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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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you guys I just read something disturbing and I hope it's not true, but I read a rumor *snip* that the revolution will be nintendo's last console. And I was looking forward to how awesome their 2011 console would be! *snip* I'm not even gonna buy a Rev cuz I'll be too depressed to think this is the last system. *snip* I've already emailed nintendo about this and am still waiting for a reply.


You're 17 right? And you believe BS rumours that people pull out of their fat asses?


How about I start a rumour stating that TP has been cancelle. Would you believe that, if not why not. I've just spouted pure BS, just like whoevere you got your info off did.

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Hah, Rev being Nintendos last console? Only if it goes straight down the crapper, which I doubt. Nintendo have earned loads on each and every one of there console (well, ok, I don't count Virtual Boy :P), both handheld and not.


On this whole Link will die BS (oh, ok speculation ;P), I don't think so, the Zelda games are about the adventure that Link undertakes, it wouldn't fit in the Zelda style to let him die. It's like Bungie making a Halo game which only had cheesy techno music and a story more akin to Quake 3. It doesn't fit the style.

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Thanks you guys. I can't believe I was so dumb... but actually I didn't believe that rumor, I knew it couldn't be true because the one that posted that was a nintendo hater and he was just stating what he wished would happen and made it sound like that's what's gonna happen. I guess I let stuff like that get to me because I'm sunch a nintendo fan...I mean, I've owned all the consoles of nintendo and nintendo's series are the only ones I've ever been interested in. I've NEVER owned ANY of the competition's systems and never will. I've never even been jealous of the series that the competition has until recentlly when I read banjo kazooie 3 will be coming to the xbox360 cuz RARE sold out to MS. And that made me mad because I'm a fan of bajo kazooie, but I'll just get over it because I'm damn sure not supporting the competition cuz of one little game! I will remain a loyal nintendo fan which means NEVER buying anything from MS or sony, but I really do wish they would have made banjo threeie for the Revolution. But anyway back on topic of Zelda now...I'm sorry for going so off topic...ummm...there's no news still...so what should we talk about? we already know everything there is to know so far about TP so .........I'm bored!~ lol

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That's a bit mental...


I follow the view that it's the games that make the system, that's why I'm with Nintendo, I believe they make the best games. However, I bought an Xbox aswell for Halo and Halo 2 and also Burnout. It's games that matter, I'm not bothered which system they're on but I've always preferred Nintendo and their games.


Whoops, just realised this is way off topic :P erm... LoZ:TP will rock!

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lol you guys are funny. now criticising me about my country! I'm not at all offended though cuz you guys think Americans are stupid and I don't blame you cuz what you see on TV and all over there you see shows and stuff like Andy Milinokis and mad tv and SNL so no wonder you think we're stupid! you have a right to think that! but yes I'm 17 and no I'm not mental and now back on topic...about that we'll see TP this year...how can you be sure about that? I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo delayed it until spring 07. I hope thay wouldn't, but gosh...they already delayed it a whole year! so... but I hope it's this year and I hope since it's scheduled for Fall, it'll be as soon as fall comes which is in september. and they've promised the Rev "BEFORE" thanksgiving which is November 27th I think.

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lol you guys are funny. now criticising me about my country! I'm not at all offended though cuz you guys think Americans are stupid and I don't blame you cuz what you see on TV and all over there you see shows and stuff like Andy Milinokis and mad tv and SNL so no wonder you think we're stupid! you have a right to think that! but yes I'm 17 and no I'm not mental and now back on topic...about that we'll see TP this year...how can you be sure about that? I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo delayed it until spring 07. I hope thay wouldn't, but gosh...they already delayed it a whole year! so... but I hope it's this year and I hope since it's scheduled for Fall, it'll be as soon as fall comes which is in september. and they've promised the Rev "BEFORE" thanksgiving which is November 27th I think.


Well I guess it's because British and American sense of humor is very different. Basicly what I said in my previous post was a joke, it wasn't supposed to be taken to heart. Also it isn't the fact that American TV is stupid (I do find some American TV funny, like friends) it's the fact that you have

George W. Bush as your president, is what makes me wander about the intelligence of Americans. LOL again, don't take this to heart.


Btw, people here seem to think that your under the age of 17 because of the way you act when someone disagrees with something you said.


Saying stuff like "your stupid" and "Your wrong", makes you seem arrogant and immature.


