong.

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Has nobody picked up on the fact that Reggie said [of there being two versions of Zelda released]:


"Here in the Americas, Nintendo will launch two different versions."


If all territories are getting two versions why specifically mention the Americas region? I don't want two versions as it gives me a reason not to buy a Wii at launch.

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Because he lives in America? Most people at the conference live in America? There would be no reason to do two in America and not anywhere else. Another thing that bothers me, is that when they were talking about the wii version they said that the difficulty has been toned down. That doesn't sound too good. For me at least.

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I really am torn!


Firstly i love the fact it's a Wii launch title, that game alone has made the launch by far one of the best ever.


I just can't help thinking that it should of been released before the Wii launch to tide us over. It's like everything is going to come all in one go now and i'm not sure where-ever i can take it, lol.


Q4 2006 for a Nintendo fan is by far one of the best ever, and most expenisive ever. Perhaps they should of spaced it out over the course of August-December and not all in November/December.

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