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This is just general advice, not specifically aimed at anyone!


The Rule of Thirds is what I would consider to be the best advice when it comes to pictures (photo or otherwise). Basically divide the viewing area up into thirds so you end up with a sort of "naughts and crosses" grid. The main focus of the picture should be placed on any of the corners of the inner square, or in the case of lines (horizon, tree etc), put them along any of the lines.


For example: In This picture, I decided the sky was to be the main focus of the picture, so I used a third of the picture for the ground and 2 thirds for the sky. Whereas in This picture, I wanted to ground be the main focus of the image so I framed it with 2 thirds ground and 1 third sky. Basically use whatever is most interesting to fill the 2 thirds.


An example of how an image can be improved by the rule of thirds (sorry to pick on you Naomi, but I think it's the picture that would benefit the most. I like it, it just needs a bit of cropping):




Now that the focus (the pot in this example) has been moved to the top right of the inner square of the imaginary grid, it has (hopefully!) made the image a bit more interesting. At least that's the theory.


No need to measure out the grid. Just try to visualise it.


Obviously rules are made to be broken, but the rule of thirds generally improves most things.



the grid thing makes sense. i took these over the summer and wasn't really considering that.


i was in the rampage actually to get as much info in one picture as possible, idk why...


but it does look better in the corner thanks :)




er idk 4 sure what it is, well i live in texas and i was just kinda walking down the path to the park and saw it.

I made it fuzzy because usually the beautiful and bright colored flower is the clearest and main focus of a picture instead of the greenery, decided to go against the norm :)

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I'd love to have a decent camera. Hate you all.

Don't make me get out my calculator of logic again and figure out how many weeks of fewer boxes of cider, less pouches of tobacco and less xbox games you're never going to play it would take to buy a digital SLR :heh: I mean... you get like £40 a week, so in just 6½ weeks you could get this.... (shit I guess I went ahead and did it)

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Yeah but that was just the minimum possible amount for a £260 camera :heh: you could get a £130 camera and still spend £130 in that time, or yknow... use your student loan. Or wait 13 weeks and spend half the money.

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Does everyone get money from their parents? NOT FAIR! :p


Anyway yes get a shiny new camera jayseven. I have bought myself one but its currently residing at my friend's house until I get time to pick it up.

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I now like you two the best.


The people who get money off their parents and still complain its not enough make me wanna axe their face off.


But thats neither here nor there...


Finally started doing stuff with my flickr account (although just realised theres an upload limit unless I upgrade, ouch!): http://www.flickr.com/photos/35363489@N07/

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Some random ones from travelling. Although I need to find the other albums, got loads more somewhere.


I don't really know if anyone else would see these as good photos, but I love them :p
















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Finally started doing stuff with my flickr account (although just realised theres an upload limit unless I upgrade, ouch!)
It's a monthly limit, iirc?


Google's Picasa is quite nice, and I like the new Photoshop Express too. DeviantArt is a good reliable option.

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Whats the best site to put my photos on?

Ive looked at FlickR and dont really like it.

I've just uploaded some of my photo's to my RedBubble, the links in my sig.

Quite a good place to display them and might be lucky and make a bit of money out of it too, you never know!

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Mucking around with the new camera;


dsc00033hzn.th.jpg dsc00041v.th.jpg dsc00048f.th.jpg

dsc00004l.th.jpg dsc00018h.th.jpg


(yes I was too lazy to leave the house :heh:)


Umm...do the large (and they are LARGE) versions work for anyone? I keep getting generic imageshack frame with no pic :( Oh wait it is now...opened in Safari and then appeared in Opera. Although the last is more vibrant in Safari. Odd. Haaang on, the last one works but not the rest...


Urgh. Rehosted this one though because its my favourite: http://twitgoo.com/5t86

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I don't like the effect on the first one, goaf, I think it might look nicer without it. But the other two are very nice. Think the second would be better without the text, but I assume that's part of the competition?

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