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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)

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Favourite Island on WW hmmmmmm.....not sure if this counts but Hyrule. I loved going back to the OOT world and was saddened near the end when the Hero of Time statue got smashed to bits. I also like the scene where the king arrives and Zelda is first shown as some old skool Zelda music hits from Link to the Past.


If it count's Hyrule would be my favorite aswell.I just felt so emotional and so excited when all those happy memories came back.I loved every minute of being in Hyrule and I got very attatched to it.I can't describe how I felt when I arrived and seeing the remain's of hyrule.

  ShadowV7 said:
If it count's Hyrule would be my favorite aswell.I just felt so emotional and so excited when all those happy memories came back.I loved every minute of being in Hyrule and I got very attatched to it.I can't describe how I felt when I arrived and seeing the remain's of hyrule.
Yeah, that was a magical moment :love:

For some reason I don't get I really liked the forsaken fortress and my own island the most besides Hyrule.

I only completed OoT the first time shortly before playing WW and when I entered Hyrule I actually didn't want to leave. I really felt that I belonged there and tried to soak up as many little details as possible before having to leave again and I was really happy that I eventually got back there.


I hope u get the golden gauntlets in TP. i loved it when u got them in oot. its was just the way u picked up the pillars and threw them away like they were nothing. gets me every time.


welcome to the internet zeldafan2020 lol.


I loved hyrule too in wind waker. Was so awesome! Hope they can recreate some of that magic in TP


It may have already been discussed in the thread but what are people hoping for in terms of Ganons character in TP. I personally loved the "human" touch they gave him in Wind Waker. He was no longer a random guy who wanted to destroy the world but a person with a sad past trying to get his life back. I hope they keep this side of him but also make him B.A and go all piggy on us again.

  Hero-of-Time said:
It may have already been discussed in the thread but what are people hoping for in terms of Ganons character in TP. I personally loved the "human" touch they gave him in Wind Waker. He was no longer a random guy who wanted to destroy the world but a person with a sad past trying to get his life back. I hope they keep this side of him but also make him B.A and go all piggy on us again.

I'm still not quite sure Ganon is the main enemy (I bet somebody has quotes for me now), but I bet he'll be more similar to Ocarina of Time's Ganondorf. If the flooding occurs at the end he may get dramatic though :heh:


I want to see the most horrible, evil looking Ganon ever and for the fight and the music and everything to be really epic and give you chills and for it to be a real complicated battle that'll make your hands sweat so bad, it's hard to control your controller from the sweat. last time I experienced a battle that intense was back in 98 when I beat Gruntilda on Banjo-Kazooie!


For me Ganon this time round (if he does appear) has to make the thing between him and link personal, since all his predecessors have ruined his plans.Thanks means anger and frustration.


Actually i'm gonna make a quite obscure reference. Anyone here watch Justice League Unlimited? Right, anyone seen the penultimate episode of the latest series (Alive). When you-know-who reappears in the new armour with his hands behind his back.


Thats how Ganon should reappear and look this time, totally suped up and completely pissed off.

  kellett03 said:
this should have come out along time ago now, i thinkn all the hypes going down


Kinda agree and disagree really! It will still sell LOADS but i believe alot of people are a little annoyed that it has been delayed so many times and after being promised it would come out November 2005 then being delayed to a vague Autumn 2006 isn't really helping matters.


I have alot of faith that the extra time however has gave this game even more depth and could well be the best game ever! Espicially when it uses the Revolution controls.


E3 should bring us a official release date.




I like the Idea of fighting Gannondorf through 3 stages, the first he's using his magic against you (akin to Wind Waker Shadow Ganon but a little harder, with new attacks and not just aerial), then he resorts to using his sword, not his double swords from WW but his giant sword from the Spaceworld demo (this should be a very hard and intense battle)! Then I'm hoping for the transformation into his beast form Ganon! Oh yes, make it epic!


Is it true that you verse Ganon more than once in the game,like you fight him throughout the game a few time's and then there's the final battle? I read it somewhere ,just don't know if it's true.

  ShadowV7 said:
Is it true that you verse Ganon more than once in the game,like you fight him throughout the game a few time's and then there's the final battle? I read it somewhere ,just don't know if it's true.


The developers have played too much Metroid Prime 2 :p

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