Anyway, act how you want to act, it doesn't really bother me. But it will bother other users!


Anyway back on topic...



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Guest Stefkov

i doubt very highly that they will even think of delayingi t again, otherwise a lot of people will cry... a lot. for cert.

i just hope its out maybe a couple weeks or more before revs released, then there will be hype for ninty products and then maybe the rev might sell like.. food. that sells well.

however if they release it close to the launc of rev, then maybe epopel will not buy it straight away. theyll probably wantt o bundle it with a rev (the people not ninty) and then the first couple of weeks would be slow.

i just want the bloody game!

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lol you guys are funny. now criticising me about my country! I'm not at all offended though cuz you guys think Americans are stupid and I don't blame you cuz what you see on TV and all over there you see shows and stuff like Andy Milinokis and mad tv and SNL so no wonder you think we're stupid! you have a right to think that! but yes I'm 17 and no I'm not mental and now back on topic...about that we'll see TP this year...how can you be sure about that? I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo delayed it until spring 07. I hope thay wouldn't, but gosh...they already delayed it a whole year! so... but I hope it's this year and I hope since it's scheduled for Fall, it'll be as soon as fall comes which is in september. and they've promised the Rev "BEFORE" thanksgiving which is November 27th I think.
This thread is going way offtopic, he's right about one think... you guys are generalizing even if it fits him perfectly :indeed:


There are more americans on this forums and they don't behave like that, they might feel bad if they read this... I for one I'm used to keep conversations over the web with people from all around the world, we can't go out of our way because more than ever these forums are not for europeans; all other people are welcomed too...


And I'm not concerned about why he is like that or anything... as a sidenote he needs to get his speech right, pontuation marks, don't double post and stoping being narrowminded... but he decreased the double posts lately, for example, I don't know, but maybe we shouldn't be so harsh on him, just keep smacking him some good sense, and hope he won't do offtopic posts around nothing.


As a side note to what you said... you talked too much around nothing again, that doesn't show you really have a position as you start going nowhere with your speech...


Zelda TP won't be delayed again, it's not even possible this time around, it's common sense...


And thanksgiving is a American holliday saying it like "it's november 27... I think" doesn't help when others are calling you "ignorant", you have to know your stuff man, otherwise hardly anyone will take you seriously...


EDIT: to help us stay on-topic from now on:



lets discuss this one... the zelda we've seen in-game was nothing like this one, infact... she even looked younger than this to my eyes, and that earing seems to be pretty important for the sketches to detail it to that point. any ideas of what it means? maybe it's something who allows her to contact link, like the stone that is a evolved "gossip stone" that tetra uses to contact Link in WW?


And, why the sword? will she come out of twilight realm and fight right beside link, will zelda be playable at some point in time? how would you guy's like it to happen?

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lets discuss this one... the zelda we've seen in-game was nothing like this one, infact... she even looked younger than this to my eyes, and that earing seems to be pretty important for the sketches to detail it to that point. any ideas of what it means? maybe it's something who allows her to contact link, like the stone that is a evolved "gossip stone" that tetra uses to contact Link in WW?


And, why the sword? will she come out of twilight realm and fight right beside link, will zelda be playable at some point in time? how would you guy's like it to happen?


If you look at production sketches in anime dvd's, you would realise that just because it is drawn in detail, does not mean it is important. One of the main reasons items like that are drawn are so that It gives the model designers everything they need to base their creation on. The fact that this game is actaul proper 3d and not cel shading means that the designers would need a lot of attention to detail, and instances like this are common place.


Oh, and I'm glad you can tell if a videgame character is meant to be older or younger, even though all you saw were her forehead, eyes and a bit of nose(iirc).

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If you look at production sketches in anime dvd's, you would realise that just because it is drawn in detail, does not mean it is important. One of the main reasons items like that are drawn are so that It gives the model designers everything they need to base their creation on. The fact that this game is actaul proper 3d and not cel shading means that the designers would need a lot of attention to detail, and instances like this are common place.


Oh, and I'm glad you can tell if a videgame character is meant to be older or younger, even though all you saw were her forehead, eyes and a bit of nose(iirc).

she seemed shorter... but I didn't say she was younger, just that she somewhat looked that way, to me. I wasn't implying it.


also I've seen a lot of "groundworks" for anime and manga, and while you are right about that... I was wondering if it can be anything else, why going for that amount of detail in simple earings? if so all the other jewlery could be detailed in there... my point is... they could be important, that's my feel for it anyway, I could be wrong as it is just speculation.


