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Sell it, im sure someone on here on eBay or over at AVForums will give you a decent price on it. Something down the lines of £20-£25 inc postage

Guest Stefkov

It was a christmas present, so not only will it not feel nice selling it after all I went through to get one, you saying I'll get that much it's not even worth selling. I'd rather it collect dust.


Tbh as you've already got one you'll be able to pick up some cheap deals on HD-DVDs over the coming months. It's not like all HD-DVD's will stop working once the format dies.

Guest Stefkov

I know that. I plan on getting Heroes on HD. As soon as that comes down in price there's pretty much sod all I will want for HD DVD.

I know that. I plan on getting Heroes on HD. As soon as that comes down in price there's pretty much sod all I will want for HD DVD.


If you only wanted heroes, why did you ask for it for Christmas.. Seems pointless to me.


Have I missed the free arcade game, or they not given that out yet?


Turok demo on Live guys!


First impressions weren't great, for some reason they chose to start the demo in the darkest place ever...'the caves', which you have to get out of...then you see green in the distance and oh my! What a excellent surprise!


Graphically outstanding in my opinion, the dinosaurs and environment are excellent. The main character is quite sluggish at first but overall controls are like any-other FPS and you soon get used to them.


Definately buying it based on the demo, lets hope theres a varied amount of environments around the jungle though, like swamps etc..would be cool.

i cant get on live still :S havent been able to since got 360 back.


Not a turok fan but will download when i can...after i give burnout a go


It's getting mixed responses! You'll either love it or hate it, it seems!

Guest Stefkov
If you only wanted heroes, why did you ask for it for Christmas.. Seems pointless to me.


Have I missed the free arcade game, or they not given that out yet?

It may seem pointless if I said I only wanted it for Heroes.

I said there's sod all, not I'm not getting anything else.


So i'm playing Ep2 for the third time (PC), messing about in Eli's little office, before you've gotta run off to shut the silo door, and after a little... information is revealed, i found this behind some boxes:



I thought it was quite cool


OK here's a mini Turok demo review:


Disappointing.. I didn't get any feeling of playing classic Turok. The graphics, while looking nice on player models, where bland and lifeless. After playing CoD4 a lot it's not nice to get something that looks dull and runs at 30fps (roughly).


The stealth element wasn't really there, blending into the wavy clumps of grass felt silly and when I did get a good knife kill on a guard it went to third person (why) and sparks flew out of their bodies instead of blood (wtf).


Then there's the weapons (a big factor in the Turok franchise). I know it's only a demo but the whole boring dual weapon thing was like a lame Halo rip-off, there weren't anything creative or fun to use.


Finally the Turok mythology wasn't there, (wikipedia Turok if you want a backstory). The story and characters were relegated to a Gears of War style squad thing and it felt very straightforward like many of the 'soldier' games out there. It eschwed the sci-fi fantastical weirdness of the original trilogy.


So yeah, since I think DMC 4 is out the same day, I'll give this a miss until it's cheap, what a shame.


So I fired my 360 up today for the 1st time in 50 odd days and finally downloaded the update. It was weird seeing all the marketplace in its new format but I quickly got used to it. I also downloaded the demo of Turok and quite enjoyed it, I did find the movement a tad slow though.


Mine was going weird for days with it signing in then the dashboard not loadning properly then it suddenly saying sign into Xbox Live. Seems to be working again now though.


Managed to get on Live again after a long struggle and all is well once again. I am contemplating downloading the Turok demo as i quite liked the previous titles on the N64, but some views of it so far sound like it isn't much good.

Managed to get on Live again after a long struggle and all is well once again. I am contemplating downloading the Turok demo as i quite liked the previous titles on the N64, but some views of it so far sound like it isn't much good.


Well considering it doesnt cost anything to download the demo you should just check it out.

Well considering it doesnt cost anything to download the demo you should just check it out.


Doesn't cost anything in monetary terms no, personally though I'd prefer not to waste time downloading and playing demos of games that the general consensus is that it's rubbish when I could be playing other games. :heh:

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