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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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The thing you have to take into consideration is that they might do bundles. I.E. Wii, controller, headset, memory cards/sd cards, etc. Then, games.
I'm all... yay for bundles :yay:


I'd buy the one with 2 wiimote controllers included and the extra acessory to play DVD's (not that i'll use it), a game included would be nice too.

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Guest Stefkov

Im gonna get the bundle with the better game probbably of course or just the dearest one.

hopefully one bundle will be a wii, 2 wiimotes, headset*, DVD playback thing, Classic controller, Zelda, Mario galaxy, 2 free VC downloads.

all for maybe £299.99/£329.99


*may not be real

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I haven't read all these pages, so excuse me if this has come up earlier :


You can get in at press.nintendo.com today with user:media pass:dslite


When you go to twilight princess for gamecube, the screenshots they show are still with the black&white look for the twilight world. There are no screenshots for the Wii version, but we've all seen those screenshots with the bloom effects.

So I think that the bloom effects are only for Wii. Well, that, or they were a bit lazy and didn't update the screenshots for the gamecube version.


Any thoughts?

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So I was driving home from work this morning with my Zelda cd blasting in the car which game me the idea of asking this.


What is your favourite Overworld theme on a Zelda game?


For me its the one from A Link To The Past as its the classic Zelda tune from the original game but better. Plus it was the first Zelda game I ever played so it always brings back good memories. Sure Majoras Mask had a version in of it but it wasnt the same.


A close second would be Wind Wakers tune. It just seemed so right skimming across the ocean with that music playing and the way it faded in and out when an enemy attacked you was genius. This song helped alot when searching for the Triforce pieces.

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Those images are old.

Yes they are.

My question was : did they use the old images because they couldn't be bothered to update them, or because the GC version will use the old graphics and the new ones that use bloom are only for Wii ?

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The answer is that it's not using bloom. The only difference between Wii and GCN is controls and some parts of the level design; graphics wise there's widescreen and maybe 60 fps but that's it.


The effect on that screenshot in the Twilight World is a simpler shader effect that the Cube can do. The Metroid Primes used it too.

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So I was driving home from work this morning with my Zelda cd blasting in the car which game me the idea of asking this.


What is your favourite Overworld theme on a Zelda game?


For me its the one from A Link To The Past as its the classic Zelda tune from the original game but better. Plus it was the first Zelda game I ever played so it always brings back good memories. Sure Majoras Mask had a version in of it but it wasnt the same.


A close second would be Wind Wakers tune. It just seemed so right skimming across the ocean with that music playing and the way it faded in and out when an enemy attacked you was genius. This song helped alot when searching for the Triforce pieces.


Yeah I absolutely love the Wind Waker Overworld tune, makes me feel all warm inside, as does the Hyrule Field theme.

I don't know about favourite as it all depends on how you feel, but probably Wind Waker.

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Yeah I absolutely love the Wind Waker Overworld tune, makes me feel all warm inside...
Yeah, me too. It was the only reason why didn't mind the sailing. I'd also always use the Sun's Song to make it day again, because there's no night theme :smile:


The Majora's Mask overworld theme is a good second.

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