But if the sketch notes said something relevant we'd already know the translation that's for sure.

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The fact that this game is actaul proper 3d and not cel shading


You say it like Wind Waker wasn't "actual proper 3D". The Wind Waker consisted of three dimensions, making it actual proper 3D. Simply, yes? Just because Wind Waker used a different style and used seemingly less details, it doesn't mean it wasn't 3D. 3D is three demensions, most commonly, Length, Width and Depth.

Both games are actual proper 3D games.


I just wanted to say that :D

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And, why the sword? will she come out of twilight realm and fight right beside link, will zelda be playable at some point in time? how would you guy's like it to happen?


I think if Zelda became playable it wouldn't be part of the main game, maybe a section of the final boss but I think that'd be it. If anyone got the couple's mask on MM then I'm thinking Zelda may be playable in the same way Kafei was, to complete a puzzle or a boss.

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I think at the moment they're updating the graphics engine for the Revolution along with the gameplay tweaks and content (I doubt they would add revolution features though so late into development though), let's face it - this is going to be a Revolution game through and through, it only makes sense. I really don't see why they would continue developing it for a dead console.


It would surprise me if this came on a GameCube disc and it would be a shame if they allowed the Revolution's awesomeness to go to waste.


Hopefully with the Revolution's more RAM and certainly better particle effects capabilities Nintendo can make Hyrule Field look a little less barren.

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Ok first of all i want to appolagize to everyone for my past actions...I didn't realize I was coming on to you guys as arrogent, double posting, and all that stuff. But thanks for telling me because now I know those are things I need to take into consideration and work on. I've never posted on forums before so I'm still learning about like how I should word stuff and all cuz it's different when you're not talking in person and you're having to express yourself in writting like on these forums and it's easy to be misunderstood or be a bitch and not even realize it. I didn't even know how you guys really felt about me till now. But I want to thankyou again for telling me and in a kind way to just let me know there are some things I need to work on. I need to be careful about how I post. So, anyway, what I think about princess Zelda having the sword is she'll help out in the final battle like she did in WW or either ride a great white horse kinda like in OOT on a cut scene and do horseback battle. I really think she'll play a more active role than like the usual " helpless kidnapped princess like peach" I think she'll be more of a warrior princess ( like Xena lol) and appoligies to peach...she does have a more active role in super princess peach, but that's another story! :S lol

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No worries mate. Everyone has a first time right? Just watch you sentence length a bit cos you need to take a breath sometimes. Also the occasional paragraph would be nice.


I would like to see an all out war section. In all Zeldas it is all about isolated battles, but if Hyrule was in that much trouble in OOT then there would be turmoil all over the place, not just where the dungeons are. I think one of my favourite things is that Link really has a home in this game. He did in WW too but in OOT he was quite the outsider (thanks to that annoying Kokiri bloke!). It gives you a feeling of wanting to protect Hyrule you know?

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...I would like to see an all out war section. In all Zeldas it is all about isolated battles, but if Hyrule was in that much trouble in OOT then there would be turmoil all over the place, not just where the dungeons are. I think one of my favourite things is that Link really has a home in this game. He did in WW too but in OOT he was quite the outsider (thanks to that annoying Kokiri bloke!). It gives you a feeling of wanting to protect Hyrule you know?


I think an epic battle would be good, really good!

Remember in the first trailer (E3 '04) we saw an army marching over Hyrule field in the sunset...

rather than Link running to face them in battle as we'd expect, it'd be a great twist to see Link joining them to battle the forces of the Twilight realm!


Enemies must fight together to overcome a newer and greater evil! I'd like that!

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lol you guys are funny. now criticising me about my country! I'm not at all offended though cuz you guys think Americans are stupid and I don't blame you cuz what you see on TV and all over there you see shows and stuff like Andy Milinokis and mad tv and SNL so no wonder you think we're stupid! you have a right to think that! but yes I'm 17 and no I'm not mental and now back on topic...about that we'll see TP this year...how can you be sure about that?


No, its cause of the way you act. I'm American, and the rest of RE doesn't mind me.


I'm also 17, and you act no way like you're my age. Perhaps its just the South...

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