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I think I agree in a way. The way he's distorted is kind of odd, but I think I prefer it with him in because it adds a bit of activity. Sort of like he's interacting with the scene.


Not sure I've put that right, but I know what I mean. Just can't explain it properly.

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Hey cool, you went to the cement works/quarry! Did you access via the fence down by the river?


There were a lot of fences by the river to be fair.


But yes, we did. Although not the obvious hole in the fence that requires you to go across the railway tracks, we found a way that didn't involve trespassing on the railway lines (which is proper illegal as opposed to regular trespassing, which isn't under as long as you obey some certain rules).

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It would make a good level, were it not for the fact that the roof was actually about chest height. I'm not sure what the space was used for to be honest, but it was under one of the main rooms of a cement silo.

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Went back to Shipston cement works recently to get a building/area we missed:













Today's lesson: Always take a tripod no matter how much you think you won't need it. I think I did a good job of using the environment to steady the camera though.

Edited by Goafer
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Similarly I'd love to go to Hashima Island and I nearly did when I was in Japan but they'd just opened it up as a 'tourist spot' (ie made it crap by preventing you from exploring etc).


It's the same at Chernobyl/Pripyat, but there are ways around it. A quote from the report I posted:


The only real factors which stop you are:

A: The temper of your guide

B: The size of bribe you are willing to part with.

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